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Prematurely ageing Anonymous 9201

The stuff that my dermatologist gave me for my acne gave me noticeable premature wrinkles, and I STILL have acne, woohoo. I kept making sure with her, and she just brushed it off as normal, no big deal, your skin will become normal once the treatment is over. F-ing liar. I hate this. I look like 7 years older. I don't have the best looking face and this made me even more depressed. Whenever I try to improve it just blows up in my face, either by bad luck or people treating me shitty because of obvious autistic body language, thinking that they can get away with it.

Anonymous 9202

Was it something that left your skin too dry? If so you these wrinkles could be just lack of moisture

You could try retinoids and dermarolling too, but i know what it feels like when your efforts only make things worse. I gave up a bit too.

Anonymous 9203

download (1).jpg

Yes, it was azelic acid or something. I tried to rehydrate and it worked some, but not all the way, they're permanent. I have a dermaroller but too scared to use it, what if I get hyper pigmentation?
It just feels safest to not do anything anymore. I'm tired of being on this hamster wheel of beauty.

Anonymous 9204

don't dermaroll your face, it leaves track marks. consider the geometry involved. there's an educational gif around somewhere of it. use a stamp pen instead. how old are you? i'm 29 and getting fine lines around my mouth now, just ordered new products to attack that and i hope it isn't permanent.

just keep in mind we might get wrinkles, but men get wrinkles AND go bald.

Anonymous 9206

yeah im going through this at 22, i wasnt ever attractive and now i look worse lmao i want to an hero

Anonymous 9207

Maybe check out skincare by hyram's youtube. I always see videos of people with awful acne who get all better just by following his advice.

Anonymous 9208

do not try retinoids or derma rolling or any of that bullshit. Long term use of retinoids has bad side effects look it up. Theres a study. Same look it up for derma too. Try going easy on your face, its gentle. Try natural methods and most importantly take care of yourself. Eat well, rest well, workout! Also apply sunscreen and wear a hat outside! Makeup helps for confidence too, there are now tinted sunscreens and you can wear light BB cream.

Anonymous 9209


Thanks for the warning… seems like the beauty industry is just liars and scammers.

Anonymous 9210

Yup. Just like the news and educational districts!

Anonymous 9211

I forget the exact quote but I read somewhere that the beauty industry makes something like more money than the music industry, movie industry, cruise ship industry, and casinos… combined.

Anonymous 9212

>“Retinol will not decrease the skin barrier if used in the correct dosage,'' agrees Dr. Icecreamwala. In fact, she says it can actually do the opposite: “Because retinol is collagen and elastin-boosting, it can actually help thicken the skin over time if used appropriately.”

you made me panic but it turns out you are incorrect. it only has side effects long term if you are using too high of a dose, which you need to be retarded to do.

Anonymous 9213

This is what scares me about skincare. How do you know how much is okay? How often should you use something? Where is the list of medically approved amounts and dosages?

Anonymous 9214

Usually it comes with guidelines, you can ask or see posts by the hundreds other people that used X product or even just see a derm. But usually you only use a few drops, just enough to lightly cover your face if it's not a topical product.

Anonymous 11437

Idk what she gave you, but certain acne meds can increase sun sensetivity. Make sure you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day and your acne meds at night.

Anonymous 11438

Try out hyaluronic acid, and make sure you're completely covered in sunscreen every day. It should be fine.

Anonymous 11443

Omg this. I dermarolled my forehead and now it’s permanently red, do not dermaroll unless your doc does it

Anonymous 11462

Does anyone know if preventative botox actually works to prevent wrinkles ? Or is it a waste of money?

Anonymous 11467


collagen powder!
my mom takes it and she looks ten years younger than she really is

Anonymous 11468

Real shit? How's it taste? Or is it flavorless? I'm intrigued!

Anonymous 11499

nta but this definitely works, at home we have a huge bottle of it and it lightened the dark spots on my moms legs that she's had for years and her face in general. her hair has grown a lot too. i should start taking it too but i can't get past the taste. i think there's one's that are flavored but ours tastes like straight up fish

Anonymous 18494

Get vitamin E capsules, break one open and rub the oil all over your face each night.
It's a bit greasy, but it works. Just wash with a gentle cleanser in the morning, then apply a high SPF moisturiser.

Anonymous 18495

do you studies to prove dermarollers are that bad? how do i know youre both not shills?

Anonymous 18497

>2 yr old posts necro
nvm, sorry
*do you have

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