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/hb/ - Health & Beauty


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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20390

how to get more feminine body structure?

Anonymous 20393

you can't, the structure of your body won't change. don't be too skinny, that's a masculine trait.

Anonymous 20395

tranny thread

Anonymous 20451

how tbh, not all body types on a woman are feminine. this is a valid question

Anonymous 20452

the most feminine body structures are hourglass and pear. basically anything where your hip to waist ratio is great (as in quantity). both are determined by bone structure, and an hourglass is harder to get but being bottom heavy in one way or another is feminine, so train legs/ass/hipsn

Anonymous 20486

be female, that's it. consider the strength/health of your body rather than the shape of it <3

Anonymous 20487

We're on cc, a good portion of the users are moids and trannymoids. Women might even be a minority here actually.

Anonymous 20489

is this actually true? i don't disbelieve it, but are you exaggerating? i'm kinda in and out/new here, usually come here to try and make female friends. very disappointing how difficult it is to find a female space that isnt just soulless normies

Anonymous 20491

Browse this site for a couple days, it's not hard to notice the obvious scrote posts, and if you happen to catch the right post on 4chins you might even see moids admitting to infiltrating this place

Anonymous 20492

Exactly. Just look for the pedo shit and antisemitism

Anonymous 20493

man im too autistic for this shit

i thought this was a place for us, nona….. sabishi

Anonymous 20494

what is even the point then? is there another space to go to?

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