>rectified by pregnancy aka rebalance of hormons and ofc upkeep by the husbandthat would mean a person barely making due healthwise with their regular habits just supporting one body is all of the sudden healthy when a second body is being grown inside through the magic of hormones? make it make sense.
>the decision may or may even not be up to you (not like you assume), also spoiled.these accident-babies by immature and irresponsible people who just wanna fuck are weighing the species down and ruin the lives of the parents, the responsible thing to do is to have children when the parents are ready and able.
>beggars cant be choosers. yeah don't be a beggar, look a little into the future and realize that for whatever you are doing in life, your good health, which is a direct result of your habits, is the foundation for it that will help you achieve the impossible and keeping problems out of your path.
>RA°lity is pretty grim. hard struggle, to find a partner from the same ethnic subbranch (multicultural wolrd)i try to fight the urge to roll my eyes at this because who am i to poop on your dream. if it really matters to you i wont say anything, i don't agree with the underlying ideology but whatever, you do you, you better have developed some body confidence through something equivalent to dancing, yes dancing.
>and lose all their hard historical genealogical dna coded "skills" and memoriesi don't think it's true that you lose stuff like irreversible. it just keeps getting better, whatever you use, your child can pick up and reach your level of skill quicker but keep in mind depending on culture and technology it might make very little sense to pick up what you or your ancestors have left.
>or do you want to die out? no this is where i can't fight the urge to roll my eyes because that means you identify with your group and not your species, which i look down on. by all means have your favorites but don't feed this idiocy of being in competition with other humans. that's where all your needless struggles originate that keep you too busy to actually do something in life.
>theres a war for your genes/DNA, for YOUR genetic information, for immortality (=children) and for you.that's nothing that is able to withstand intelligent scrutiny so i don't bother with it.
>And you dont want to procreate because it could be evil or a hard life or not turn out optimally or simply "didnt decide to because (of pessimism) or because you looked at how other ppl failed"? then even unhealthy, mysterymixtura "people" or children with only one parent have more chances of survival than youyour foolish quest for immortality is introducing to you the risk of making you more generic and forgettable then you would have if you just happily lived your life.
>now take a look at all these halfbreeds, quarters and so on. i have in my life made contrary experience and somewhat envied the children who had parents from different parts of the world. they seemed to have slightly better rolls of the dice but really just slightly. i have no reason to believe it matters. what matters way more is attitude.
>or all the people who willfully contaminated their dna/gametes with modRNA.yeah that was such a foolish thing to do. in a way it punished all the right people still i believe it was a crime against humanity and i will accept no reality in which it will be forgotten. there will be consequences.
>they are torn existences ALREADY and their offspring? and the offspring of their offspring (BIG IF fertile)? no bueno at all…it isn't bueno but a lot of it can be regenerated by those who are smart enough to seek nature out for help. all this shit can be detoxed out with nattokinase (this isolate from soy), curcumin and this pineapple isolate i have forgot the name of. the naturopathic protocollls have been existing for 1 or 2 years already, there might be even better ones that i am not hip to.
>it will be even harder too for my own offspring to find a suitable partnerlet alone to activate their genetic memory, latent skills ect, it will be even harder than it is for me, the world plunging into ignobleness and hodgepodges and people being indecisive…
you seem to be awfully attached to the past. the best stuff i have found in life is when i looked what my ancestors, which i do not respect, struggled with while they turned into obedient, humorless totalitarian puppets who believed life is war. i studied their foolishness and did the hard work that they were too irresponsible and groupminded to even critically investigate.
>to not know your own genealogy, your own and your peoples history (by dna intactness/purity/good savefile), that makes you forget the lessons you learned from past mistakes. you must look up to your ancestor. mine where idiots, so i traced them back to their last fuctioning state and carried on from there. don't be too proud to question your gods or you will never see how dumb they have been.
>you will be doomed to repeat these mistakes allthewhile the other participants of the "genetic war" remember… that is even if you "decide to get pregnant"the mistakes were made because they acted without thinking critically and without minding consequences. my life in my time period has a completely different set of challenges, my ancestors with their easy life would have grown mad in this modern technological nightmare. i envy how easy their life was. they would have despaired in this dystopia.
>having been in education most of my lifemay i ask you to share what respectable wisdoms youve gazed upon? in my life, im at crossroads. cant decide wether to take part in higher edu or do something more "easy", since laziness pays out in the NOW.
one wisdom i have gained by spending thousands of hours with thousands of people is that rare people are way rarer then i would have expected. most people are just basic, predictable trash, drawn to irresponsibility like moths to the light. basically clones. all the same. you think when you sit in a room with 20 people for 8 hours that the next 20 people will be different and unique but i have not found this to be true. just a big pot of human slop unfortunately.
i think higher education is a scam, it is a conveyor belt driving you into corruption. it made sense when the access to knowledge was not like it was today. now education only slows and traumatizes you. instead be active. try lots of stuff. make good use of the daylight and learn as much in the real world as you can. find what you would not hate doing and then try to bundle it into a profession in a way you don't hate.
>no hope, im the most pessimistic person i know and even i learned, that there is always hope (pandoras box)i'm not saying it is impossible and hope with optimism indeed are wonderful regenerative medicines, a more precise way woulud be: many are stuck in a downward spiral