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Pain during sex Anonymous 6778

I'm 20 years old and I've been dating my first boyfriend for 7 months now.
I've always been really shy and inhibited, but he's gently been easing me into sexuality by just teaching me how to kiss and do mouth and hand stuff and such.
We've tried to have sex twice now and every time it hurts when he goes too deep. It feels like he's hitting my cervix, but he says he's only halfway in. We're using plenty of lube and foreplay but I just get so tense and anxious when we have sex.
Is there something wrong with my vagina or is it just a mental thing? Why can't he enter me fully without me hurting?

Anonymous 6779


Anonymous 6780

> something wrong with my vagina or is it just a mental thing?
Vaginismus is sorta both at the same time - it connects your feelings to an involuntary physical response.
By the way - why do you think you get tense and anxious - what are your emotions when you are intimate? How you think intimacy should be?

Anonymous 6784

What you're describing doesn't sound like vaginismus, since he can go in at all without you feeling pain.

He is probably (like you said) hitting your cervix. The vagina gets longer the more aroused and relaxed you are. And possibly you're just naturally short, or he has a long penis.
Either way, he needs to suck it up and be more careful until you get used to it.

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