
looking younger/cuter Anonymous 20483
is it possible to look younger or at least cuter with mature features? i got told i look 23 which isn't bad but i recently turned 18.
i try to look cute with makeup but i guess even that's not working. it doesn't help i'm 170cm. help?
Anonymous 20484
yes it is possible. your body tries to visualize your personality.
if you are asshole pretending to be nice, you'll slowly morph into a karen and sooner or later start to look the part, short hair and all. the other day i saw a young mailwoman delivering letters to houses. i don't think there was anything wrong with her physically. seemed to be in ok shape. but she was just a soulless robot who sacrificed herself so the asshole people can get their letters that they don't want.
whatever is wrong with you, your body will display. whatever is great about you, your body will display.
if you are charming, honest and optimistic and wholesome, you wont become such an eyesore.
don't anyone talk to me about genes, go fuck yourself if that is what you believe. everyone has the chance to look somewhat charming and attractive and the reason people don't is because their trash psychologically. just because you were not born to be a swedish supermodel does not mean you don't have it in you to be cute and fun and wonderful. it's not the genes, it negative psychology; an unhealthy relationship with the self that causes people to become ugly. self-doubt, self-hate, aggression, envy, greed, impatience, those are the problems. genes are the scapegoat, thoughts are the real culprit; gaslighting you into blaming the genes.
Anonymous 20488
Makeup tends to make you look older not younger, it takes some of the freshness away. You might have luck with a different hairstyle (ask a hair stylist) and avoiding dark colors in your clothes. If you're trying to look like a cute jpop idol who looks like 15 at 25, that's probably not realistic.
That said late teens and early twenties girls/women generally don't look significantly older/younger than the other so I'd personally not worry about it. You probably look about your age honestly.
Anonymous 20500
Makeup makes you look older. The best you can do is to try to maintain a healthy weight (thinner if possible) and have a "cute" hairstyle that frames your face in a complimentary way, along with making sure your skin is not dehydrated. There's a lot more to life than aging. Do not encourage the algorithm to recommend you more videos in that category whether it be on YouTube shorts or TikTok. Focus on a cute fashion style that you like. Stay off of vindicta and looksmaxxing shit, I wish I did. It rots your brain.
Anonymous 20507
in my experience when i wore eyelashes and more complicated makeup i looked older,,, now i do a more downturned eyeliner (Straight out to the side) which gives my eyes a bigger look and makes me look younger,, that and use highlighter and having bright skin will help
Anonymous 20509
op why do you care how you look (something you have very limited control over) instead of caring how you behave and what you do (something you have complete control over).
that's like having a car and instead of using the car to visit places, run errands, transport stuff, help people and help yourself, you just spend the day wondering how the car should look.
stupid main character, life is short.
Anonymous 20540
>>20509some people simply like to look more youthful if you don't have any advice don't bother replying
Anonymous 20541
>simply like to look more youthfulno that's not what it is, that's merely the least nasty perspective on your choice of being nothing but a corrupted teamplayer. you decided it is ok to be nothing but an actor in life and have the producers choose you to do their bidding so all you worry about is how to appear more attractive at the casting call.
life is more then just casting, rehersing and theater. i pitty your passive attitude towards life.
Anonymous 20547
>>20541i do agree it's a shame that most posters on this site seem to care way too much about their appearance for some strange reason. theres more to life than what you look like, you should be living for you, not for what you think everyone else would like.
Anonymous 20550
>>20541there's nothing wrong with being on the "casting call" if it means getting the things you want in life (connections, positive feedback loop, hq moid, happy family, hierarchal recognition for achievements) as beauty in most cases unlike men is the only way for a woman to achieve those
you're too quick to judge people trying to better their lives because you want to avoid the reality that looks matter
so you cured cancer? so you got more out of life? congrats but you're still old, ugly, childless so no one cares
here's the bottomline: there's zero benefits to helping a society that hates you
let girlies have their hobbies :)
Anonymous 20553
>>20550Nonas don't repeat the descriptors in this post unless you want an autoban, fyi. Anonymous 20555
Soft light makeup, loose "messy" hairstyles, trendy clothes. 170cm is not that tall unless you're from an asian country I guess. Like someone else said, stay hydrated, use moisturizer for plump skin, looking young is all in the skin.
Anonymous 20560
>>20550>there's nothing wrong with being on the "casting call" there is, you just can't see it because you are blinded by the street light directly above you.
>if it means getting the things you want in life (connections, positive feedback loop, hq moid, happy family, hierarchal recognition for achievements) as beauty in most cases unlike men is the only way for a woman to achieve thoseyou're just a soldier who is destined to find out the things you wanted in life are nothing compared to your dignity, which you sacrifice to get the things you are as of yet too dumb to understand are nothing.
to end on a positive note: i hope the next time someone gives you money to suck a bodypart of them, it is just their tiny finger.
