
Anonymous 7905
Tampons or pads answer now
Anonymous 7907
tampons have a better texture
Anonymous 7909
Brain says tampons, anxiety says pads
Anonymous 7910
>>7909What if I fuck up with the string and the pad gets stuck? Does that even happen?
Anonymous 7911
>>7910Brain fart. Tampon, not pad.
Anonymous 7912
>>7909 and I should have clarified, I meant that logically I'd pick tampons but because I get anxious over things that will rarely happen (like toxic shock syndrome), I like pads.
Anonymous 7913
>>7912Toxic shock syndrome happened to me 15 years ago. That was awful but it's very, very rare.
>>7910Just check if the string is attached properly before you use it.
Anonymous 7914
BIG LONG PADS WITH WINGUS, trying to switch to a moon cup but it’s been super difficult
Anonymous 7915
>>7905I hate the feeling of the "drop" that comes with pads, but tampons are just awful.
Anonymous 7916
Tampons feel more clean to use for me, and pads feel icky to me now since I started using tampons two years ago. Are menstrual cups worth checking out? Have been considering getting one.
Anonymous 7917
Pads with wings but i want to switch to cups.
Anonymous 7918
Tampons have never worked well for me. I use pads but am in the process of switching to a cup
Anonymous 7919
>>7916They're harder to work with, but do the job best.
Anonymous 7920
Depends on my flow and where I am/what I'm doing
Tampons + panty liner on heavy days
Pads on light days
Reusable cloth pad at home + while sleeping
Thinking of getting a cup soon
Anonymous 7921
Has anyone ever been told by other girls that using pads was gross?
Anonymous 7922
>>7921Only here and lolcow. Never IRL.
Anonymous 7923
>>7921I've heard that irl from girls about other girls. And tbh now that I moved on to tampons and cups, I kind of agree. In hindsight sitting on my blood soaking into my skin and pubes was gross but I didn't feel like I had an alternative (I didn't really learn how to use tampons until I was 20 and once I did I never looked back.)
I don't judge other girls for using pads though. I'm just happy I moved away from them.
Anonymous 7924
>>7923>>7921Yes I have. When I was a younger teen I didn't use tampons because I was nervous about the insertion. My dad's GF at the time was very verbal about thinking pads were gross. Whenever I stayed at their house, and if I started my period and asked if she had pads I could use, she'd lecture me about how disgusting and unsanitary she thought pad users were. And when I got older and started almost exclusively using tampons, she'd hide hers from me when I'd come in the house.
I agree pads feel icky, but I'd never tease anyone for using them, especially younger girls.
Anonymous 7925
>>7924On the contrary, I have also had other girls and women tell me I'm impure for using tampons. My very religious friend in high school wasn't allowed to use them and use to side eye me for keeping them in my purse. Same goes for my grandma. We were at the beach one time when my cycle started, and when she saw me buy tampons at the convenience store she looked mortified. She's from another time & place though so I understand.
Anonymous 7926
fluercup is having a buy one get one free sale with worldwide free shipping.
i have a really heavy time. so i put shame aside and started wearing diapers and i am looking to switch to belted pads. the cloth active ones helped me at work. they was sleek and no sound. just needed a long shirt. they are more expensive. regular pads i switched over to the more expensive brand. it helped with comfort and leakage. for tampons i use Playtex ultra not allot of stores sell them. i buy them from Meijer at a decent price. some drugstores have them but at $9 a box. ob also has ultra but haven't tried them. i bought cloth off etsy or ebay a few years back. pro the length was good and i liked that it was reusable. con the makers try to sell a story instead of a quality product. so you really have to examine the picture. i don't mind reclaim cloth but getting some cheap pajama pants with haphard lines and charging $8 for 1 isn't my idea of helping you out. i want what the description states.
Anonymous 7927
Pads at home for better flow and no worries about tss, tampons in public for better mobility and discreetness.
Anonymous 7929
pads. tampons make my cramps way worse and i can never get them in right. trying to move over to reusable pads rn, and i am loving them. they're so much softer and comfier which is exactly what i want on my period. won't use a cup for the same reason i won't use tampons: I don't trust my ability to put something in my vag well enough to catch everything.
