Anonymous 21307
Why are there so many women with unbelievable fake lashes that are like the size of orange slices, are people meant to believe that those /aren’t/ just glued on with Chinese chemical goop?
Women actually tend to have shorter/thinner eyebrows than men, normally. We wear makeup like mascara, or wear fake eyelashes to extend them and make them more prominent.
Anonymous 21308
I plan on buying castor oil toregularly on my lashes and eyebrows as soon as I get my salary.hehehe cannot wait…it will take 3-6 months but better than eyelash serums ( to me )
Anonymous 21309
I'll never forget when I was in my 20s and out drinking with a mixed group of men and women. At the time I wore verrry heavy makeup. A guy said he like natural/minimal makeup "like mine." When askedcwhat he thought I had on he was like "uhhh mascara and lipstick?"
Anonymous 21321
>>21307wat makeup makes your eyes bigger
Anonymous 21325
>>21321You can find youtube tuts. One small tip to use lashes that are heavier on the outer side.