
No Makeup Anonymous 7014
Does anyone else never wear makeup? If so, why not?
I've pretty much never worn makeup my entire life (in my late 20s right now). The women in my family don't wear makeup, and growing up, my friends didn't either. I've recently noticed that the majority of women who I see walking down the street have at least a little bit of makeup on, and it's rare/almost impossible to find a woman who doesn't wear any at all (yeah, I'm not a very perceptive person, to have noticed it this late). Starting to feel like I should too. What are your thoughts on this? Anyone out there who's this way too?
Anonymous 7015
I experimented with awful results in seventh grade, then I didn't touch it again until I hit 21. Wore it daily for about 8 months before I realized I actually prefer my bare face. I ended up mastering the cat eye only to never use it again. rip.
It's sad to me that many girls wear it heavily in their formative years so they become reliant on it in adulthood. Similar to you, my mom never wore it and when she allowed me to use some at twelve she never let me have foundation or concealer. So despite being massively insecure about many things when it comes to my face I'm still sort of well adjusted.
Not to say makeup is bad always of course. When people use it for artistic purposes or just to dress up for fun it's really cool to me.
Anonymous 7016
I wear a full face excluding things like foundation and contour (because they look gross and are terrible for your skin, but I do full eye makeup, a little subtle eyebrow color, blush, lip tint) whenever I'm in a formal setting like work because I'm perceived more favorably with it and studies back up that idea. Women are seen as more intelligent and competent when wearing makeup. However, outside of that I wear only a tiny bit of makeup or nothing because being able to accept your bare face is both convenient and mentally healthy.
Anonymous 7020
I had a friend in college who didn't wear makeup. I thought she had really bad skin for a while but when I found out she didn't wear makeup I was like "ohhhhh" and I had to like, readjust my brain filter, if that makes sense? And I realized her skin was normal.
I wear light makeup. For work/daily use I usually mix in a bit of foundation with my sunscreen, and then line my brows and put on eyeliner. I usually put a bit of highlighter on my cheeks, chin, and nose to feel fancy lol. Lately talc in blush freaks me out so I don't wear it often, and I generally skip mascara unless I'm in the mood for it or going out somewhere.
Tbh after watching a lot of makeup artists on YouTube, I assume that anyone who has flawless supermodel makeup looks awful without it (but it's probably just sour grapes because I'm only average at best at makeup).
Anonymous 7021
>>7014I've never worn makeup because I'm lazy and cheap.
My mom never made it a thing to push it on me and I'm an introvert who really doesn't care about attracting attention so I don't bother.
Anonymous 7022
Always thought it was a socially-accepted massive sign of insecurity. The ones who say "oh nobody takes you seriously without makeup/people are less likely to listen to you" are probably extremely uncomfortable without it and that's what causes the unfavorable reaction. It's normal and accepted to not prefer your natural face anymore.
The most I do is wear sunscreen and use a cleanser/moisturizer on occasion.
Anonymous 7046
A question for those of you who don't wear makeup :
Do you do other grooming on your face? Like plucking eyebrows, shaving/waxing, etc?
Do you use non-makeup skin products, or are you all natural?
Anonymous 7047
>>7046I pluck my eyebrows, wax/pluck my upper lip. My face is naturally really greasy and elastic so that's why I avoid makeup like the plague, it feels really uncomfortable.
I use moisturising creams when my skin is a bit dry but usually I forget, I definitely need to take care of my face more. Ironically i work in a cosmetics store. Also as far as make up goes sometimes I'll put on mascara and lipstick but that's only on rare occasions, 90% of the time I have nothing on my face, both in uni and at work.
I'm lucky to have dark eyebrows and eyelashes though, maybe if it wasn't like that I'd wear more makeup.
Anonymous 7048
>>7046I don’t do anything other than removing blackheads from my nose, but seriously thinking about waxing my upper lip (got a small bit of ladystache unfortunately) and cleaning up my brows a little bit.
