
Reusable sanitary products 8531
Does anyone here have any experience with reusable sanitary towels? I've usually always used the Always brand but I've recently found out how toxic their products are. I'd like to get into the reusable ones but I don't know how effective they are and how comfortable.
Anonymous 8532
>>8531I also want to know. I hate how wasteful normal pads are and tampons hurt too much.
Anonymous 8533
I've been using them for a little over a year now. I went to the local … idek what to call it, the low-waste/hippie/organic/granola store, you know the type. I bought some reusable pads there and tried them out. Very expensive to initially invest but after that not having to re-buy pads all the time is awesome.
I think I have some lunapads and some Oko brand ones; the lunapads are great but VERY thick, so they can be kind of warm/sweaty, but they fold into little squares much more easily. The Oko ones are smaller and lighter and for the type of periods my birth control gives me, they work great.
They are a little bit more work to clean- I have found that leaving a little pail/bucket of warm water with lots of oxi clean in it helps with the stains, of course the water doesn't stay warm but it still works. I basically take them off, rinse them well with cold water in the sink (if you have liquid soap you could even put some on and wash them a little at that time), making sure to rinse the sink well, and then I put them in this little pail. Once I'm all finished with my period I will wait a day or two for the last pads to have some time to de-stain and then wash on a delicate cycle, I just dump the whole bucket into the machine, water and all. I like to add vinegar as a fabric softener normally and this is really great for keeping them soft. I know most people say not to put them in the dryer, but I found that with some dryer balls and a short cycle on low heat/no heat (some dryers have that setting) it helps keep them soft. The best for cleaning is to dry them in really bright, direct sunlight- REALLY gets the stains out.
Depending on how heavy your periods are you might want to invest in a wet bag as well, basically a bag with two sections, one for unused and one for used pads. I just kept mine in a little sandwich bag when I changed them in public, but once I was like "nope, this is the way of the future" I bought a wet bag. If your periods are very heavy this might be a little gross, but then again any low/zero-waste option is going to be a bit more tricky to deal with in public in that case. As long as you rinse them in cold water right away when you get home and put them in the little bucket I mentioned, it shouldn't be too gross.
Also a lot of tips online say not to use stain removers or ~*cHeMicAlS*~ on them, but unless you already know you have sensitive skin and have to use different laundry detergents that way, use whatever you want to clean them. I've used Shout and other stain removers. I wouldn't put those little scent beads on mine personally though.
I also heard a lot of stuff about whether or not they would reduce cramping. I was initially skeptical, but after a few periods using solely those pads, I did begin to notice I took less advil. I think the conventional pads/tampons suck out SO MUCH moisture that they can almost be too much and that irritates the vagina/vulva or sth (but this is just a hunch).
But yeah! Long post but I highly recommend them. Comfortable, soft, and I just love being lower waste with my period and saving money in the long run. I hope this answers some of your questions OP :)
Anonymous 8534

>>8533Thank you for the informative post! After reading I'll definitely invest in some lunapads as they sound like what I'm looking for. Also, this might be a dumb question but is it okay to wash them with clothes?
Anonymous 8535
just get a menstrual cup, fam
>lasts 5+ years
>no leaking, doesn't smell
>small and portable
Anonymous 8536
>>8535Like, actually though
Pads are fucking gross for me since I have a heavy periods and tampons hurt a lot of the time. Menstrual cups (if you put it in right) feel like nothing, catch all your shit, and last for a long ass time.
Pair it with a small reusable pad (to catch the occasional leak) and you're on easy street tbqh
Anonymous 8537
>>8536>>8535Menstrual cups interest me but they look a bit awkward to wear tbh, it's hard to imagine sitting with one too.
Anonymous 8538
>>8537you dont even feel it once it is in
>>8536i feel betrayed that i had to use pads and tampons for so long before i learned about menny cups. what a waste of money. no more stinky panty-diapers for me.
Anonymous 8539
>>8534I guess? I've washed stained underwear with regular underwear before. I just like to do mine on a delicate cycle on their own for my personal comfort, but if you're comfortable with it (and you rinsed them out first!) you could do it.
Anonymous 8540
Not a reply to OP but why is it whenever women talk about pads there are ALWAYS some women who come along to be like "just use a cup/tampon" that's not what OP fucking asked about. They asked about menstrual pads. Presumably they know menstrual cups exist. Not all of us like using cups/tampons, nor do we like our method being likened to "stinky diapers." A pad isn't a fucking diaper, what is wrong with these people. We get it, you're not like other girls. Take your pad hatred elsewhere pls. God.