Anonymous 7930
Pads, I use a great brand and it's not uncomfortable unless they're full. Some other brands I've tried make me constantly feel the moisture, though.
Anonymous 7931
>>7921Not personally, but I do find them kinda gross. I still prefer them, don't get me wrong, but they're gross to me like not showering is gross - fine if you're home and not seeing anyone and aren't overly bothered by the things that come out of your body, but if you're at all conscious of how clean and fresh you feel/smell they're not great. I also find tampons kind of gross, I hate sticking something unnatural up my vag then having to pull out a swollen bloody thing from myself later.
Frankly I solved all these problems by skipping the sugar pills on my birth control. Not sure why so few women don't just avoid their period entirely, it doesn't negatively impact your health or your fertility or anything.
Anonymous 7932
I really dislike tampons, most of the time I think I'm putting them in wrong or something and it can also be really painful because of it. They also tend to leak a lot for me and I end up using a bit of toilet paper on my panties to keep them from getting too terribly ruined. Having sex and masturbation or just poking around down their for cleaning can be really painful alone, so putting in an extra painful cotton thing to sit in me for hours on end is just.. my worst nightmare. My mom forced me to use them for a while and I hated them so much and I will never use them again. Pads are what I use on my period, comfortable, doesnt interact with my insides at all, keep my pantsu safe, no leaks~ plus I also have occasional bladder issues due to holding in my pee for hours at a time as a kid so they also help for that reason occasionally. They are also just easier to deal with, just put it on ur panties and ur good to go, dont have to raise anything or put anything up anywhere or adjust it, just put it down and go. I dunno, I've had so many issues with tampons as a teenager especially since my period was short and very heavy, that just thinking about wasting all that money on them just for me to hate them because I know I will.. It just doesn't seem worth it, same for cups in that regard as well. Thinking about cloth pads tho, since they don't do the crinkle thing or feel like literal diapers.
Anonymous 7933
>>7931>it doesn't negatively impact your health or your fertility or anythingAnon…
Anonymous 7934
I can use tampons if I'm in a pinch, but I prefer pads by far.
I don't see how can someone be comfy using a diva cup.
Anonymous 7935
I use pads because my mom never taught me how to use a tampon (she doesn't use them) and everytime I've tried to use a tampon it's been extremely uncomfortable (probably because I'm doing it wrong).
I also still use pads because of the same reason as
>>7909 anxiety. Toxic shock syndrome sounds really scary and knowing my luck I could see it happening to me.
>>7921Nearly all my girl friends wear tampons and always make of me for using pads. They always say how gross pads are and how they're basically a diaper and that putting in a tampon is so easy and simple and great!
I understand their points (I think pads r kinda gross too and I really wanna start wearing tampons cause it would really simplify things like going to the beach on your period) but it sucks being made fun of and not being able to ask anyone for a pad if I run out in public.
Anonymous 7936
I do and I love them, I never had a leak, but some of my friends have leaked. I don't even feel them and I used to be so uncomfortable with tampons, I was barely even able to get them inside. Cups should realistically be harder for me to use, but I adjusted to them super easily.
Anonymous 7937
Personal ranking:
Anonymous 7938
I dislike anything going inside my vagina so pads.
Anonymous 7939
>>7935Women who make fun of pad users are so immature. I've tried tampons but it just wasn't for me so I switched back to pads.
Anonymous 7940
tampons make me so uncomfortable
i went through half a box trying to get one in there properly but i felt it every time i took a step and it fucking HURT so i just gave up
pads are so much better
Anonymous 7941
>>7933Have you ever actually bothered to look it up? Have some studies if not>Twelve randomized controlled trials met our inclusion criteria. Study findings were similar between 28-day and extended or continuous regimens in regard to contraceptive efficacy (i.e., pregnancy rates) and safety profiles. When compliance was reported, no difference between 28-day and extended or continuous cycles was found.>Continuous OCPs are a safe and reliable form of birth control. The metabolic, hormonal, and endometrial effects are similar in cyclic and continuous OCP users. You might get some bleeding that stops after a year or so, and you won't know if you're pregnant, but that's it. And if you understand birth control to begin with, you'll know why - it thins out the uterus lining, so there's nothing to shed in the first place. The period you get while on the pill is fake, and you don't get 'build up' when you skip it. The placebo pills were only included because it marketed better to women who felt not getting one was unnatural.
