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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20359

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny

Anonymous 20360

I'd say they always have been toxic, but there's more exposure due to (social) media.

Also I hate to mention it but do other people not think the obvious holding-my-breath pose looks awkward? Like you can easily tell, does it not look weird to people?

Also the smile and face on the reality pic is super cute and her mole placement is sooo nice.

Anonymous 20361

Everybody who makes money off of being hot's picture/videos should come with a QR code that links to a pic of them in "the reality" pose with no makeup on.

Anonymous 20362


Anonymous 20363

lol agree
beauty trends have always been toxic for women in every time period. the false importance placed on our outward appearance takes effort and appreciation away from our actions, which are what really define us. we need: nourishing food so we can think and move properly, comfortable clothes so we can be protected from the elements, and basic hygiene so we stay healthy. everything beyond that is extra and some women pile on so much extra they forget to live. i don't preach too hard to other people, i just try to be a good example by being happy and pleasant in public

Anonymous 20364

>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
some of you are too soft ngl, I'd kill to be her in the 'reality' pic

Anonymous 20367

>>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
That's not the point at all tho?

Anonymous 20368

Short answer: Because it sells products and services.

That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.

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