Anonymous 8556
>>8540What the fuck does recommending tampons have to do with "not being like other girls"? What a dumb thing to be butthurt over. Get some thicker skin ms.stinky diaper.
Anonymous 8557
>tampons>not like other girlsWhere tf do you come from where using tampons is unique? I get it when it comes to cups, since women who use can come off as high and mighty about it sometimes, but I tampon-users are the normies of menstrual products lmao
Anonymous 8559
>>8557not that anon but pads are the norm in my country at least for unmarried women because they don't want to "break" their hymen
Anonymous 8563
>ms. stinky diaper
Anonymous 8564
>>8559Huh, that's interesting. Around here, people who wear pads only are less common than than those who wear tampons or both. In my experience at least, since I was one of the pad-only people until I tried out menstrual cups
Anonymous 8615
>>8556I'm not butthurt, I'm sick of people telling me I AM a child because I use pads. They're a perfectly fine option, and this thread was for talking about them. you don't wanna use them, fine, go to another thread lmao.
Anonymous 8618
>>8540sorry to inform you but pads really do stink. i used to wear them and i could smell it through my jeans. it's dirty and gross and unhygienic.
i dont' know why you are acting assblasted about a suggestion of a better method. you have serious issues.
>isn't a diaperit is literally a diaper
Anonymous 8619
>>8559and the hymen fascination is stupid, scientifically illiterate, anti-women, and backwards. some women are born without hymens at all, some break them on stupid shit like tampons, gymnastics, their own finger while washing/exploring as a 12 year old ('wtf is this hole thing here anyway?'). i don't recall ever "breaking" my hymen and assume i was born without one or i tore it rough-housing and never noticed. any country that still obsesses over hymens must be some godforsaken islamic shithole full of child brides and wife-beating. instead of getting pissy at us, you might want to think about escaping to a decent country where you won't be burned alive if you get widowed or stoned to death for being raped.
Anonymous 8620
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>>8619would you help me escape, anon? i'm not hairy, loli sized, with biggu tiddy and equally biggu iq.
Anonymous 8621
>>8620which country? ease of immigration depends on the country you live in.
Anonymous 8626
Different anon, but how much can diet change the smell of rotting blood?
Anonymous 8634
>>8619Whew lass. You seem upset.
"Hymen fascination" exists because it's one of several indicators of virginity. Virginity fascination exists because faithful, monogomous marriages are essential for social and cultural stability. Virgin marriages, preferably for both males and females, correlate with happier and more faithful marriages.
Moreover, don't tell people to run away from their country's problems. We don't need more people transplating problems where they didn't exist before. If you want to see change, stay where you are and fix it, because you're in best position to do it. If people just run away when there are problems then you'll potentially transplant that problem to a new place and you'll perpetuate it in the place they left… because you'll only have the perpetuators of the problem left there.
Anonymous 8635
>>8634>indicators of virginitydid you not read what they wrote? they said that not all women are born with hymens so it's apparently NOT a good indicator of virginity.
>be the changehave you seen the islamic state of affairs?
Anonymous 8637
>>8635That's why I made "indicators" plural, because it should be one of several factors to take into consideration, not the end-all-be-all answer to the question of whether a female is a virgin or not.
And as far as not all women being born with a hymen, that's definitely not the norm. I just looked it up and read a few conflicting claims, but suffice it to say having no hymen present at all is a statistically very, very unlikely. There is such a thing as an imperforate hymen, and not all hymens look the same, so it can be mislabeled as absent or damaged or whatever.
As to the question of the Islamic state of affairs… The whole Islamic world is not homogeneous. Heck, this discussion could be applied to most of Africa and Asia as well. The Arab Spring is a good example of the folks over there getting fed up with the status quo. Sure, they do have a lot of socially/culturally unsustainable views and norms, but it's far from static. The region has and is changing.
Anonymous 8639
>>8634but it's kind of useless, there are 1000 ways to have sex or cheat that don't involve penetration to the vagina. you can get pregnant without breaking your hymen even.
Anonymous 8894
I just stuff rolled up toilet paper into my vagina like a cheaper tampon and all is good. I'm a neet with no income and my father gets mad at me when I try to buy personal hygiene products because he says they're too expensive
Anonymous 8908

I recently bought some teamoy pads, they're pretty soft and have some good variety in size although I'm yet to use them. The bag they come in is very cute and could probably be used for washing bras too.
