
Glasses Anonymous 15141
I think it's about time we had this thread!
Post men and women who are wearing glasses.
2D and 3D people included.
Eyeglasses/spectacles only, sunglasses don't count
Anonymous 15145

I think this is some random OC I found on Pinterest… I never thought an eyepatch + glasses (both of which I like) could actually look good on a character.
Anonymous 15147

I found another pic of this guy that was posted on some other thread (or at least I think it's him)
Apparently no one knows who he is, unfortunately
Anonymous 15149

I've always thought Adrian Andrews is a qt
Anonymous 15152

I have never been able to find the original source for this pic or even the character's name. I'm starting to suspect that the background was edited in.
Anonymous 15153

Remember when there were only 5 members of the SMK?
Anonymous 15333

Just don't look up the source, it's not worth it.
Anonymous 15340

I admit that I don't have a lot of pictures of cute women with glasses.
Anonymous 15554

Some guy from some BL or TL manga ad I got on Pixiv
Anonymous 15561

What the fuck, I accidentally posted these in a new thread kek. Sorry, I'm not paying attention to my screen rn
Anonymous 15571

>>15570And my actual husbando, the best megane of all time (warning: too fucking cute)
Anonymous 15763

Fuck yeah, meganeposting is back
Anonymous 16065

shoutout to my fellow tmgs girls here
I am a bitch for sa ku ya
too bad he doesn’t have much cute fanart
Anonymous 16081

>>16065Have you played 2 and 3 yet?He's pretty cute, unfortunately Morimura isn't as popular as the other meganes in the series. I also don't like First Love that much, it's not as polished as the other games so it gets a bit frustrating, and I usually go for Himuro instead cuz he's sexy and very strict and I love watching him get embarrassed, but the main reason I don't go for Morimura is because
I like Shiho more (she's kind of my waifu). I don't know how you feel about her, sorry if it upsets you. It upset me when I played 1 for the first time and tried to get him but ended up getting cucked by her lol. Not only did I want Sakuya for being the megane but I also became attached to Shiho so it felt like a double betrayal. I know there are people who really hate the rivals, but I don't know if you feel that way too.Every year I look forward to my favorite boys' birthday tweets from the series' official Twitter.
https://twitter.com/girlsside573/status/1410614168936488961>>16067>>16068WHO is this cutie??
Anonymous 16150

I like Shiho too. Though I do not like Morimura because he would give me bombs and made Shiho hate me. It sucked seeing Shiho like Morimura and then being friendzoned by her. Oh well. Anonymous 16155
TMGS1 (11).png

>>16150Oooh, another TMGS fan! Same lol (though I stil like Morimura)
Shiho is so cute and cool. She made me wish the rivals in the first two games got more events/endings/CGs.
Anonymous 16182

Some character from Pop'n
I don't know anything about this series but he's hot (at least the way this artist draws him)
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84709415Anonymous 16187

>>16081My messages was deleted for some reason (???)
Thanks a lot, mod
Anyway, the guy is a PrinceCanary's OC - name is Professor Techum
Anonymous 16209

https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/65595122>>16187Thank you for the source, he looks like a total qt. I hope the jannies at least give you an explanation for your missing posts,
I was really looking forward to your reply ;_;Anonymous 16211

>>16182That's MZD! He's pretty cool, but his fans are crazy as shit which sucks
Anonymous 16503
by knifecat111 at …

Posting more Dano!Riddler, I hope you don't mind
Anonymous 16535
@teddyb0x FPPdFeAX…

>>16503What, what did I mean by "more"? Was a post deleted or something?
Anonymous 16568

>>16567God nnnngh
>i wish i was girl batmanSame, because I wanna dom him
Anonymous 16664

Incoming Rinnosuke dump with some other glasses Touhous. I apologize if any of the art looks scrote-y, it's Touhou after all.
Anonymous 16678

>>16677It sucks when you can see how an artist (often clearly female, judging by the art style and tastes, or by her bio) went from drawing stuff like Hetalia, yaoi or hot/cute anime boys to drawing coomershit like women with planet-sized tits. Some of these old Rinnosuke pics came from an artist like that and it makes me so sad that most of them have stopped drawing him or the things they used to enjoy in favour of porn for scrotes.
Anonymous 16696

