Sleep patterns Anonymous 4779
What time do you wake up?
And do you go to bed at regular times during the week?
Anonymous 4781
Between 5am and 6am now. Am NEET.
I always sleep at the same time.
Anonymous 4788

Depends on my schedule on what I'm doing the next day. Either way I don't think my sleep schedule is so good as I tend to usually get about 4-5 hrs of sleep plus no naps throughout the day.
During weekdays it is usually between 7 to 8 AM.
Weekends are from 11 AM to 12 PM.
As for going to bed it's usually about the same time between 2:30 AM to 3:30 AM. I'm a night owl, but I always want to wake up in the morning to have as much time to do work so then I can have more time to goof off.
Anonymous 4792
This week I've been going to sleep around 2am and waking up around 10:30-11. I usually go to bed later, though. Naturally, I function best going to bed early and waking up early. But my work/living situation doesn't allow for that at the moment.
Anonymous 8892
I sleep from 23h to 7h/ 11pm to 7am. I can't change it but I'm quite okay with it, I love doing things in the morning although I wish I could be so active at night as well.