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Anonymous 20715

I’m about to get prescribed meds that’ll decrease my appetite. I’m pretty excited about it. Any tips for foods that I can eat so I don’t pass out from hunger? I barely notice when I’m hungry now, until I start to shake. Just because of the meds I already take

Anonymous 20743

so you rather take meds researched and produced by a system that clearly exists to make money and 'earns' more money the sicker everyone is? i guess that is not suspicious to you.

the alternative would be to sit in the driver's seat of your own life and eat like a grown up; in a way that assures that you are as healthy and able as you can be.

i very much question your decision to place your fate into the hands of the diseasemerchants.

Anonymous 20744


have you ever seen this fruit before? don't mind me being snarky, it is a banana; you probably have. it is very recognizable.

i very much like the banana and am grateful for the banana. it is a fascinating plant and a blessing to be around. i guess since it does not advertise itself on instagram and tiktok, it is digitally invisible to you, which is a shame.

for some reason you were roped into taking these for-profit meds and you probably know everything about it. too bad you don't know about the banana and what a miracle it is.

it is bewildering to me how a person would miss out on the miracle of banana. i've seen the tree being eaten by animals, they love every part of the plant. wild pigs they eat the trunk, which has such a interesting pattern, like soft, unusually moist layers just barely strong enough to hold up the heavy load of the fruits, the leaves and of course the banana flower in the middle. the leaves of the banana are gigantic and several animals like to eat the leaves. the humans use the leaves as natural wrapping paper or as disposable plates.

an while all this wonderful magic around the banana happens in nature, you sit in front of a screen and research pharmaceutical products made from petroleum not to heal you but to treat you so that the people who are already rich become even richer. stange choice to me when you could just eat bananas and other plants and be healthy but you do you. it is your right to ruin your body as much as you want and i guess you have your reasons for your 'protest-life'.

Anonymous 20747


>Fruit is great but stop singing about your penis scrote

is fruit really great to you? you sound like you just say that to sound less spiteful.

there is plenty of other miracles, go look at a strawberry then once you are done getting your mind out of the gutter. the strawberry is actually kind of a nut and so full of living energy, you can almost watch it rot. nature can't wait to get the strawberry back into circulation the same way you can't wait to go back on tiktok and look at people dance while you stare at a screen.

Anonymous 20754

i love you banana nona

Anonymous 20755

>i love you banana nona

i have a freezer full of fruit. a few month ago there was a deal on grapes and i bought some ridiculous number like 60 or 80 packages, each weighing 500g and i washed and froze them and made it into ice cream.

you may think ice cream, that's no food and i can't eat it but my ice cream is made from 2-3 ingredients:

-frozen banana
-frozen grape
-sometimes i add some fresh squeezed citrus juice if i want to treat myself, i like lime the most, grapefruit is also nice, sometimes i add lemon though lemon is pretty intense.

there is intense focus involved when i buy like 10 bunches of banana and stare at them for days so that they are perfectly ripe. while many other fruits have a problem with being picked unripe, the banana has no such problem, it will ripen after being picked and it is done when it has started to get the brown dots. i wait for this moment so carefully and there is no telling when it will happen but when it happens, i am ready, i batch prepare ~15 gigantic glasses and fill them with this ice cream and then i have breakfast all done for the next few weeks waiting for me in my freezer. all i do is take one glass out when i go to bed so that it is still cold but no longer frozen when i want to have it in the morning.

banana = life changing miracle, a positive upward spiral just waiting for you to bother to hang on to it so it can drag you out of whatever hole you might be in.


(when i am lazy, i just buy frozen bags of raspberry and they taste so good when the are thawed. they taste better then fresh raspberries from the store even though i buy them without anything added. i don't get it, but i appreciate it. i have like 10 big bags of raspberry in my freezer.)

Anonymous 20758

I particularly like bananas because they come packaged in a biodegradable sleeve. Tasty morsels.

Anonymous 20762

Bananas make me fart uncontrollably.

Anonymous 20769

>Bananas make me fart uncontrollably.

on their own they are pretty mild; easy on the digestion. if you ate nothing but bananas for days, you'd be surprised to see you fart very little, poop more often and more easy going with less smell.

to get those heavy winds you speak of probably have some reaction with other foods or the alive moisture of the banana has successfully scrubbed 'cake' from your bowelwall. bowelwalls tend to glue up with modern industrial diets and fruit powerwashes the bowels clean.

Anonymous 20770

when i was younger i liked to write and draw stuff on the banana with a ballpoint pen or carefully cut letters into it with a short knife.

i had a friend who always wanted to have one of my bananas so i always wrote something on one of the bananas way ahead and then handed it over with the message down and then halfway though eating the banana i told my friend to look at the peel and it would usually have a famous monkey name writen on it (like Bubbles or Donkey Kong)

Anonymous 20771

Nah all I eat is homemade soup and pies and occasional pastry or a bag of chips + seasonal fruit and veg

Anonymous 20773

How many bananas do you need to eat in a day to cleanse your cakey walls

Anonymous 20776

>Nah all I eat is homemade soup and pies and occasional pastry or a bag of chips + seasonal fruit and veg

pies, chips and pastry are already plenty to react with to create farts with, i'd assume.

soup is a pretty good way to eat stuff because at least you are getting enough moisture, that should help with digesting.How many

>bananas do you need to eat in a day to cleanse your cakey walls

nothing but bananas, all day every day until the hunger is gone. you can't overeat on fruit, you can't get fat from it, there is no reason to restrict yourself, it digests very quickly.

i did quite a few cleanses but i used watermelon or grape. when i only drink fresh fruit juice and i would line up all the glasses of it i drink in a day, you would not believe how much it is but keep in mind that this is instead of all other food and drink. so lots of glasses.

