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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20696

I feel like I have no chance against naturally beautiful women

Anonymous 20698

Which sport are we talking about? Biking? Running? Gymnastics? Lifting?

Anonymous 20701

angry duck.jpg


your first mistake is thinking you are in competition, the warrior mindset will ruin everything about you and turn you into a jealous narrative-driven conformist, a brainwashed consumer idiot constantly wasting attention on things not within your reach, resulting in you being too frustrated to appreciate the beauty around you and become part of it.

worry about the part of the garden you can tend to. become a reality-driven expert on your time and attention and bathe in the amazing feeling of watching yourself grow into the thing you want to be, given enough time, space and effort.

every second you waste thinking about what you call naturally beautiful women, you hold yourself back from becoming one, which is one of your options.

+there are things you are not doing that over the course of your life make you more beautiful, do those more.

-there are things you are doing that over the course of your life will make you more ugly, do these less.

=that's how you can become more naturally beautiful. good luck out there.

Anonymous 20704

based vomit emoji anon

Anonymous 20726

>I feel like I have no chance against naturally beautiful women

what's the status; is there a feeling of having a chance? 1 week ago it was none. maybe there is one now though.

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