Anonymous 20561
>>20550>but you're still old, ugly, childless so no one caresif you were a real human though and not a wooden puppet, you would not even 'suffer' from this point of view. you'd just be alive, enjoying the brief moment of human existence and left the world better then you have found it.
you leave the world in a state that fucks up future generations even more then you have been fucked up. you just perpetuate the mistake. you just carry the problem into the future. complete waste of a life. just a selfish pleasure drone taking orders from the hierarchy to have a nicer bedroom.
i hope the next bodily fluid that a paying customer spills on you is merely sweat.
Anonymous 20570
>>20561>>20560do you have schizophrenia anon? i feel you misunderstood me completely and failed to address the points in my post, instead going on an imaginary rant about me
i dont sell my body unless youre one of those seething blackpill lesbians that thinks hetero relationships are slavery
my point is if you want to get ahead in life, you need to give a shit about what you look like as a woman tenfold, so going for ops neck because she cares about her looks is annoying
everyone knows for a woman is about looks
>whether you have a partner that cares about you>whether you get recognition for your achievements>whether you get respect from anyone>whether you are seen as human>whether you make social connections>whether you get paid morewomen know this its why we share beauty tips and do makeup
>enjoying the brief moment of human existence and left the world better then you have found itwhy would you want to make the world a better place for people who hate you? why would you do that when in return all you get is dehumanisation and disrespect? youre funny calling me a wooden puppet when you have to be emotionless to not experience suffering from it
>you leave the world in a state that fucks up future generationsanother schizo rant about me
lmfao show me where im making the world a worse place by doing the bare minimum to make me happy
Anonymous 20574
>>20570Nta but you are either lying or can't perceive the real world for what it is. Most of what you listed has nothing to do with dolling your self up except for catching (but not keeping.. You can never secure that) a high value male or whatever for the lazy vacant girlies. Look up richest or most respected women in whatever field (except for "entertainment". Including porn) and yeah, THE GIRLIES seem to have not much hobbies showing on their body.. sad. The most brilliant and successful women are mostly just clean and tidy looking.
>why would you want to make the world a better place for people who hate you? You are serving them with your pleasant outer shell and diminished inner will you tard. Keep buying plastics and chemicals and diminishing your awareness. training your mind to 24/7 visualize how you are perceived, but never perceiving the world and it's people. Ultimately living with no real consciousness.
Just be truthful. Say that putting makeup and dressing girly makes you horny when you think, oh just how much a male is gonna desire you and own you so good. It's exhilarating yes. But it's better for YOU in the long term to satisfy your mind, not your clit.
Any woman who says she is doing it for herself is just a dumb girlie. Have some introspection and the unconscious will be conscious. Wishing all girlies enlightenment someday, or not. Death eventually saves us all
Anonymous 20575
>do you have schizophrenia anon?oh you are so hopelessly generic, you are not even worth a response. this is charity.
>get ahead in lifewhat makes you genuine human is no longer in you. you lack the soul. you are just a reflection. you are thoroughly entangled into the illusion of consumption, hoping to find enough fuel to afford an empire that is supposed to be the substitute for the humanity you have evicted.
you're like a house that nobody lives in.
Anonymous 20576
>everyone knows for a woman is about looksthat's just you being basic and insecure.
>whether you have a partner that cares about you>whether you get recognition for your achievements>whether you get respect from anyone>whether you are seen as human>whether you make social connections>whether you get paid moreto me this is nothing but a sad cry for help and an admission that beside your physical form you have nothing going for yourself to the degree that you don't even understand what else there could be.
>women know this its why we share beauty tips and do makeupno it is because you are ashamed of the way you really look so you flee into fantasy; just like the incel who eats fastfood and plays videogames all day. same stupid impulse.
>why would you want to make the world a better place for people who hate you? everyone hates you? i get that there is hate but nobody ever liked you?
>why would you do that when in return all you get is dehumanisation and disrespect? disrespect as well as insults and disapproval are not real. they are part of a war that the idiots fight in their neverending wasteful war for control over everything, meanwhile they are shortlived biological creatures wasting their short life being busy accumulating more than they can even account for. that's just dumb. why would you participate in this delusion. you must have never felt good for no reason. you must have never found the good stuff in life.
>youre funny calling me a wooden puppet when you have to be emotionless to not experience suffering from iti do have genuine innocent appreciation and happiness left inside me that i am keeping mostly to myself because it makes the people who don't have it crazy. for all the drama of those people who get triggered by genuine positive emotion, i don't really have patience left. you could call that emotionless, i'd call it just being worn down by drama to the point that i just don't consider dramatic, desperate, competitve, guilty and broken people part of whatever i am. i guess it is more of a distance. when you would insult me, that would not matter because i don't think you matter so your insult is meaningless.
>you leave the world in a state that fucks up future generationsanother schizo rant about me
i'm not trying to be an asshole about it but i do believe you are garbage.
