
Piercings and other body modifactions thread Anonymous 2912
Do you have any piercings/body mods? Are you happy with them?Planning to have more in the future?
What are your thoughts about them?Let's discuss.
I have 7 holes in my ears so far (two for industrial piercing,one for tragus,two for earlobe and two for cartilage)I plan a smiley piercing and one daith,nothing more.I always wanted piercings around my mouth (snake bites etc.) but i fear that it'll affect my career in a bad way so i mostly avoid my face.
Anonymous 2915
When I was younger I really wanted a nose ring, but my mom was completely against it. She said it reminded her of a bull, hahahaha. That was way before Tumblrinas popularized it btw. Dunno, man. I can't get one now, it wouldn't look nice on me because of my kind of job, but it's fun to think maybe I would have had one had she said yes.
Anonymous 2916
Samefagging to add I love (idk how they're called) those piercings that go in your cheeks and look like dimples. Adorable!
Anonymous 2917

Piercings I have:
earlobes (as a kid)
septum (when I was 16)
tongue (last year)
daith (last June, pic related)
second earlobes (also last June)
The septum piercing is still there but I don't have jewelry in it anymore because I don't like the look anymore, but I have a retainer in because I'd find it a waste to just let it grow shut.
The tongue piercing I took out because I felt it was getting annoying.
It already grew shut once before because I had to take it out at the hospital when I got my wisdom teeth removed, so I redid it about a week later. (it couldn't be reopened, the piercing lady said my tongue grows shut incredibly fast)
The second earlobe holes I did with one of those sterile kits from Aliexpress.
I'm not a daredevil so I was a bit afraid, and I actually missed the first time and I stuck it somewhere on top of my earlobe (not the cartilage, just below)
I felt like an idiot for that but I ordered more to test beforehand so I still had 2 kits left, so I just did it and it turned out fine.
I would never DIY any other piercings than that though.
Anonymous 2919
I've got my ears and belly button pierced. Would love to get more but I tend to get keloid scars so I gave up.
People here still find them odd and "unprofessional" so I can't get a facial one if I want a job. Might give my ears another shot once I have the money.
Anonymous 2921
I wanted a helix but realized it would be inconvenient, since I somewhat do sport with contact. I'm just going to be simple and do a second lobe. Idk but after a while I was thinking the helix would look trashy. I always go back and forth about it.
Anonymous 2936

Anybody have any guides and recommendations on which piercings one should get to compliment features? I've been looking into getting a medusa piercing as one of my first since it's subtle and I think it'd compliment my face but I'd like to see someone explain the point of getting piercings in certain places and not for faces.
Anonymous 2941
>>2936This depends on your face. I doubt there are any guides for that, but you can always get fake piercings, try them out and see how it fits/looks on your face.
I did this when I was younger, really wanted a simple lip ring. Turned out it really didn't work with my thin lips
Anonymous 2960
I want hip piercings so bad, but I'm worried they'd turn off potential clients.
Anonymous 2971

I really really want a tongue piercing, it looks awesome, but I heard somewhere that the hole in your tongue can stretch and not come back to normal(sorry for lackluster explanation, esl). Can this be prevented with proper care?
I also want nipple piercings…the pain, though…
Anonymous 2972

>>2971Never heard of that one before and I think the chances of something like that happening are rather slim. There are bigger risks with tongue piercings than that, but with proper care you shouldn't have any issues at all.
If you really want one and think you can take care of it, you might want to give it a try.
I'd love to get my nips pierced too, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth it since my boobs are really small.
Anonymous 2973
I have three lobe piercings and I've been wanting a septum, tongue, bellybutton and nipple piercings since forever. I got a recommendation for a good piercers in the city I'm in at the moment and I could potentially get my septum done tomorrow for my birthday but I'm such a little fucking pussy and I've been chickening out for years.
I'm not even sure what exactly it is that terrifies me. I'm guessing it's the experience of something new that I'm not prepared for? Has anyone here got their septum done?
Anonymous 2990
I really wanna get my cartilage pierced. I also wanna get another piercing on my lobe too.
I'm kinda worried about getting cartilage tho because I heard it takes awhile to heal and the healing process can be pretty painful. Any pierced cartilage anons (or piercing experienced) wanna give some tips on the healing process/what to expect?
Anonymous 2991
>>2971No it doesnt stretch.
I used to have one, I loved it (never had a problem with it fucking up my teeth enamel either). The only problem I had with it was when I would drink a milkshake/frappucino, my tongue would get…not swollen but.. I dont know how to explain it, "soft"? Like someone put novocaine on it. Anyways I would talk funny for less than an hour and then back to normal.
Anonymous 2994
>>2990My most painful piercing were cartliga ones.They took really long time to heal.But with proper care most lasted 1.5,maybe 2 months.Intense pain fades away in a week tho.(btw always use needle for cartilage not piercing guns!!!)
Anonymous 3006
>>2990I got mine done in around 3/4 months ago and I didn't think it hurt that much. I thought the actual piercing was similar or less to a lobe piercing although it really throbbed afterwards for a few hours. It did hurt for the first month or so if I touched it or brushed against it but that's gone now and I can sleep on it some nights (if I do more than 1 night in a row it starts to get painful). I also didn't have the best aftercare for it so it probably would have been fine sooner.
Anonymous 3008
>>3006Cartilage is a BITCH because you tend to sleep on one side or the other, so youll def end up sleeping on it and then next day it'll be sore and maybe oozing a little. Then by night it heals again but then you sleep on it again and so the cycle continues.
My easiest piercings (and less painful, believe it or not) were my tongue one and my clit hood one. Both were fast, hurt for only a sec, and easy to take care of.
Anonymous 3009
Never saw the appeal in body mods like piercings, tattoos or worst of them all: Ear tunnels.
earrings can be nice looking but everything beyond that just looks stupid.
Anonymous 3015
>>3009>Ear tunnelsI don't see anything wrong with who wants them, but I don't understand
why. They look so ugly and aesthetically terrible unless you're going for an EDGY look. Anyone with ear tunnels here to explain why?
Anonymous 3017
>>2912>>3009 Just because you dont like it doesnt mean its stupid dude.
Anonymous 3098
>>2990I have a few cartilage piercings, they're not that bad imo. I've found my lobe piercings to have been more bleedy. IME cartilage throbs for a few hours right afterwards. My worst piercing was a misplaced industrial, I got it without glasses on and didn't think to account for them… but that's my fault. My conch didn't even hurt as badly as that one, and I got a fairly big gauge for that.
My easiest piercing was the last cartilage (helix) I got a couple years ago. No pain at all, I almost actually forgot about it.
As long as you're not lazy about aftercare and sleep on your back for the first few weeks, it'll be fine.
Anonymous 3182

