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Misa Amane.png

Beauty advice for girls with pale skin? Anonymous 20714

Hi, I have super pale skin and have been trying to experiment with my looks. Only problem is, I'm totally lost!

Anyone here got any advice for girls with skin like mine? Just looking for styles and types of makeup, what/what not to use/apply, etc.. Thanks! <3

Anonymous 20741

i have some advice. worry about more important things then how you look and when the sun is out, do something so that your skin can soak the sun up, it is very healthy. you have to know the sun where you live. where i live, i just avoid the sun when it is hottest from 10am to 2pm during the hot part of the year and otherwise i don't need any sun protection and can stay in the sun as much as i like.

Anonymous 20792

I’ve been pale maxxing, I went all in on skincare and decided to give up most makeup. I like the minimal holo look so I pick glossy products without or almost no color, I use highlighter that has subtle shimmer. People have complained I need to choose saturated colors and actual eyeliner/mascara to correct my appearance but I prefer looking like an aylmao.

Anonymous 20811

wear dark clothes for contrast in fall and winter and bright colorful clothes in sprint and summer
eat more vitamin a from cod liver or any type of liver, eggyolks, etc
this will give you good glow

Anonymous 20821

Bring goth and emo back.

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