
Jfashion general Anonymous 5504
Any and all jfash is welcome. Post your inquiries, favorite styles/brands/whatever, advice, and anything related here.
Anonymous 5505
hime-kei/agejo gyaru here.
Anyone else into older gyaru styles? I completely immersed myself into the ultra-femininity of gyaru, hair nails makeup the works. I'm in love with styles from around 2010-2012. I've been buying up cheap second hand MA*RS, Golds Infinity, La Pafait and Yumetenbo like crazy. I feel like maybe it's getting out of hand, but I have the money and my BF knows the items are rare now since the style went out.
Does anyone else have this problem, being into a style that's not in fashion and having trouble finding clothes/accessories etc?
Anonymous 5506
I wear Lolita and Otome fashion.
>>5505I always admired the older Gyaru styles from afar. Never wore them though because I was very bad at styling my hair and can't wear circle lenses.
Anonymous 5507
I wear lolita and mori kei. I like dolly kei even though no on wears it often.
I want to get into otome but I'm not sure how to go about it. It seems like something I could wear around older members in my family without raising a big fuss so I just want to try it out.
Anonymous 5508
>>5507otome has alot of the same basics as lolita so you'll find it's easy to get into if you know how to coord lolita well. it's just a really toned down fashion so the hardest thing is to grasp the difference it has from a casual lolita outfit, and not over coordinating.
Anonymous 5509
Does anyone wear or follow Larme? How you do feel now that the editor in chief has moved on to a normie magazine and western mainstream stores are pretty much on trend with the ~tumblr larme~ ideals?
Anonymous 5510

Dumping some larme styles that were too cute not to save.
Anonymous 5524
>>5509I do. To be honest I haven't bought the last few issues, just looked at the scans and I feel like I'm stuck in the past because there aren't many new trends that interest me. I still love larme, but it feels like I'm wearing an old iteration of it.
Anonymous 5525
> Larme is LIFE. I wouldn't worry too much about preferring older styles etc. Most of the larme models still reflect the older styles (feels weird to even call it older coz it's still very much a thing unlike shitty gyaru), and there's tons of cute Japanese girls dressing like PF style on instagram. You do you, but you're deffo not stuck in the past don't worry.
Monaca and Risa dress less larme at times but that seems to be for business reasons, you know?
Anonymous 5526
hmprod (1).jpg

H&M is selling this absolutely gorgeous skirt at the moment for £34.99 in the UK (idk if it's in stock in other countries, probably). I just saw it on a mannequin in the window, immediately ran in and bought it.
Anonymous 5529

Dumping some old Popteen scans.
Anonymous 5606
Fruits Japanese St…

It's obviously not very current (or even to everyone's taste lmao), but is it okay to dump some old Fruits street snaps ITT? Something about them is so inspirational and free.
Anonymous 5629

Thank god for Naomi. Finally some decent plus size inspo.
Anonymous 5632
Good resource if you're looking to test/brushup your jfash knowledge, even if it's missing some of the newer subcultures. 5633
There are quite a few Japanese and Korean exchange student in the street I live. I have no hope to compete, they are so beautiful. Want to make some friends with them and then go have a makeover, but I'm scared.
Anonymous 5634

>>5633Be brave and try it. What could you lose? Maybe you make good friends.
Anonymous 11818

i dont know if this is the right place to ask but i cant seem to find any threads regarding (j)fashion umm sourcing ? ( sorry esl ) i thought id ask here
does anyone know where her cardigan thingy is from ? or what its called
thank you in advance !
Anonymous 12016
>>11818I don't know where it's from, but I believe it's called a bolero sweater
Anonymous 12121

>>11818Looks like it could be by Innocent World. Pic is called Small Flower Lace Bolero which looks similar. There's a lolita clothing database called Lolibrary that you could check out, where I found that one for you.
Anonymous 12802
ex lolita here.I have been trying to orient my wardeobe to more of an Otome vibe, so i checked out the brands. Holy smokes has Jane Marple ALWAYS been this expensive!? They cost easily twice what new releases from lolita brands used to cost. 500-600 for a one piece are you shitting me.