Anonymous 8910

>>8559>>8619>>8634>>8635>>8637It's crazy how most people and most women still don't know what the so called hymen is. First of all, it's not a detachable membrane. It's the skin around the vaginal opening. It can look different ways like pic related. You see there are some differences between the orifices and then there's the ''imperforate'' and ''cribiform''. Now, being born with an imperforated hymen is not a sign of virginity since only a very few amount of women present this condition. An imperforated hymen needs to be perforated surgically otherwise a girl who starts having her periods won't realise and mestruation will accumulate in her system, leading to serious diseases like a toxic shock. That's completely uncommon. The cimbriated hymen presents its own particular difficulties when it comes to intercourse because penetration is impossible as well. So if a girl has this type of hymen she won't be able to get penetrated either, or will get inflicted a very huge damage in order to tear down the skin to make a hole. THAT'S NOT NORMAL and you must also have a surgery so you can have regular unpainful sex. As I said before, the hymen is not a detachable piece of skin, it's like the labia minora, it's supposed to protect the vaginal oppening. ANY intercourse can hurt if there's no proper lubrication, leading to tearing the hymen. BUT YOU CAN PREVENT THIS FROM THE VERY FIST TIME BY LUBRICATING. And the myth about the bleeding of the wedding night? Imagine an unexperienced young man with an even more unexperienced young woman, there was probably few foreplay and even more little consideration towards the young bride's anatomy well being. You could also break your hymen countless times because it's not going to fall like some crust, but why do we have to bleed? Then you'll need to heal and wounds like this are completely pleventable! You will have your hymen forever, even if it's so thin that you can't tell it apart from the rest of skin around the vaginal oppening. After all it's like any other part of the female sexual anatomy, it can be very visible or not, or just a little or whatever.
https://www.mcuk.com/blog/hymen-vaginal-corona/The article above is very interesting, hymens can be called vaginal coronas as well and that would destigmatize them as some sort of detachable viriginity indicator.
Anonymous 8912
>>8910bleeding on the first night has been observed by many cultures around the world, everywhere from africa to pacific islands to eurasia.
Anonymous 8914
If you saw blood there would be a small injury of some kind. Blood doesn't come out of nowhere.
Anonymous 8915
>>8912yea you will most likely bleed if the guy is too rough, did not prepare extensively or if youre not aroused enough or your hymen is a bit different like cribiform, and i doubt many of those guys were educated about different types of hymen or cared about not making it painful by stretching her first.
Anonymous 8917
if there was blood there was injury, even if there was no pain you tore a piece of skin-like tissue.
Anonymous 8918
The fact that you didn't feel any pain doesn't mean there wasn't any injury of some kind. If you were extremely aroused (like you said you were), there would have been a lot of blood in that particular area like it's supposed to be during sex, so the slightlest injury down there would have bleed even if it were insignificant. I've bleed down there a couple of times and I didn't feel pain either.
Anonymous 8920
the other day i cut my foot and didnt feel anything, doesnt mean i wasnt injured.
Anonymous 8921
i think shes saying that all virgins bleeding is a myth, and often caused by not preparing/being rough/inexperience, not that no virgin ever does.
Anonymous 8923
It's a myth that you always have to bleed and feel pain. You can feel pain without bleeding, bleed without feeling pain and like, most people, don't feel pain or bleed at all. It's a myth that if you don't bleed it's because you're not a virgin and all that jazz.
Anonymous 9069
>>8908They're really fluffy! They feel surpringly comfy as well, more so than disposable pads.
But they are rather thick so I don't know if I can recommend them for summer.
Anonymous 9188
>>8531these are actually great if you're sensitive, usually after i used disposable pads i'd get an itch which i dont have anymore since using them.
Anonymous 9190
>>8540>>8557In Brazil you'll have a hard time finding tampons. It's 98% pads and 1,x% cups
Anonymous 9232

>>9190to be honest i don't really understand why people prefer tampons in the first place, they're really uncomfortable and i've heard cases of them being dangerous
Anonymous 9234
>>9232Tampons have the potential to be dangerous because they can provide an entrance and growth region for bacteria that can send you into toxic shock. Pads are better, but menstrual cups are the best in terms of reducing that risk.
Anonymous 9479
>>9234>>9232I've actually heard of a girl in my year at school dying from not removing hers for an extended period, they've always scared me
Anonymous 9480
>>9479So just remove it periodically? All the horror stories I've read about have stemmed from leaving it in for waaaaay too long. I understand not wanting to use them if they're painful though. I wasn't able to use them until my mid-20s.
Cups are great too but require more practice and to be more comfortable with your body, and for some of my friends they leak (but I haven't had an issue with that).
Anonymous 9486
>>9480don't cups make it look like you have a bulge?
Anonymous 9488
>>9234I dont get hearing this. Remove them every time you go to the bathroom or when you wake up. Why are girls leaving them in for days at a time. Thats gross.
