Or, tell me what kind of person this is to you, personally, if you're already brainbroken enough to want it.
It's 100% not necessary to be right-wing, but if you're not, this type is usually "not political" and may conform to their S.O.'s views by association.
Do you think these types of people have more rights?
>>9293 No, she's average, Stacy doesn't wear oversized sweaters and UGGs. I always associated Stacies with wearing heavy make-up and dressing up even for mundane situations. High maintenance.
> Is this a Stacy? You know the type that has brunch, perfect teeth, talks too much about wine, and has a tiny, ugly dog? That sounds horrible, except for the perfect teeth part. Unless you meant veneers, in which case it’s even more disgusting.
I don't think you guys get it, look at us browsing imageboards (which is still pretty sweet) and discussing how men have wronged us. Meanwhile they don't think and travel in packs - in leggings, freely. They DO things together. We sob, eat nuggies n fries, and wither away hoping another all girl discord comes along. They probably plan trips out of the country together.
>>9300 you know you dont need to completely conform to normie status to have friends, right? non normie girls travel(yes, even out of country) and do cute stuff together all the time. you just sound lonely. find a community somewhere. do you have any hobbies?
I like food too much and I am too lazy to exercise. I don't like wearing make up, [/spoiler]and I don't know how[/spoiler]. I don't know how to take care of my hair. I like wearing dorky glasses. And I don't have a fashion sense, all I wear is black. I like being pale, I don't tan-I burn in the sun and get more freckles. Also I am poor, its hard to have fun when you cant afford to go anywhere. Besides I don't care enough to be a Stacy. It comes with its own problems.
>>9327 >tfw have similar body to some of those women >too awkward, inhibited, and bizarre to ever truly be hot and social, so I'm destined to forever be seen as lesser Epic.
>>9331 Perhaps, but being socially inept and coming off as a sperg is still incredibly off-putting. No matter how much I workout or how nice my clothes are, things won't change.
>>9333 SERIOUSLY the apartment above me has a guy and his gf comes over a lot, and the walls are paper thin so i hear everything. the cunt just laughs all fucking day, just constant giggling for hours and hours and obnoxious laughter at 1 in the morning. wtf could possibly be that god damned funny that it takes you 5 hours to laugh about it? i hate normalshits so much, i wish they would all just die.
>>9343 Yeah, it's just an annoyingly slow process and there are many things I just don't want to do. Some social norms are frustrating. >>9350 >tfw unironically want this
I have a friend like this trope. Unironically I like her company but sometimes she spams me and mutuals with cute "look how perfect our life is" pics whenever she feels insecure. It's incredibly weird and she doesn't realize we just want her to be chill.
I have a bf so I wouldn't try and be Stacy since that would likely get in the way of making female friends. If I broke up with him I might try but ultimately being Stacy wouldnt help me attract the kind of guy I like and pretending to be perfect won't make the mask real.
When people say that dressing well improves your appearance - it's true ofc, but the thing is I don't know what "dressing well" means. I know how to choose clothes that fit, suit my body type etc but it's hard to tell the difference between a plain "nice" outfit vs a "stylish" outfit. And the person who wears it matters too, an ugly person can make good clothes look ugly and a beautiful person can wear the ugliest things and make it stylish. Anyway it all comes down to genetics.
I don't think what you posted is exactly a Stacy, or at the very least not the type of Stacy I'd seek to be.
That said, what is stopping me to become a Stacy is >Very thin hair, no matter what I do >Terrible hairline that's quite far back into my head. Almost like it's reseeding when it's just been like that for all my life, giving me a huge huge forehead. I'd definitely go for a hairline lowering surgery if I had the money.
It also limits the hairstyles I can go for, I basically go for one type of hairstyle all times, which is just bland almost centered part (not completely center but not sideswept either). I avoid cute hairstyles where I have to pull my hair back like cute ponytail or like in pic related. -Not being naturally blonde, my hair is too weak and unhealthy to be bleached. Not saying dark haired Stacies don't exist (Kardashians example or Ariana Grande and Valkyrae) but I just personally adore blonde hair. I wish I had blue eyes too.
Hair is a woman's crown, and I feel so bad for being a hairlet. I just feel so inferior and less of a woman with my thin, short and bland hair. Even more than not having a womanly voluptuous body honestly. I'd kill for a long, thick and wavy Stacy hair.