
scars Anonymous 19908
nonas with cutting scars, how do you deal with them?
Anonymous 19909
clothing. sadly. i have leg scars and ones in a shape (euch). idk what to do. considering surgery to get rid of the shape one tbh. but idk how risky that would be. has anyone done this? (burns scars)
Anonymous 19910
>>19909i'm thinking of getting surgery too. i almost wanna just say fuck it and stop hiding but idk if i could stomach that tbh
Anonymous 19911
they don't hurt but i avoid looking at them whenever i can. no idea how i'm going to explain to a guy that manages to see me naked why i have cuts on my legs. i hope the tumblr pedo who groomed me into self harm for his fetish while i was depressed, who trooned out a few years later is rotting in hell right now.
Anonymous 19913
>>19908I'm kinda okay with them. My boyfriend also has a bunch of scars too (far deeper than mine) and he's also okay with them. We don't really hide them anymore, it's just. Okay. We don't particularly hate them. I don't know if this is the advice you want. I go outside without hiding my scars the same way I go outside without hiding my unshaved legs. It's just that with time you kind of realise that people don't really look at you, and if they do it and express negative sentiment towards you then they're pretty weird for taking a bunch of healed scars (and leg hair on women) so seriously.
Anonymous 20002
>>19913has anyone said anything about it?
im worried friends & family will think of me differently for it
Anonymous 20003
I cover them with clothes easily but I'd be sad to get with a man and have him be disgusted by my scars when we get intimate. Someday I'll stop giving a fuck but I have pretty much accepted that no one will find me desirable.
Anonymous 20006
>>20002Familly has said stuff when they first found out I cut when I was a teenager. They were unsupportive and it was awful. Bf's familly was supportive from what he told me and no one has mentioned his scars to him even though his are deeper/more noticeable. Though since he's a man his experience with it is probably vastly different. Strangers do not speak about them to me, but I've had one time with my physical therapist where she asked me if I was attacked by a bear or something (she wasn't being mean to me, she's actually great) but she noticed it made me a bit uncomfortable (I don't think she realised it was self harm scars) and dropped the topic pretty fast. I've gone to the beach and pool with those scars visible. After a few years with them it starts to become "okay". They're not fresh anyway, and they'll probably stay forever but it's okay. A lot of people have scars/weird stuff on their body and we rarely notice it ourselves. I hope my post could help.
Anonymous 20135

I use clothes.
I am married now. They are a part of me. I don't like the look of them but hell, fuck surgery.
Anyone trying to flex on me with their picture perfect lives can go fuck themselves.
I will never let myself forget what I got through.
Anonymous 20141
Most people don't notice them. Very few people know what cutting scars really look like, so i think most people just assume it was from an accident or something? especially if your scars are like picrel where its just 3 minor ones i don't think the average normie will even notice.
Personally, i have only had 3 people in my life comment on my scars. none of them knew it was from cutting so i just made an excuse that i used to volunteer at an animal shelter and i got lots of cat scratches and they believed it. Mine are 10 years old so theyve probably faded somewhat anyways.
Anonymous 20144
They've healed now so I don't have to. Just moisturize as usual that'll help I think.
And I don't hide them now, which helped me feel more comfortable with myself. When they're healed no one pays that much attention unless they're up close.
The only downside is it attracts scum like self harm/ed fetishists and whatever
Anonymous 20145
>>20144>attracts scum like self harm/ed fetishistsEw, did you experience that irl? How do they even disclose that shit to someone?
Anonymous 20146
>>20141Lots of older women think mine are cat scratches. I just tend to cover them up with long sleeves in profesional settings as long as the building I work in isn't very hot to avoid any dodgy questions. Some of my coworkers at my old job knew I did it. The only problem is that now I have some pretty distinct scars that are words/numbers so if they don't heal well I'll feel obliged to tattoo them or hide them not wanting to explain them away. Very nervous because I'm going to a job seeker meet up soon and I definitely want to cover up my scars as if not to come across badly. I already look young for my age and present pretty "immature" for a woman in her 20s, the last thing I need is my scars further degrading me in front of a bunch of professionals, so under that circumstance I'm gonna hide them for at least a few weeks
Anonymous 20149
>>20146moisturize daily. massage. get some silicone strips. do it asap (once they’ve stopped scanning obviously). i have one in a shape and HATE IT.
Anonymous 20152
>>20149>>20150i carved them in December / early January it might be too late since they've been scabbed and healed over for some time
mine is just an angel number and a few letters (INVU) so it's not like it's anything that couldn't get tatted over. just embarrassing
Anonymous 20168
>>20152NTA but it's been less than a year so you will still get some fading and using a silicone strip will help expedite it. They can also work somewhat on ancient scars but better within the first year which thankfully you still are. Keep it super moisturized and put sunscreen on it this summer even if you don't use it on your body to avoid the scar developing hyperpigmentation. If you can avoid that this summer that would be a massive help to avoiding it being noticable in the future. If you can find vitamin e oil (or gel capsules you can burst) then rub that on it too. Bio oil also has a vitamin e oil with other ingredients to help but it might not be available in your area. If it is 100% recommend.
If you have prescription insurance (and acne or skin issues) try and snag a prescription for Arazlo. I got it for my acne and realised it helps all scarring really crazy well like acne scars and places I've picked. Even years old scars fade and burn marks especially disappear altogether somehow. I think it's a retinol/vitamin a? Either way I super recommend it if you can get it. Especially if you are prone to hyperpigmentation around your scars. I had some words I wrote in my thigh and it's mostly gone, I got out of the habit of applying it so they haven't totally gone but I can confirm the scars don't reappear when you stop the cream. Any fading that happens is permanent
Anonymous 20300
I have really bad scars from the past including stitches from different parts of my body (mostly legs nd wrist) i dont really hide them nor i get bothered looking at them. Its really hard for me to care about what people may think of them
Anonymous 20301
I did a bleach bath for skin issues and it somehow resurfaced cutting scars I didn't even know I had fml. If I ever have a kid that cuts I am going to beat it.
Anonymous 20342
Luckily I don't have that many so they aren't super noticeable but I cover them with jewelry (on my wrists)
Anonymous 20343
applying glycolic acid a few times a day and then thick moisturizer/bio oil/cocoa butter. and keep them out of the sun cause it'll make them much worse
Anonymous 20496
I don't think it's worth stressing yourself out. i have pretty bad ones on my legs but eventually it gets hot enough outside that i stop giving a fuck and just wear the shorts. There is a lot of societal pressure for people to just mind their own business so even if they notice things like that they aren't gonna go through the awkwardness of bringing it up with you. I've only ever had like 2 people mention it to me in a solidarity type way which is still pretty awkward but not rude or anything.
Anonymous 20520
i have scars on my inner upper thighs, so not very noticable.
I make sure to exfoliate them more as part of my shower routine and used lemon and baking soda when they were pinker. A tattoo (whether temporary or not) is something i have been considering, probably like a robot/cyborg looking body tattoo.