Anonymous 20299
What women's beauty trends do you find ridiculous?
Anonymous 20320
>>20299most fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions
Anonymous 20518
high heels, makeup, combed hair, sitting on couches, being active in social networks, pointing camera around, painting nails, jewelry, tattoos, piercings, dogs, horses, perfume, complicated haircuts, shoes that make walking difficult
Anonymous 20519
>>20299rn the mullet bowlcut combo haircut
Anonymous 20539
the russian eyelash extensions
Anonymous 20546
>>20299showing too much skin, big boobs, big nips, bbl, makeup, "sexy" clothing and basically
>>20518all of that
seeing other women try so hard for male validation is kind of hilarious ngl
Anonymous 20548
>>20518But that's not ridiculous, that's awesome
Anonymous 20556
>>20518lolwut, how are dogs and horses a beauty trend…..?
Anonymous 20558
>>20548>But that's not ridiculous, that's awesomei dunno. i consider it more like cosplaying generic factory-assembled women. the same perpetually incomplete stupid conformist being born over and over again in different bodies looking for the world to breathe life into her. if they do it long enough they may forget that it is theater and whatever remaining drops of authentic humanity left in them dry out making them wooden puppets.
>lolwut, how are dogs and horses a beauty trend…..?they aren't beauty trends obviously but they seek to scratch the same itch with equal lack of success. after they paint the face or trap the dog, the itch still itches.