Anonymous 20278
i'm getting an iud at the end of the month cause of my endometriosis. i'm a virgin. how bad is it gonna hurt?
Anonymous 20279

More of a /hb/ topic but I’ll let the mods decide…
Good luck anon. Never gotten an iud I still get flashbacks from my first Pap smear, they'd have to sedate me for an iud placement but everyone I’ve talked to say it’s painful but bearable. If you have endo you probably have felt worse. They also say it’s super worth it (especially the copper coil)
See if you can get gas + air or numbing but at least take ibuprofen before the appointment.
Anonymous 20280
>>20279sorry bout that! my blind ass thought i was on /hb/ LOL. mods feel free to banish me.
thanks for the advice, i think i'm getting numbing cause i disclosed my autism to them.
Anonymous 20281
Once it's in I didn't find any problems aside from things touching my cervix. It hurt a decent chunk to put it in, but the main thing afterwards to be careful about is anything touching the cervix cause it will be rather tender or painful. At least in my experience it was. Also the string-like thing will poke at first but soften inside with time. It's not going to feel weird inside for you but fingers and penises will feel it. It might poke the dick a little bit for a few months, but you'll be fine. If anything it'll be a sharp poke to stop them from ramming the cervix and hurt it while it's recovering kek.
For the insertion of the iud the docs gave me a softner pill I think. I don't remember what it was exactly but I think it was supposed to soften to cervix and I also got one advil/tylenol. Try and see if you can request something to soften the cervix if you can
Anonymous 20282
can't speak for hormonal IUDs since mine is copper, but holy shit the insertion hurt SO MUCH and the worst part is I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD HURT AT ALL. First and only time I felt so much pain that I literally thought I was gonna puke and the medical staff was giving me rubbing alcohol to sniff so I wouldn't vomit. I'd still have gotten it knowing that, bc the copper IUD is non-hormonal and im bipolar so I rly dont need the extra mood swings that hormonal bc gives me. I just really wish they had used some kind of local anesthetic, ffs why wouldn't that be the norm, with that level of pain.
Maybe the hormonal ones have less painful insertions than the copper IUD bc they seem to be made out of silicone or something else that is definitely more flexible/able to bend than copper.
Also, the copper IUD gives you longer, heavier, more painful periods. I was told I'd simply get used to it and it would get less pronounced over time, which it hasn't. But as I said, hormonal bc makes me cry for days for literally no reason so I still prefer the physical pain over feeling suicidal for days and days every time I menstruate. Ofc your mileage may vary if your brain isn't defective like mine.
Anonymous 20283
>>20279copper IUD haver here, can confirm its worth it, but no anesthesia was ever even discussed as a possibility. they did give me prescription ibuprofen like 30 min before but yea, most pain ive ever felt.
the good news is that the pain is not prolonged.
felt like i had to use the bathroom after but I in fact did not really have to
Anonymous 20284
>>20281lmao my moid compared the feel of recent-IUD-sex to fucking SOUNDING xD i kekd
Anonymous 20285
Mine went in fine it didn't hurt
Anonymous 20286
>>20278Get Nexplanon, the arm implant instead. Same mechanism, but no one has to shove their fingers up you.
Anonymous 20287
it's gonna make it way worse