Anonymous 20779

You're giving retarded advice. People can't eat this much sugar every day or their brain is going to be numbed like yours is. Fruit still has sugar, dipshit. You sound like those insane raw fruit vegan vloggers and probably look like them too.

Anonymous 20780

Anon is probably parodying them, at least i hope so. Because when i think about thsoe frugivore vloggers I think about the one girl that died from it and the other lied about about her diet altogether

Anonymous 20781

because you are a propaganda victim, you use the same word for the industrially processed white isolated dead powder (that you stir into your coffee) for the natural energy that is in fruits. that's marketing puppeteering your life, that is bilionaires having paid for you to be dumb successfully.

when you use this general of a conception, then surely you call bread also sugar because bread is made from grains and grains break down into 'sugar' while digestion.

>You sound like those insane raw fruit vegan vloggers and probably look like them too.

i look like i don't need heavily advertised pharmaceutical products to 'decrease my appetite'.

>Because when i think about thsoe frugivore vloggers I think about the one girl that died from it and the other lied about about her diet altogether

another generic thing you probably have been trained to think about is Steve Jobs trying to fight his cancer with fruit, don't forget about this important thought that you can use as a scapegoat for your lack of actual experience with the idea.

Anonymous 20784

Yes, everyone is NPC that has been trained to think a certain way and you're the only one who sees the ~truth~

I'm not saying a vegan diet is bad, it's actually pretty good in terms of cutting environmental damage but eating only and only fruits? Not really good for you

Anonymous 20787

>Yes, everyone is NPC that has been trained to think a certain way and you're the only one who sees the ~truth~

yeah that is exactly how i think of you. a narrative-driven compliant husk who has outsourced thinking to others and just goes with the flow no matter where it flows.

>only and only fruits? Not really good for you

"Not really good for you" based on what. that's one thing you NPCs like to do a lot. say things with not even the slightest ambition of including substance. when an NPC says something is good or it isn't good, i noticed it is often the opposite because the NPC never knows, the NPC just repeats.

Anonymous 20788


currently eating steamed plantain. it is a close relative of the banana. like a banana that made love to a potato and now the babies are big and starchy but still sweet and fruity. i steamed it in the rice cooker while the rice was cooking and meanwhile made a currysauce with coconut milk, fresh mint, tomato paste, tomato puree, fresh tomatoes, raisins, spring onion, curry paste, miso paste, a few drops of roasted sesame oil, cashews and a few spices, mostly rosemary and a tandoori spice blend from india sold in these charming little paper boxes.

Anonymous 20790

You're replying as if everyone is the same person trying to personally victimize you. I have no idea what you're referring to "dead powder that I stir into my coffee", I drink my coffee black.
I never said fruit doesn't have natural energy, I said it has a fuck ton of sugar if you're literally binging it daily, which you are.
I do call bread sugar if it's white bread, it has zero sustenance if it's not artificially fortified. I only eat whole grain bread, and rarely.
You seem to know very little about true nutrition and sound schizo from fruit brainrot.

Anonymous 20791

Your opinion of others reflects more about you than it does about the people you're talking about

>based on what.

You see, it's quite ironic for you to call anyone a npc when you act like one. The type to make their diet a cult or "the only right way" are all the same in the way they refer to their lifestyle even if there's scientific back up that it's not a sustainable let alone a healthy long-term diet. I've seen self-proclaimed carnivores speak about meat and butter the same way you do about fruit

Your pesticide treated, frozen mass market fruit that was genetically modified to have as much sugar as possible with no regard to nutritional benefit, with the hook being it's ~healthy~ unlike processed food so you keep buying and deluding yourself, is not a viable diet. Come back when you start to eat fruit that you grow yourself, and that isn't a variety that was bred purely to have more sugar in it, and that you eat fresh, and then your words may have an ounce of truth in it. But only an ounce, because you'd still be wrong.

Anonymous 20794

>You're replying as if everyone is the same person trying to personally victimize you.

i was looking down on you for being a generic unremarkable npc. i was not not looking for a dramatic theater performance from you trying to convince me that i totally got you wrong and that really i am the problem for not understanding how wonderful you are. please unsubscribe me from that mailing list, i am not gonna bother with that any more.

>I have no idea what you're referring to "dead powder that I stir into my coffee", I drink my coffee black.

you can't come up with any explanation what a white powder that people stir into coffee might refer to? you have no idea?

>I never said fruit doesn't have natural energy, I said it has a fuck ton of sugar if you're literally binging it daily, which you are.

yes, knucklehead you said 'sugar' as if the word sugar would be sufficient to describe all the different things people try to use it for. i guess this relates back to your foolish decision to not use your head and be a narrative-driven conformist puppet who never had a single thought in all your life and have others do the thinking for you.

>I do call bread sugar if it's white bread, it has zero sustenance if it's not artificially fortified. I only eat whole grain bread, and rarely.

you may as well go all in on your ignorance and just call everything slop and not bother with it anymore.

>You seem to know very little about true nutrition and sound schizo from fruit brainrot.

just more generic slop from the slopperson.

Anonymous 20795

dramatic exit.jpg


i recognize that you responded to my post but i am not gonna sift through all this debris and just hit the unsubscribe button on you and go to the nearest exit. you can just pretend it was very dramatic.

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