>lmfao show me where im making the world a worse place by doing the bare minimum to make me happyit is the general generic direction of seeking approval like a dog, wanting to impress others, being a stupid mindless consumer, stepping over others to get ahead, those are all just symptoms of you being a garbage person. makes total sense to me that nobody ever liked you. you think life is war, you are supposed to be unpopular and broken because those are the side effects of that fight you insist on. now stand tall for what you ordered, soldier.
Anonymous 20898
>>20547Almost no one will pay attention to a girl if she isn't pretty… most men wont even bother with a girl if he doesn't consider her somewhat attractive, and then people wonder why girls worry a lot about how they look.
Anonymous 20899
Reminds me of those quora "answers" where someone asks a question and someone just says "ummm why would you want to do that?" and contributes nothing but making themselves feel superior by being "beyond" the discussion. Very fail and slappable reddit behavior.
As for your question OP yep it is very possible. Having better skin will make you look younger, so health plays a role, and also doing more cute and youthful makeup and wearing youthful vibes outfits, you can make yourself younger.
Anonymous 20906
>Almost no one will pay attention to a girl if she isn't prettywhat do you mean when you say "attention". when i read your text you almost make me think of an old economist describing the world in macroeconomic terms while being completely clueless about the reality of the human individuals this ideology encompasses.
attention, that is that is another person's time you don't seem to be respective of. there is clearly some non-mutual inconsideration happening on your part by even thinking in those terms. i guess you view the world exclusively in what it can do for you and your unending desire for passive income and rising interest rates.
what do you want with the attention once it is paid to you and how come you even complain about the flow of attention. attention seems to me to be one of the few not yet corrupted expression of humanity. people pay attention to what is interesting to them; unless they are forced which i am sure you don't have that much of a problem with. when you personally, yes you, are not "paid attention" that means the person (that human behind your entitled perspective of considering everyone else a potential customer to your empire) does not consider you interesting. just handle the rejection already.
the fuck is wrong with you when you believe everyone owes you attention, like you are the owner of other people and they are indebted to you and the only way to pay the debt is to consider you interesting and spend time starting at you even though clearly you are not intersting to other people.
no that's not people only paying attention to the pretty ones, that is you not handeling rejection and failing to learn how to earn other people's time. that's you not getting the hint. that's you being so experienced in irresponsibility that it does not even occur to you that people have the choice not to be interested in you and that it is up to you to make them want to. cause and effect. what is stopping you? you could just cease to be this boring generic npc of a person and start living life away from the couch.
make me want to pay attention to you, don't complain that i don't. you have your whole life backwards. is your life incomplete unless other people validate you? are you only worth what other people tell you you are? seems like it. sounds so immature to me that i am surprised you know how to read and write because children with that kind of attitude towards the world learn to read and write when they are 6 years old so that means you are at least 6. stupid little child not handling rejection.
clearly you don't know how, your rich clueless npc parents must have not told you how. here is how. make a handstand. if you want someone to pay attention to you, make a handstand while the person is near. go to the person and say "hey i want you to stare at me" (which is the truth you are so scared of admitting because it makes you vulnerable) and then make a handstand. almost certainly that person will look at you for 2 seconds. that's you having earned 2 seconds of attention. this also is represents a nice break for you because for the 2 seconds you get a break from being this ridiculous gridlocked person you agreed to become even though you should not have.
Anonymous 20924
>>20483Try light makeup like a 'bareface' style, or like how the Japanese do theirs. Use nonvibrant, gentler colors for your make up, like a soft rose or pink peach, and avoid wearing anything very bold. Short nails help too.
Anonymous 20980
>>20483Go for ponytails or two side braids
Best not to worry to much though, everyone turns ugly eventually, better to focus on your braid, personality, or physical skills
>>20898>most men wont even bother with a girl if he doesn't consider her somewhat attractiveSpeak for yourself, I got an attractive, athletic, cute, high income guy 100x out my league after only a few months of meeting while I had messy hair, was overweight, saggy tits, and not shaving. You don't have to shove yourself into some shitty box for a man that will only love you while you're not being yourself. Your sense of what type of people men find beautiful is warped. Most people in relationships look painfully average because most humans on earth are average. You only need to worry about appearance if you are pinning after a man that's a literal super model. Look at the girl friends and wives around you, I bet they just look average physically, even if they dress up kinda nice.
Anonymous 20999
>I got an attractive, athletic, cute, high income guy 100x out my league after only a few months of meeting while I had messy hair, was overweight, saggy tits, and not shaving.
Not the nona you replied to but what the fuck? I look just like that, nobody has or will ever pay attention to me. Not that I look bad all the time, I try to dress nicely but I have curly hair for example and curly hair is messy by default. I really do feel like I just can't compete with the average woman. Where and how did you meet your moid anyway?
Anonymous 21001
>>20980How much does a moid have to make to be considered high income? Is it still 6 figures?
This world is so fucked with the amount of rent and high cost of living in comparison to the stagnant wages.
I just want my moid to save me from all of it (yes, I am a gold digger)