Anonymous 9489
>>9486>BulgeNo never. If anything Pads and loose jeans make you look like you have a budge. Cups go inside you. They're suppose to be removed and clean every 10-12 hours. I wait a 1-4 hours before reinsertion, just to air it out.
Anonymous 9490
>>9486I don't even know how to imagine that, like a stomach bulge? Or in your crotch? No to both. They're soft and unfold inside you but not fully, they stay squished up and adjust to the shape of your vaginal canal. There's a tiny stem you grab to pull out, but that's inside too and you can just snip it if it's too long.
Anonymous 9500
>In reality I just don't take risks with things I see as not worth the gain in comparison to what could happen
There's not a single person on this planet that doesn't do this. The point of having a phobia is that you are mentally over-exagerating the risks vs benefits. Hypochondriacs that don't leave their houses use this same line of thought to justify not going outside.
Anonymous 9519
I use pads but I'm still so disgustingly unhygienic during my period that it is a God's miracle that I haven't gotten TSS. I'm done testing my luck though.
Anonymous 10276
I use reusable pads and find them much more comfortable and longer lasting than disposable ones. Less leaky, too and no weird smell. I got them for cheap on amazon.
Anonymous 10451
>>9519TSS is more for things that are internal. Mostly, tampons, because they soak up all the blood and bacteria, and if they're in there for a long ass time, they can get pretty nasty.
Some people keep tampons in there for like 12 hours, which is a big risk for TSS. TSS is basically a bacterial infection. A pad won't really cause that since it's external.
I think even most menstrual cups have less risk of TSS than a tampon since all the ones Ive seen are made of medical grade silicone and have less chance to breed bacteria compared to a super-absorbent tampon.
Anonymous 10481
Literally just don't sleep in tampons and you'll be fine. Mine start to feel sore after hours of being in, so I have to remove them anyway. I can't even imagine leaving it in there long enough to incur TSS. I'm guessing some women just don't feel it? Also, make sure not to completely rely on tampons and wear a pad to let it air out a bit after removing a tampon.
Anonymous 15092
I use some made from bamboo cotton, and while they're very comfy and absorbent I haven't switched to them for my main menstrual use, only for sleeping and for discharge I get before/after a period. My first issue is: because the poppers can only hold it on loosely and even pads with two popper options can't always stay put without rolling sideways or slipping up and down I don't trust it to keep blood from going on my thighs and trousers. I've had them slip when heavy discharge was coming out and I ended up with a big wet patch above where the pad had been sitting, and thank god it wasn't bloody.
Second issue: I don't bleed when lying down but that means when I get up there's a fucking tsunami of blood and clots I have to rush to the toilet to get rid of. I've noticed when it does hit the pad all the clots and, for lack of better words, stringy red goopy shit in the blood sits on the surface without going in. I'm honestly amazed how the material has never soaked through to the other side when with disposable pads I'm frequently only saved by the plasticy adhesive backing being waterproof, which suggests it really does absorb a lot. But why the fuck does so much sit on the surface like chunks and silly string? It's unpleasant to feel and rinsing it off in the sink is nasty too. Is that just something with bamboo cotton? Do they all have this problem?
Third issue: the side you bleed on is dark gray so I don't have any problems with blood stains, however there are occasionally lightish stains that can survive a few washes and handscrubbings before going away. It's embarrassing because I can't tell if this is from the discharge I can't help, or some moment where I happened to be talking lewd and might have leaked other fluids. I don't know. Never had a problem with those staining anything in the past so this is news to me. Could just be that the pads are getting worn and the rougher surface holds stains more easily? I have no idea but I'm glad the neighbors don't use binoculars to eye my laundry.
What I'm most curious about is whether there's a brand that's particularly secure and doesn't slip, and whether "period pants" are basically the same thing. The latter are way more expensive than buying reuseable pads, and the thought of changing your whole underwear every 4-8hrs to stay fresh seems pretty inconvenient, so I've never tried it.
Anyway if you opened this ancient thread because you're thinking of switching to reusable pads then I 100% recommend getting some for at least wearing to bed because your skin will love you for it. More than any chemical or perfume the #1 reason branded disposable pads will give you a sore crotch/labia is because for a few days straight you're constantly rubbing that skin on something that has to have a stiff absorbent backing under the top layer. No matter how soft they make a disposable pad it won't top having literally fabric, and if you're stuck affording cheap pads then jesus it really helps. Think of it like giving your parts a breather for x hours, and if you barely bleed on it then there's no guilt ditching it when you put on clean undies in the morning too since it just gets washed.