>>16695If I see another artist who started drawing incresingly degenerate crap for males over the years… Anonymous 16700

I just checked the main page and saw a bunch of my quotes kek I'll stop doing that
Anonymous 16771
>>16768i'm ignorant, what's this from? i'm interested in guys like this
Anonymous 16774

>>16769wingardium leviosa
speaking of: it's funny how I never had any interest in Harry Potter the character, despite him being megane (with messy dark hair, green eyed and in a uniform)
I never really liked his character, I think? Maybe he was too bland for me, even he actually has very distinctive character: I see him as kinda awkward and hot tempered impulsive boy with a strong sense of justice, what can lead him to be blind and biased
And maybe it's not a very megane-like image? ..
I don't know, what do you think about him?
Anonymous 16789

think it's from a movie called Explicit Ills (2008) but I haven't watched it, so I can't be sure. Paul Dano has played a lot of characters who are dorky, wear glasses and/or are bullied. It's so hot.
check out the Danofagging thread on lc>>16774>wingardium leviosaKEK I hadn't noticed that.
>it's funny how I never had any interest in Harry Potter the character, despite him being megane (with messy dark hair, green eyed and in a uniform)I
might have been attracted to him in my childhood (just from watching the movies, I never read the books or was in the fandom), but as both I and the actor grew older, I stopped being interested in the character. Even though those exact same traits are incredibly attractive to me.
>And maybe it's not a very megane-like image?Yes, exactly. I like meganes who "act like" meganes, meaning that they act in a stereotypically nerdy and dorky way.
Anonymous 16791
>>16774I scrolled past this image multiple times and just assumed the weird coloring on his forehead was some kind of bulging vein disease. It took me a while to realize it's supposed to be Harry Potter with a "realistic lightning bolt" scar.
Anonymous 16792

>>16791To be fair, lightning scars does look like that in real life - I mean scars from being struck by lightning - it does look like lightning themselves
Anonymous 16793
>>16792NAYRT but damn what is this from?
Anonymous 17049

>>17037Ooh I love yuppi psycho visuals, Brian’s character design is so simple yet appealing
The game itself I didn’t finished - I stuck somewhere and don’t remember what should I do lol
I may look for a walkthrough and finish it, eh, maybe later
Anonymous 17076

>>17049AYRT, I haven't played this game but I liked the art style a lot and think the protag is cute, so I'll definitely play it soon.
>>17050This artist is such a blessing
Anonymous 17146

>>17144Unfortunately she refuses to draw his other cock.
Anonymous 17149

>>17146well, I think that’s for the best, personally I’d like it to stay erotic, then straight up porn
Anonymous 17160

>>17149You know what? You're right.
Although I can't help thinking that she'd draw god-tier femporn… Anonymous 17388

what about characters who do look like they wear sunglasses but they wear the glasses so often and in contexts that imply that they might actually be tinted eyeglasses? Picrel (Toru Higashi) is only seen without them while boxing and he's also shown in a flashback wearing clear obvious eyeglasses as a younger man.
Anonymous 17436

>>17388OP here.
I had another character in mind (prob. another Yakuza guy kek, maybe Shibusawa?), but I'd say it counts. Especially if they adjust their glasses and/or they have Scary Shiny Glasses.
Like Gendo Ikari.
As long as they don't give off "cool sunglasses" vibes, and instead have the same aura as eyeglasses, it's fine.
Anonymous 18181

Hideyuki Makimura from City Hunter.
I haven't watched this anime but I've been considering it, and this qt just convinced me.
Anonymous 18737
images (4).jpeg

>>18736He looks awkward on some anglesbbut prettier than I'll ever be
Anonymous 18784

>>18783Ooh, this, my friend, is dr Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim. He is in both first and second movies, and he has a pretty solid screen time.
I like Charlie Day in general, but this character is just… my heart…
Anonymous 18785

