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Wax Strips Anonymous 21271

Has anyone here tried using them? Do they hurt and are they better than shaving?

Anonymous 21272

I use that brand specifically and prefer it to plucking/shaving my wretched mustache but there's no way to avoid the pain, as brief as it is. I used to have my mom rip them off my face (she had fun!) but then I moved out and have to pull them off by myself like a big girl. Sometimes it doesn't get them all and you have to pluck the remaining ones, but for me that's normally the thicker black kind that are easy to take care of. I've also used their bigger strips for legs/pits but for that I still prefer an epilator.

Anonymous 21284

i've recently tried nair wax strips and I think they're kinda fun and nice but since I don't grow that much hair, I think its just easier for me to shave. I don't like the wait period you have to do with waxing.

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