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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20305

What is Leon's hairstyle called? Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?

Anonymous 20306

>What is Leon's hairstyle called?
>Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?
No, Anyone with straight hair could have that style without even trying.

Anonymous 20333

No, anyone can try that style, although I think it's easier for women because of usually longer hair

Anonymous 20355

Idk but my brother has a similiar hairstyle, he gets the sides cut close like in a buzz cut but he has them leave the top medium length, he calls it his shrigma male mushroom head style.

Anonymous 20356

lips length straight hair with curtain bangs and a side part and some layering maybe

Anonymous 20358

it's basically a layered bob (like the stereotypical karen style) with curtain bangs

Anonymous 21074

Your brother sounds funny

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