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Bad habits that make you gain weight Anonymous 9223

Mine: Mindless/boredom snacking. I put a picture of obese people on the inside of my cupboard and fridge, stops me from most mindless eating.
What are your bad diet habits? How do you avoid doing them?

Anonymous 9224

>How do you avoid doing them?

not having a fridge

Anonymous 9226

>I put a picture of obese people on the inside of my cupboard and fridge
Kek, I do this.

Anonymous 9235

Live with an obese person. It drives the sad reality home more than a picture ever could.

Anonymous 9260

drink cold water or tea, it helps a lot

Anonymous 9825

Being an alcoholic.

Anonymous 9826

Don't buy and or keep large amounts of bad snaking foods in the house. Try to snack on healthier options like fruit and carrots. Remember good foods still require portion controls. I often prepare apple slices in a container for later snaking. Drink water before eating. Some people are non to confuse being thirsty with being hungry.

Anonymous 9837

snaking food.jpg

>snaking food

Anonymous 9839

this picture is so sad i pray that this frog was okay

Anonymous 9874

I find chewing gum is helpful.

>I put a picture of obese people on the inside of my cupboard and fridge, stops me from most mindless eating.

Kek, I'll have to try this.

Anonymous 9876

girl wtf do you think happened to the frog

Anonymous 9877

i've seen them survive almost being swallowed

Anonymous 9880

So you want the poor snake to die because of starvation? :(

Anonymous 9894

For me it's only helpful after you eat something.
Otherwise you'll going to end up with horrible hunger pangs.

Anonymous 9960

Not being mindful of gi/blood sugar spikes. Having soup or salad, or even a boiled egg or some nuts before starting a meal really helps.

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