Anonymous 7942
>>7941not her but this is a tricky one. women experience serious side effects of b.c all the time. hormones are serious shit
Anonymous 7943
>>7942Maybe, but that has nothing to do with the sugar pills and the withdrawal bleeding they give you instead of a real period.
Anonymous 7944
Pads. I tried tampons once ro my first rock concert and have an eternal vendetta against them since then.
Anonymous 7945
I use reusable cloth pads. I did consider getting a cup, but I’m uncomfortable with putting tampons in without an applicator, no idea how I would get a cup up there. I have no problems with using tampons in emergencies though. god bless u stranger in the women’s toilets who passed me a tampon underneath the cubicle when I had none on me!
Anonymous 7946
Guess I'll start using pads now
Anonymous 7947
Pads because I don't know how to insert tampons. Menstrual cups seem very hygienic though, so maybe someday in a few years.
Anonymous 7948
>>7941>The period you get while on the pill is fakeHow does this work?
Anonymous 7950
>>7949Are there any side effects to continuously doing this?
I can't cope with the fact that you can apparently simply skip your period forever and no one let me in on this.
Anonymous 7952
>>7950The regular side effects associated with birth control, which depend on the type and your body.
Another thing is that depending on how you pay for the birth control, it is more expensive generally since you're going through an additional pack every 3 months. So you would need to get refills more often which means more visits to get prescriptions (I think? Last time I used the pill was 3 years ago and they only gave me enough seasonally so it lasted 3-4 months before I had to go and request more, but it was due to being a student and not having consistent health insurance).
Anonymous 7953
>>7950Breakthrough bleeding is the only direct side effect, it's only temporary though. I did it for years, stopped taking the pill for another few years, when I started again I bled for a few weeks straight before it stopped and never happened again. And while anon above is right that you pay more for the pill, you don't have to pay for pads or tampons and they are more expensive in the long run.
I think the biggest issue is that you can't tell if you're pregnant. But most birth control failure is because women skip 7 days of the pill, then forget to switch a new packet straight away, so it's a good way to avoid bc failing in the first place.
Anonymous 7954
I've been using pads all my life and i've never used a tampon, I don't think i want to honestly. I'm okay with pads and think the idea of them is more comfortable than a tampon. I haven't heard any girls make fun of others who use one or the other, but apparently that happens - i find that very childish, I mean everyone's got their preferences and they're just using whatever makes them feel comfortable the most, I don't see the big deal of that. Who cares, it just seems unnecessary to make fun of something like that.
Anonymous 7955
pads are the comfiest, i use tampon every once in a while or when i want to masturbate without a gross mess on my hands, but i cant help but feel like im using them wrong, they say to push til you cant feel it or you shouldnt be able to feel it but i always do no matter what size or how deep ive pushed it in i dont know if i have a weird shaped vagina or something. pads are the best i feel like a weirdo saying that since ive heard so many women say theyre gross plus i dont get anxiety about the time keeping that comes with tampons
Anonymous 7956
>>7905Damn I feel like I'm the only woman on this thread who said they (mostly) use tampons… Should I start using pads now?
Anonymous 7957
>>7956i'm primarily a tampon user, too. i don't remember the last time i even bought pads. the reason is because i have really heavy periods and so i would usually have to buy the really thick pads, which are bulky and uncomfortable to wear. tampons are just way more convenient for me.
Anonymous 7958
>>7957My periods aren't too heavy, however I'm very active. Plus I live in a hot location, so it's uncomfortable wearing what feels like a puffy drenched diaper when my body is often in motion and sweating, etc…
I do use pantyliners on my very light flow final days though, and sometimes a reusable cloth pad when I'm relaxing at home or sleeping.
Anonymous 7959
Both are better for something else and both suck for different reasons. If I had to choose, I'd be team pads. Lower chance of toxic shock syndrome, more control and no need to stick fingers up my vagina.
Anonymous 7960
I have an IUD so my periods are like nothing now and it's great.
