Gyaru Culture/Fashion Anonymous 20440
Anyone else like any Gyaru fashion types? I know there’s a lot but please anyone. I hate the Gyaru Reddit and Gyaru on most other sites are annoying they/them egirl types who get the style wrong. I want Gyaru in its purest form untainted by TikTok or twitter. I know it’s unappealing to some people because most styles are tacky/extreme/or straight up against conventional beauty, but I like it because it feels free and unrestricted by beauty standards. It’s about being crazy and wild so it’s fun. I’ll be dumping Gyaru pics from most styles but if you like Gyaru feel free to add any or we can all discuss Gyaru.
Anonymous 20523

hi nona, im a big gyaru fan too!! have been for a while. so nice to see a thread about this lol
the type of gyaru you seem to like is called manba and ganguro theyre all pretty "extreme" or just well, over the top. my fashion preference when it comes to gyaru fashion is more agejo, goshikku, rokku and oneegyaru..hime is also a really common fashion style which i like too
Anonymous 20526
Why is cosplaying as british girls a thing in Japan?
Anonymous 20586
>>20524>>20526Does that look British to you anon?