
Post you and your ideal partner Anonymous 15182
Anonymous 15187

I just want a gf who will dress in stupid costumes with me for fun
Anonymous 15190

this looks exactly like my ex boyfriend but also it's exactly what I wanted since I was a kid lol :(
Anonymous 15194
me and my ideal bf…

There were some other hairstyles I liked but they're more or less similar to this one
Also I don't really wear this kind of clothes but thought it looked presentable kek
>>15191She's very cute
Anonymous 15204

My boyfriend and I, drinking at a bar.
Anonymous 15215

And I get to date him hehehe.
Somehow this resembles him more than the drawings I've done of him.
>>15193I'm sorry that my mind said Vivian James.
Anonymous 15217

Art style reminds me of not even dust, wonder if she made this picrew
Anonymous 15284

Bf, who is honestly pretty close to my ideal
Anonymous 15299

my dream hick bf on the left and me on the right
Anonymous 15391

>>15182I seriously doubt I'll ever find someone who can put up with me..
Anonymous 15399

I just want an academic gf whose is smarter then me and can teach me stuff and I'll cook her food and show her it's alright to loosen up a bit. Sigh.
Anonymous 15578

I noticed some time ago that i just want a male version of me
Anonymous 15781

Where is my tall butch gf who looks like she smells bad
Anonymous 15782

my ideal partner rn is snape because of a stupid fixation i've had since november so heres an edit of us at the three broomsticks
Anonymous 15880

mfw he won't stop drinking. (It's a "military thing")
university is killing me, dark circles and lack of sleep ain't good ^^;
Anonymous 15920

i was gonna make an ideal gf too but i think i just find most women attractive anyways so it was taking too long..
tfw the one person who posted here wanting tan gf wants her to be tall. it's over…
Anonymous 16016

me on the right. please.. where are they hiding my waifu…
Anonymous 16023

me on the left, i pretty much just made my ex on the right. my type is skewed lol
Anonymous 16024

>tfw no socially anxious bf who will have long conversations with me and play with my hair.
Anonymous 17727

Pretty much my fiance and I. He actually has that stupidly long fishing hat with the foot long brim so it only felt fitting to use it.
Anonymous 17831

I had a hard time on the hair, curly one is my ideal.
Idk why I dressed so formal.
Anonymous 18163

I don't even wear these earrings anymore and somehow uninentionally made myself look like an art hoe. He's supposed to be the art hoe.
Anonymous 18278
Capture d’écran 20…

me on the left & dream gf on right.. god when you will let me experience having a terf cute gf
Anonymous 18288

me on top and my bf on bottom
Anonymous 18293

I already have my dream girl
Every morning I wake up thinking of her
And every night I thank the heavens for bringing her into my life
She's my angel
Anonymous 18881

I just wish my bf would believe in gnomes
Anonymous 18892

Me on the right with my dream party gf who tells me I deserve to smoke another joint
Anonymous 19016

he's 42. i'm 24. i post about him frequently actually on reddit or 4ch.
sometimes i wonder if he's seen my posts.
Anonymous 19018

>>19016same, im 19 and he's 32. he thinks im cute but thats it
Anonymous 19022

me on the right ideal on the left. god, if only
Anonymous 20260

need a cute shy nerd boy to kiss and cuddle with hehe
Anonymous 20262

I made mine and then realized how similar it looked to this
>>15215 and then I made another one :(
Anonymous 20263

>>19016>>19018God strike down these horrifying white men and free my sisters inshallah
Anonymous 20288

>>15182Me and my husband(dw he is not an old man he just has a beardxd).
Anonymous 20328

I couldn't stop editing it.
In another universe.
Anonymous 20339

We both look a little soulless but we have fun together anyway
Anonymous 20723

That's my boyfriend before he cut all his hair and I :3
Anonymous 20735

He calls me princess so I just had to have the tiara lol
Anonymous 21399

He's the blueprint and I'll never find anyone who is truly like the image of him that I created in my head. A few years back I found a lookalike who turned out to be a run of the mill misogynist piece of shit scrote and I wasted three years of my life with him. That was pretty mentally ill of me as well but yeah. Maybe He is some form of a scrote too irl but I'll keep dreaming of Him anyway hoping it is not the case, even though I have no chances with him. Volfemcel life.
Anonymous 21400

i fiddled with the colors in ms paint a lil bit, i made him look like a guy i kinda like rn
Anonymous 21433

I'm not comfortable with showing my face on here.
Anonymous 21664

me and my crush
i've been so weak for him lately TwT
been trying not to initiate convos too much and just let him come to me
Anonymous 21748