>>18783>>18784I think he has that - I am very sorry but - tumblr sexyman aura. Which makes him very fanartable. And top visual character design, for my taste
(Also the fact of having a similar tumblr sexyman partner and friend)
Anonymous 18786

I share your opinion but I'm currently with a dorky glasses moid closest to my taste but even he turned out to have underlying misogyny and got into disgusting dA kinks.
Had to work hard to beat that shit out of him With facts and logic and a lot of tears.
there's probably genuinely sweet ones out there without the baggage but I'm quite disillusioned. He probably won't be terminally online…
Anonymous 18813
>>18786Sorry to hear that, anon. I hope things get better for you two, but if not, don't be afraid to dump his ass. It's sad but true, it's hard to find a dorky moid that isn't a porn addict or a misogynist, or hiding some other defect. Unfortunately, acknowledging the rare few good nerds that exist won't reduce porn addiction.
>>18785I really like this art!
>>18787Hot as fuck! I love bondaged meganes
I realize the irony in saying this after complaining about porn addiction Anonymous 18816

>>18813Thank you nona, it has gotten better! I just feel betrayed by media and hetero propaganda. My body have been telling me not to be the "I can fix him" girl but thats what I did throughout my teene.
But dating him gave me more positives in terms of learning a lot for myself. I'd never get to be a lib fem then a rad fem if I didn't date him and stuck with the loser gamergatey guy friends I had.
I was a major pickme.
Recently got him to agree about trans women are not women and a lot of the bs of the genderist movement which is a major progress! Also got him to reconsider his porn consumption
Also I feel the same way about bondage/"light" femdom/malesub.
They're very eyecandy but I hate porn bc of how moidy they are.
Unfortunate that plenty of femporn is also moidy.
Anonymous 18835

I have downloaded imas side m game and they have a “photobooth” for characters
Anonymous 18891

I need to Danofag somewhere, I'm so sorry anons. I am going insane after watching The Fablemans trailer.
Anonymous 18906

No sexy autistic gamer bf, why live!!
BTW, best thread nonita!
Anonymous 18962

>>18891>>18933>>18951>new cute guy spammersMaybe the LC diaspora was a good thing after all.
Anonymous 18963

>>18962lolcow Danofags are some of the nicest people on there imo
Anonymous 19089
>>19037Wow I love him. Introduction is in order. I only ever played the games and watched old pokemon.
Anonymous 19126

>>19089He's Arlo! One of the main villains from Pokemon GO and known as "the vengeful aristocrat" and the other half of one of my favorite pokeships.
Anonymous 19655
>>19397Do you have any idea who this is? The artist (donkan gokko) took it down from Danbooru and it's a super old illustration so the original source was not archived. It might be some Medabots character though, judging by the source URL given on Gelbooru.
Anonymous 20332
>>20283Power looks so good in glasses.
Anonymous 23760

source/higher quality cuz i'm not logged in so can't save big res version:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73422707>>23660qt, where's this from?
Anonymous 24507

I want to steal a megane’s glasses so he is helpless and unsighted XD
Anonymous 25558

>no Joseph Oda ITTgotta fix this
>>20282I Would Go To America If This Was The America
Anonymous 25593

>>23760character from the game identity v - lucky guy
I know nothing about his personality, I am not even sure he has any lore, but his looks and mannerisms are so… megane
Anonymous 25612
>>23760there are browser extensions that allow you to download full res from pixiv without being logged in!
Anonymous 25669

I'm happy to see this thread is still active after so long!
Anonymous 25670

>>25558>>25559He's so hot. I've been wanting to play this game just for him for the longest time.
Anonymous 26804

probably just Agent Sunglasses™ but he's such a megane I think he fits ITT as well. I'd do him
Anonymous 29128
So happy to see that this thread still gets activity from time to time.
>>26804I'll allow it. Love the way he pushes his glasses up.
>>26834Just looked her up… too bad she's from a hentai game, I like her design
Anonymous 29355

I forgot to post here on megane day… Oh well, see you on 2025-01-10 (10/01/2025 where I live)