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personal color analysis? Anonymous 4938

has any of you had a personal color analysis done? was it worth it? how much did it cost you?

I'm sort of intrigued but not sure I want to drop ~$200 on it…

Anonymous 5011


I’ve been tempted after my own research into improving my aesthetic but I’m also p sure you can DIY this. There must be sneaky PDFs around to learn how to do it. I know they have fabric they drape on you but surely this can be diy-ed also?

Usually charts finding your undertone is a good place to start anyway, that takes into account your skin colour, hair colour, eye colour and vein colour (lol). That’s freely available online, just google and find a place that explains it best~!

Like you I would like the actual full analysis but it’s so expensive and I’d have to travel to somewhere that does it, which is more money. One day when I have the extra cash and I haven’t worked out how to do it myself I’ll go, but otherwise nahhhh.

Anonymous 5012

It's all bullshit. I'm supposed to look good in grey and pale blue because I'm a light summer but actually it just brings out the redness in my face. and I'm supposed to look bad in black

Anonymous 5016


No, I look good in every color.

Anonymous 5017


>I'm supposed to look good in grey and pale blue because I'm a light summer but actually it just brings out the redness in my face.
I think you might be fall, like darker warmth to subdue your complexion, not summer. You couldn't be summer at all if you have problems with redness in your skin becoming apparent when you wear pale blue, someone has told you wrong.

>and I'm supposed to look bad in black

You can't bring up black to knock color theory.
Every living thing on the planet looks good in black, it's an absence of light, your brain isn't getting as much information and so whatever it's perceiving is more stylized and simpler, hence 'better' and more striking.
It's why the "little black dress" safe choice exists at all.

Anonymous 7616

How good does neutral work in a person with cool undertones? I want break out from the always-dark-blue but dont know where to start. Also, how to dress olive without looking like your overachieving career focused 37yo childfree cousin?

Anonymous 7623

Maybe use olive for accessories, like bags or scarves? Or style your clothes to look more modern and casual. Also, you could try a cool grey instead of dark blue for variation.

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