I've been thinking about getting second lobe piercings. Not soon, but definitely sometime in the future. Anyone else have them?
Would it be better to pierce only one side first, then once it's healed the second, or just both?
Anonymous 3183
>>3182I got one on my right ear first so I could still sleep on my left side (side-sleeper here)
Honestly, I couldn't feel any pain or itching one day after I got it and I had no complications even though I was travelling in a van so it's a really simple piercing that heals pretty fast (for me at least)
Anonymous 3188
>>3182I got all of my then six ear lobe piercings (unfortunately, now it's just 4 because I lost two earrings while sleeping and the holes closed) at the same day no prob. Just sleep on your back for a couple of days and you're set
Anonymous 3189
>>3183>>3188Thanks anons!
I think I'll go one by one or ear per ear
Anonymous 3709
Yeah, I got -
-Ears pierced but the holes are a bit too big to wear normal piercings so they need a big back ect. from when I was in HS and decided stretchers were cool.
-Nose piercing on the side (used to be each side), And my septum.
-And a bridge piercing which I suggest people think LONG AND HARD about getting before getting one as I didnt.. Mine for some reason gets a horrible bump continuously which has made a scar beside it and doesnt look very good, TBH I wish I never got it.
Anonymous 3711
I have a nose ring aside from my ear piercings! Sometimes I forget and then I'll see myself in the mirror. I wear a hoop in it because I think it makes me look tougher or more edgy, lol
Anonymous 20260

>>2912Newbie here, help? I really wanted to ask everyone's experiences with: sterling silver (925), surgical steel (316l), gold (8-9 and 14-18k, rosegold). IRL I've only heard good experiences, but online people paint these as the devil.
Also, paranoia: how can I tell, before buying something online, if hoops/drops will be heavy enough to create pussy slits in my lobes? I want those cute gummy bears, 3D printed animal skulls, etc.
>Do you have any piercings/body mods?1 nostril, 2 per lobe. my body's got 5 total.
>Are you happy with them? My nostril developed a permanent bump, albeit tiny. Seeing doc soon to ask her if she can remove it. I've had the bump for 2 years now. Otherwise I am very happy with all my current piercings.
>Planning to have more in the future?if anatomy allows it, get thirds for my lobes. I sure envy those who can even get fourths for their lobes. i am not into daith's aesthetic but i'd consider it purely for medical reasons due to chronic pain.
>What are your thoughts about them? Let's discuss.as politely as I can say this: septum piercings look very ehhhh to me, even my sister got one, i do not get why it got so trendy. multiple ear cartiledge piercings look very excessive too to me, almost every girl in my country has that. but everyone's allowed to get whatever they want if that's their thing, if that's what makes them as happy as mine make me happy.
Anonymous 20261
>>2971if it helps, i talked to a trans person about it once. they got them first pre estrogen hrt, and the pain was insane. but getting them again, after they began estrogen, the pain was almost nothing. i have heard female nipples aren't as sensitive.
Anonymous 20262
>>3182Both. I actually got seconds once my first were 3 weeks old, lol. Healing well so far. I use a donut shaped pillow. Your body eventually learns to sleep in a way that, at least for me, I wake up always with my ear still in the hole.
Anonymous 20263
>>20261>female nipples arent as sensitivedont trust anything you hear from a tranny, theyre probably jacking it thinking they tricked a woman into hurting herself
Anonymous 20264
>>20263huh. well, I wouldn't know I suppose. did hear some piercer on YT say the same, if it's of any use.
Anonymous 20265

