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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21288

Skinny, tall thin women with long legs like a ballerina have nothing to complain about.

>In most cases huge breasts look saggy and ugly.

>No short stubby legs
>No stretchy boobs
>No fat hands or fat fingers
>No round belly
>No stubby little gnome legs and will look fat no matter how much the starve themselves

Anonymous 21289


It’s true, add in smooth hairless light skin with perky breasts have it too easy
Even on 4chan, moods are drooling over pink nipples and privates

They literally post this on a blue board

Anonymous 21290


Anonymous 21291

Wow. I’ve never been happier to be a shitskin :)

Anonymous 21292

tall people look freakish and die sooner

Anonymous 21293

Fuck the white worship those loser moids will take what they can get
Right now they are obsessed with jd Vance and usha
They want what they can’t have. So they want to bring down the self esteem of non whites
Wanna be colonizers

Anonymous 21299

you guys are too retarded.

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