Anonymous 7076
I used to wear only mascara but I stopped because I got sick of having to wipe it off every night and still waking up with some leftover black under my eyes every morning and also worrying about it leaking under my eyes during hot days even with waterproof (maybe I just have really oily eyelids or something?).
As for now, I'm just not interested in makeup and taking the time to research products and application techniques, don't want to shell out $$$ for the actual good products, don't want to induce insecurity of my bare face, hate animal testing, I don't want to have to constantly monitor myself throughout the day to make sure it's not messed up (makes me feel restricted), I have bad skin and don't want to make it worse, etc. I already have trouble keeping up with my appearance because of depression so there is no way I can manage to wake up early and put that on everyday. I also just kind of hate this entire industry for making so many people hate their natural faces and feel like they shouldn't leave the house without putting some on.
The one thing that angers me is when it comes to employment. I've heard that female applicants who wear makeup are more favoured and some workplaces force female employees to wear makeup. Thankfully in the field I'm studying I don't think this is as common, but I dread that it can potentially happen.
Anonymous 7087
i don't know if it counts since i do apply powder to avoid shiny/oily-looking skin and use an eyebrow pencil to make my eyebrows a bit darker/more defined. aside from that people just have to live with my bad skin, dark shadows under eyes, etc.
i never learned how to apply makeup and i hated myself so much that i rejected everything "feminine" because nobody ever saw me as a female being.
Anonymous 7108
i used to have acne and naturally, i tried to cover it up with make up since i was like 13. wore make up religiously ever since then until i was 19 and i finally decided to go on accutane. face was mega fucky during that period so i stopped wearing make up bc my skin was so sensitive. and since then i haven't gone back bc i realized that i actually like the way my face looks sans make up (as soon as the pimples were gone…). also, i kinda changed my lifestyle. i try to be more natural, more minimalistic and i realized that make up is just unneccessary. and i HATE the way it becomes cakey throughout the day and that you have to reapply all few hours to stop that from happening. PAIN in the ass
NEVERTHELESS i still have some products that i like to use once in a while, like mascara and a bit of lipstick when im feeling wild haha. makes an outfit look more dramatic sometimes. but i said bye to foundation, concealer, blush, etc…
plus, ever since i stopped caring abt make up i got really invested in skincare, so my face actually looks way fresher and more put together now than it did with make up on.
Anonymous 7109
>>7046I clean up my eyebrows a bit(I like em thick), trim my upper lip, and have a skin care regimen. Nothing super intense, just sulfur soap wash, BHA or AHA depending on mood, sunscreen, and moisturizer. I also put benzoyl peroxide cream on my nose and spot treat pimples with calamine lotion.
Anonymous 7117
>>7046I have a skincare routine and clean up the hair on my face. Otherwise nada. Same thing for pretty much every career woman I know, for some reason in my industry (STEM) the career woman wearing sharp-looking makeup thing has long passed. I think it's because makeup is pretty pointless for a woman working a high salary job in tech, she has no time and at best it's a fun hobby but not a prerequisite for earning a living. Guys who work in that world don't care either.
Anonymous 7180
i used to put on makeup daily because i was super insecure about my bare face, but when i started running i started going out more without any on, and now i feel more comfortable without it. i look back on my pics with a full face on and realise how much older i made myself look too - its definitely made me change the way i view makeup and how much i use
Anonymous 7746
>>7020I threw out all my makeup because it was old and I've been going absolutely bare-faced the past couple of days… It feels SO good!!
Anonymous 7747
>>7014Honestly I only start wearing a bunch of makeup when Im sleep deprived or on my period because I breakout and my skin starts to looks awful. I try to cover up under my eyes but it only helps a little. But whenever I get sleep and feel good my skin looks good enough that I just wear a little powder and mascara. If I go without any makeup for a while my skin freaks out when I start wearing it again & I know its not good/ages your skin but I dont wanna look like an insomniac.
Anonymous 7753
I don't wear makeup every day for work (software engineer). I think my face looks quite nice without it (clear/healthy skin + high-contrast features). In fact i get more compliments on my appearance when i'm not wearing makeup (but maybe I just suck at applying makeup?)