I used to use tampons before, though. Really nbd once they're up there though I dislike the actual insertion because I used the tamps without applicators bc they're mad cheap.
Anonymous 7961
>>7960I keep forgetting applicators even exist. Where I live, I've never seen tampons with applicators being sold, I only know it from movies and TV and it's such a foreign concept to me, lol. I'm kind of curious to try it.
Anonymous 7962
>>7961Yeah same. Like I said here
>>7959 I don't like having my fingers up there, but I'd very much prefer my fingers to some awkward plastic object.
Anonymous 7963
tampons just make me so uncomfy..though i feel like i should transition to them sometime in the future
Anonymous 7964
i kinda want to try tampons but i'm afraid of toxic shock syndrome and i know it is rare
Anonymous 7965
Why would I put something inside of my vagina
Anonymous 7966
Pads, I bleed very little anyway so tampons aren't worth the hassle.
Anonymous 7967
cups >>>>>
seriously, as a teen i had massive issues with tampons so i never even used them until i was 22, and 2 years later switched to a mooncup and it revolutionized my life tbh. it lasts a lot longer for me, no fuss, no sticking my finger all the way up there (where I live tampons aren't sold with applicators and I'm still baffled about those tbh) and i don't feel it AT. ALL. I recommend trying it at least once.
Anonymous 7968
tampons and panty liner just in case
Anonymous 7969
I've never used a tampon. They're just really unappealing to me. Also I imagine toxic shock syndrome is way overblown, but that freaks me out, too.
I've been thinking about getting a monocular/divacup/whatever for yeeeaaars but never acted on it. So I'll probably be using pads until menopause.
Anonymous 7970
>>7931>Not sure why so few women don't just avoid their period entirely, it doesn't negatively impact your health or your fertility or anything.I lost my period for a long time a few years ago due to being underweight. I hated it. I felt unnatural and like something was wrong with me. I have somewhat heavy bleeding and cramps, but I know some people have nausea/throw up/really painful periods. So I understand why people choose to skip their period. I don't look forward to mine. But I felt so wrong not having it.
Anonymous 7971
>>7969Tbh you have to be one dirty fuck to get toxic shock syndrome. Change your tampon every 8 -10 hours (tops) and youll be fine.
I have one of those "cups" but Im so afraid of using it. Im worried it'll get stuck , esp since I don't have a big/wide kookah
Anonymous 7972
>>7910Happened to me, don't worry. Eventually it comes out after you learn what giving birth roughly feels like.
Anonymous 7973
>>7971I have a small kookah too and taking out cups is easy, I don't even have to "break the seal" as most women do (to release the vacuum). I just tug on the end until it comes out. The biggest challenge really is putting it in and after 2 periods it was such a breeze that I could do it without putting my foot up or squatting.
Anonymous 7974
Pads. Never tried tampons, got scared of the whole toxic shock syndrome and the idea of having something up there whilst going about daily life sounds horrid. I am thinking of switching to reusable pads, as they are better for the environment. I'd try a moon cup too possibly but I'm still a virgin and that doesn't sound fun.
Anonymous 7976
pads, never used anything else.
has to be the large nighttime-grade ones otherwise it just goes all over my panties
Anonymous 7978
a little smug.jpg

>>7905Pads. I've tried tampons a few times but I can never get them far enough in and they hurt.
Anonymous 7979
cups is the only true answer
Anonymous 7980
Pads just because I've always used them and I'm pretty small
Anonymous 7981
>>7979how difficult is it to get one of those in? They look huge and uncomfortable. also how does it feel to have one in?
swear to god I'm not some pervy autogynephile, I just hate how much waste I create with disposable pads and have been considering a cup
Anonymous 7982
>>7981It takes a bit of practice, but once it's in properly, you don't feel anything.
If you compare an unfolded tampon to a cup, the size is pretty similar. Silicon is slightly less yielding, but it is still flexible, not rigid.
Anonymous 7983

>>7981Like the other anon said, it takes practice, but it's worth it. Once you get the folding down, the learning curve is pretty steep. They also make models based on whether you've given birth–if you haven't given birth the cup is smaller and shorter. I would research reviews to find the best brand and fit for you! There are two kinds of cups: disposable (single use) and the reusable kind. There are lots on Amazon; that's where I bought mine. Good luck!
