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The Pill Anonymous 19675

Do any nonas here take hormonal birth control? I just started in an attempt to manage my PMDD but feel pretty paranoid and discouraged based on others peoples experiences. Does birth control really fuck up your hormones and choice in moids? Nervous about blood clots as well, any experiences or opinions on hormonal BC would be helpful

Anonymous 19680

>Does birth control really fuck up your choice in moids?
I have no evidence in favour or against this but this sounds like incel cope to me.

Anonymous 19682

I take the mini-pill, which is a progesteron only pill. Been on it for at least 8 years. Haven't had a period in all those years, not even spotting, which is absolute pure bliss! I plan on switching to a hormonal IUD. It's basically the same thing (progesteron based), except cheaper, lasts for 8 years, and no more hassle with taking a pill daily.
>Does birth control really fuck up your hormones?
You mentioned PMDD which means your hormones are already messing with you. Might as well go on BC to help ease the struggle.
>and choice in moids?
Haven't noticed change in moid preference. I still prefer fictional ones.
>blood clots
This can be a problem when you're a smoker and taking an estrogin based pill. Normally you're doctor will assess the risk by asking questions about general health. If you have a higher chance of blood clots, they might recommend the progesteron only one.
>any experiences or opinions on hormonal BC
I honestly love it. If I knew I could stop my period with BC earlier, I would've taken it the moment I started menstruating. It's great not to keep track of my period or to remind myself to buy a stash of tampons and pads. No more leaking, no more sleepless nights because of going to the bathroom, no more cramps or back pain. Greatest invention ever if you ask me!

Anonymous 19686

Good thing my moid is already feminine

Anonymous 19717

>Does birth control really fuck up your hormones and choice in moids?
Now this is a totally wild claim op I think you ought to back it up or something

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