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hq720 (1).jpg

Anonymous 21228

Why are women expected to wear makeup, fake eyelashes, fake lip fillers, fake nails, nail polish, uncomfortably awful high heels while men can just wear casual and nobody cares?

Anonymous 21229

It's the ugly moid psyop combined with consumerism

Anonymous 21230

The ugly moid psyop is insidious. They even keep pushing dudes like Leo Dicaprio on us like his fat ass and pudgy face didn’t hit the wall decades ago

Anonymous 21245

The first mistake is believing that nobody else cares or judges the men while you do perform said judgment.

The second is accepting the idea that the man in your image is wearing casual, has no makeup or lotion on his face hair and lips, and is showing his natural stubble. Even though his neck is entirely smooth, and his stubble is entirely dark without any stray grays despite being in his late 30s. Beards show gray hairs before anywhere else on anyone else. That is a made-up, coiffed, and artificially colored male body dressed in personally tailored and therefore extremely expensive clothing, in a look that is engineered to present itself as approachable, everyday, and attainable. Mark Zuckerberg's fitted gray t-shirts cost thousands of dollars apiece.

The question should instead be "WHY is the intent of all of the effort of exorbitantly expensive male fashion so heavily engineered to produce a 'he looks like a guy my dad would have a beer with at a barbecue' result with ZERO VARIATION, where is the Professor with Tweed Jacket And Pipe look, where is the Distinguished Veteran Who Owns A Perfectly Maintained Gold Pocketwatch look, where is the coalminer who puts a flower in his pocket to keep his sense of life alive when he's out of the dark look," why can't these middle aged men accept social segmentation and stop trying to look like Ordinary Guys(tm).

Ugliness is irrelevant to the question.

Anonymous 21247

Just stop doing it. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Anonymous 21248


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