Anonymous 7984
Sorry to sound dumb but how does not being tight make pads not an option? Does the blood just flow everywhere?
That said I prefer pads and have been using them since I got my period but I don't mind tampons, I'll use them if I have to go swimming or something, never been an issue.
Anonymous 7985
Tampons always fall out so pads I guess.
Anonymous 7986
I decided to try tampons because I remembered this thread. They do feel a lot freer than pads! And putting them in isn't hard after you get used to it. But I find something disgusting in pulling them out.
Anonymous 7987
>>7905Tampons for swimming, toilet paper for everything else. Pads are overrated and expensive.
Been doing this for 10 years and it's really nice being able control how much buffer one needs while also enjoying the fact that you get a fresh change each time you visit the toilet. The thought of overloaded pads makes me sick, not smelling stale blood is also a perk to tp.
Anonymous 7988
>>7987w-what the fuck
I only used tp on the first day of my period when I was 11 since I was too scared to tell my mom and it just felt too thick, uncomfortable and it would slip around easily.
Anonymous 7989
Pads. I always see people complain that pads are gross and diaper-like, but the thought of storing rotting blood inside my body even for a short while gives me anxiety. The toxic shock thing doesn't help.
I'd rather have the gunk be out of my body asap.
Anonymous 7990
>>7989What disgusts me about pads is precisely having foul smelling blood pressed against my skin. It makes it smell terrible afterwards.
Anonymous 7991
>>7987Your menstrual flow must be low. How many layers of toilet paper do you use? Does nothing ever go wrong?
>>7988Tbh, I might use toilet paper on the first or last days of my period if I'm at home and know I'll be sitting in the same position in front of the laptop for the whole day. But I could never wear TP for going outside.
Anonymous 7992
>>7990That's why you buy higher quality ones that absorb the blood.
That foam in some is like magic in how much it can absorb.
Anonymous 7993
tampons. Pads always give me diaper rash lol
Anonymous 7994
Hahaha. You weak fools. ignorant bitches. While you were choosing tampons or pads, I was shoving both in my underpants. Sometimes newspaper for good measure. The blood never stops. I drive all the boys to the yard with my super fecund fresh blood coochie smell. My RBCs have their own pheromones. Then I come home and bleed everywhere and let the smell waft its way around like a Yankee candle and feel comfort in my own self. Can you say that with your 5-day self-hating crampless diaper week of spotting? Can you look me in the eye and tell me we are the same?
Anonymous 7997
>>7994This is too great to not be turned into copypasta if it isn't already.
Anonymous 7998
But also, washable pads, anyone? I want to switch to those at one point, they cause way less irritation, actually feel nice and they're environmentally friendly too. Has anyone tried those?
Anonymous 7999
>>7988>>7991Not sure about the flow, I don't really ask or compare. I change each time i visit the toilet or if i sense a need if the flow indeed is too much. So maybe 4-6 times on light days, 6-8 on heavy days. I generally roll paper around my hand to get a good shape 2-4 times if it's light, 4-8 times if heavy and during the night I wear boxers n use alot more and increase the size of the bundle. At home i ofc have soft n nicely absorbent tp, so it takes less layers.
I used pads from age 13 to like 21. Then got stuck without pads n tampons at a prolonged event and had to use tp… to my surprise it was really convenient, so I tried again next time, realised how much nicer it was not having stuff down there go foul/smelly and the amount of control I got (layers,size,texture) was really nice + I can flush it down the toilet. Im financially well off, so the savings aren't why I do it, but damn I must have saved a lot of not buying plastic and cotton filled stuff. Never told anyone about this, but it's my odd lil routine.
Exceptions are ofc swimming or intense sports, I keep tampons around for that.
Anonymous 8001
Don't you guys get worried about like, fetishists lurking and possibly posting in threads like these?
Anonymous 8002
>>8001Well that goes for everything you post on the internet, who fucking cares. If someone wants to jerk off at bloody toilet paper who am I to judge
Anonymous 8003
>>7999You don't get toilet paper residue on your underwear? I've had that problem when using toilet paper.