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Is it normal to want a prosthetic in place of a healthy limb? Anonymous 20335

First time posting, probably messed something up, sorry if so.

Its not ‘from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh it sickened me’, but more, i think i would look so fucking hot with an entire arm made out of hydraulic-mechanical type beast machinery. I feel as though that is how Im supposed to look. But yeah, i feel pretty disgusting thinking this given that people genuinely struggle with disabilities as a result of being an amputee.

Anonymous 20341

>supposed to look like
thats not normal but youre not alone. theres people out there with biidisorder who feel like that. they usually suppress the fantasy though so they dont end up cutting their arm off or gorging their eyes out.
having a cyborg arm would be cool but unless youre suparich youll end up with a plastic or wooden string stick with 1000x less functionality than your normal arm.

Anonymous 20350

Well, it depends. You seem more like a 'robot arm cool' kinda Nona than 'I need this arm off of me now'
If it is the latter though, I'd say you've got Body Integrity Dysphoria. It's 'normal' in the same way that cancer is normal, in that it's humanly possible but not really good for you.

In all honesty though the real problem is when people want to cut the arms off of other people.

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