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Anonymous 20735

does anybody have good skincare products for rlly sensitive skin? I clean my face everyday and I still have acne and all the "popular good" brands give me rashes so its really hard for someone like me to have clear skin.

Anonymous 20736

You don’t really need it. Just wash your face regularly and don’t eat like shit unironically. When I was a teenager, all I ate was junk and never exercised, so my skin looked like hell. When I started exercising and drinking water regularly in college, it all cleared up and now I have clear skin. Also, most people just use makeup to cover up blemishes and they lie and say it’s “all natural.” That is what the “clean girl” aesthetic is, but they are using makeup to LOOK like they have clear skin without makeup. The problem with that is it clogs your pores and makes you look worse when you are NOT wearing makeup. If you are an actress and influencer, they basically hide all that shit with filters, video editing, and makeup, but if you catch them in a candid photo, their skin starts looking really gross in-person, when the damage is not hidden by the harsh bright lights for the camera. Makeup is okay, but make sure you wash that shit off really good when you get home or go to bed. But yeah, just wash your skin regularly or take vitamins.

Anonymous 20737

Avoid sugar

Anonymous 20738

thank you!!
I don't wear makeup so it probably might be my diet, I don't eat that much but when I do its ramen and monster or something. I'll try to drink water and eat more healthy!

Anonymous 20740

I don't eat that much but when I do its ramen and monster or something. I'll try to drink water and eat more healthy!

candy, instant-food, drinks made from chemicals: those will all cause problems and pimples in the face is only one way this manifests. you can easily understand this for yourself. eat only candy (for a week) and just see what happens. how you feel, how you look,…

when i did this (20 years ago) i gained weight, got pimply and my armpits start to hurt then i stopped eating the garbage and ate better, pimples went away, armpits stopped hurting and i began to lose weight again.

a nice way to gently transition away from the garbage is this:

when you eat your silly ramen, prepare it as usual but do it in a bigger bowl and add tons of raw vegetables on top. tomato, bell pepper, spinnach leaves, rucola, celery, spring onion. you can only add a bit of it at first but then gently start to tip the scale so that it is more vegetable then sillyfood.

instead of energy drink you can do this: buy lemons, limes and/or grapefruit and some maple syrup. make a big jug in the morning consisting of: water, your citrus of choice and a bit of maple syrup. in order for the lemons not to spoil, you can juice all the lemons you buy and fill the juice in an ice cube tray, that way they won't become moldy after a few days and making your drink in the morning is less work.

Anonymous 20760

The only things that work against acne are retinoids

Yes cleansers are good for aiding but virtually all cosmetic skincare is useless for acne if not paired with retinoid medication

Anonymous 20761

To adress what others have said: while eating 'clean" helps gut health and yadda yadda, it will not impact your skin THAT much, it will not clear up your acne, as food doesn't control our oil production but hormones do.

That's why a lot of women have breakouts during/before period, that's when our oil production skyrockets. And most adult men don't have acne because their hormones don't change the same way ours do, so they can eat like shit and they won't have painful cystic acne from it.

Anonymous 21172

god-tier japanese brands that have saved my skin: gyokujun (affordable) and curel (more expensive)

Anonymous 21186

i 100% recommend the blue line from pyunkang yul. i have extremely sensitive skin prone to cystic acne and hyperpigmentation and that line (in addition to the skin 1004 centella line) has been the best for my skin. PKY blue line products have no fragrances and are very gentle and i think you’d benefit. plus super cheap (around $8-10USD for their products which is much cheaper than popular kbeauty brands)

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