>>20261Tbh how would a Troon know? Estrogen wouldn't atrophy the nerves around a man's nipples to bring them down to average female nipple sensation if women had less feeling there. Seems more likely the second time around wasn't so bad which makes sense, some thing benefit from knowing what's coming.
And with a bit of research it honestly seems women's nipples are more sensitive than men's overall instead of the other way around. Especially cause piecing sites say women might be able to orgasm from their new more sensitive nipples meanwhile for men it says the sensation will simply increase so the starting point must be higher among women. Screenshot from brave AI's search results but I checked the links and they seem legit and backed up the AI result.
Though I think sensitivity is totally up to the person cause I knew a girl who got hers pierced and she said it was just hot and itchy while healing meanwhile the piercer told her it could be horrific so to keep using numbing cream for the next week. Either way it seems women would have more likelihood for it to be worse from the quick research I did
Anonymous 20267
>>20265>brave AI's search resultsif privacy matters to you (or anyone else on this thread), brave is spyware
>t. I go to IT school for cybersecurity + programming>https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/brave Anonymous 20268
>>20267i block all brave.com connections from firewall, do i still have to care? thanks for posting this its interesting
Anonymous 20269
>>20265i appreciate the amount of analysis you put into this
Anonymous 20270
>>20268>do i still have to care?it is purely up to you, i don't know you nor what you're after since everyone has different needs for different levels of privacy. why not switch to firefox though?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7-bW2y6lcIget ublock origin plugin to block some extra malicious sites too while you're at it. also, swisscows for email and search engine is another random tip from me.
>>20269i don't want to derail this thread, but if there's any relevant threads or someone simply wants my contact, i'd be more than happy to blabber all day about e-privacy since it tickles my autism in all the fun ways.
Anonymous 20271
>>20268>>20270>do i still have to care?but if you still want my answer: i have very pro-stallmanian philosophy bias on tech (there's many various IT philosophies to choose from, but the more tech literate i became, the more i read books on tech history, the more i leaned towards gnu/foss standards). so i say everyone should care. the less we care about libre software, the more privacy will die out, the less control we will have over our own basic freedoms and autonomy. brave helps fund chrome. if firefox dies, then whoopie, we gave monopoly to google and we will be stuck with chrome and chrome based browsers only, free to control us over however much they want to. we will own nothing and be happy.
my bad for derailing thread a bit. let's go back to the topic… alloverpiercings and crazyfactory are good, but any other similar EU (non-UK) stores i can order from?
Anonymous 20273
>>20271you're great anon! i'd love a thread about e-privacy to talk about this more with you. it's curious though that you recommend firefox when it's known to have a similar level of shadiness and spyware as brave, even according to the site you linked (i'll admit brave is shadier):
https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/firefoxthe only browsers that were listed as having no "spyware" of firefox and chrome distributions seemed to be ungoogled chromium and gnu icecat
https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/icecathttps://spyware.neocities.org/articles/ungoogled_chromiumif we're going to move this to another thread then i'll pick your brain:
>brave helps fund chromesource?
>we will be stuck with chrome and chrome-based browsers, free to control us however they wanthow do the logistics of this work? why should i be scared that they can potentially "control" me?
>swisscow emailwhy choose swisscow email over tutamail or proton (or upcoming lacre disroot)?
last question: what open source software or services do you recommend?
Anonymous 20275
>>20273>>20272Oh my a lot of questions. It is healthy to be curious though!
On /x/ there is already a thread about tech privacy, I'll reply there once I'm free. Just re-post your questions on that thread.
Be warned however, since we're doing this outside IM/email, I might forget to reply on here for a few months. But no worries, I always eventually return to this site.
Anonymous 20288
>>20260Nona you have the exact same piercings as me (all done at the mall when I was a teenager I'm sure we can all relate lol)
>how can I tell, before buying something online, if hoops/drops will be heavy enough to create pussy slits in my lobes?I only ever buy earrings in person for this exact reason, maybe you should do that?
Anonymous 20289

>>2912>Do you have any piercings/body mods? Are you happy with them?I have:
>ears (both lobes (one double), industrial, double helix)>eyebrow>nostril>lip>nipples>navel>guicheplus a bunch of tattoos all over
>Planning to have more in the future?I'm fine in terms of piercings, I think, but I really want to get my tongue split (been meaning to for a few years, it's just expensive and will take a while to heal)
I've also considered permanent fangs and elf ears, but I'm probably not going to do either any time soon (especially not the ears, since that would fuck with my existing piercings)
Anonymous 20290
>>20289I wonder if people who get this snake tongue thing, stand in front of the mirror and practice these moves afterwards
Anonymous 20293

>>20260>if hoops/drops will be heavy enough to create pussy slits in my lobes? It's not fool proof but get disk backs like picrel, they have better support
Anonymous 20294

>>20293Sorry downloaded the wrong pic, this is what I meant.