Me on the left, ideal on the right. I just want a long haired bf
Anonymous 21961

Me on right.. when will my ideal man come to me IRL (\T__T)\_
Anonymous 21962
>>21960Is that Shane from Stardew Valley?
Anonymous 22473

want this so bad
(no im not an autoandrophile i just like men who look similar to me, and are NOT my relatives)
Anonymous 22494

He's a coworker but he's 2 years younger than me. Even the scar on his face is like this.
Anonymous 22805

He desperately needs a haircut, but his beard is growing on me as it grows on him.
Anonymous 22933

Me and my two imaginary boyfriends
Anonymous 22935
wth nona
>>22933 i didn't see your first girl, she's the female version of my witch vampire boy.
Anonymous 23117

very realistic depiction of that guy and me
Anonymous 23377

I want a nice cute and smart gf so badly it's not even funny anymore
Anonymous 23796

Me and my husbando, Bruno Bucciarati
Anonymous 23828

The hair part took forever cuz each one looked more and more flattering on my bubbly british gf (nonexistent)
Anonymous 23940
all these brown and asian women wanting blond blue eyed white men…. how predictable and hilarious
Anonymous 24091

me and my dream bfs (they wear cargo shorts)
Anonymous 24097

Bf and me. We get "you guys look like siblings" a lot.
Anonymous 25207

Me and my fictional tall Jewish brunette gf with curly hair and brown eyes
Anonymous 25213

me/my ideal bf
he looks just like me a couple years ago lolol
Anonymous 25220

Me on left, dream gf on right who I can cook for and she can teach me to bake
Anonymous 25476
>>25424>>25463these look like genderbent of both images lole
Anonymous 25488
>>25476Lol, guess opposites attract
Anonymous 25538

me on the right and my ideal crazy eyes gf on the left (nonexistent pls god send me one)
Anonymous 25539

ngl i was compelled to make this because i look too much like the previous nona's type. had a really hard time picking hair and colors but: moles and glasses are a woman's best friend
Anonymous 25547

I don't have an ideal partner so I made myself and my favourite anime girl (I have an altar for her irl), I spent 3 fucking hours editing this in ps orz
Anonymous 25549
>>25548Her name is Ena! She's from Project Sekai, a mobile game
and I love her a lot. Anonymous 25552

my trash goblin self on the left and my lovely wife on the right
Anonymous 25567
OP's man reminds me of a scruffy America from Hetalia lol cute
Anonymous 25650

doing this made me realize i kinda want guys w similar features to me. weird
Anonymous 26274

Please God I want one just like this we'll be the most beautiful couple ever and I'll give him beautiful kids
Anonymous 26283
>>26282was thinking more of Eastern Slavic/Northern Italian guy, and chav culture is basically dead and I would never stand British cooking
Anonymous 26340
me cc.png

just made myself. this is so cute lol
Anonymous 26374

did anyone else get a pang of loneliness making these or am I retarded
Anonymous 26449

me and my bf.. didn't realize i could change the bg color
Anonymous 26515

given up on men decided I just want a gf
Anonymous 26516
Screenshot 2023-11…

Damn I remember scrolling through this thread a while ago feeling single as hell. Anyways here's me and my new bf. Never give up anons
Anonymous 26581

>>26516I'm actually cringing because I posted myself and my now ex bf here
>>15583 but I am happy for you anon, I hope he deserves you. Posting myself and a female best friend I am manifesting
Anonymous 26588
New Project.jpg

ngl looking like a lot of ideals on here is giving me some rare serotonin so thanks. idek if this is my ideal anymore, but i made a guy i guess.
Anonymous 26600

idk about ideal partner but this is me ^_^
Anonymous 26603

no freckles option >:(
i get all embarrassed when crafting ideal male characters especially in the context of a dream bf. sloth-kun will always be there for a hug :)
Anonymous 26616

me and my bf. This was fun to make for some reason
Anonymous 26757

I posted awhile ago but now I have a bf and he is my ideal partner. He is the bestest and I love him so much. Too lazy to make myself again.
Anonymous 26853

Me and my ideal Italian bf who cooks pasta for me
Anonymous 26875
I was making mine but then I realized I would prove Freud right so I stopped.
Anonymous 26882

I think I found one that looks like him…
Anonymous 27563

Idk if I even want a partner so I just made something up
Anonymous 27615
not enough hair options to portray me
Anonymous 27628

> she's shorter than me;
> likes the same things as me;
> she's shy and affectionate;
> the same age as me or younger;
Anonymous 27630

> he's the same age as me or older;
> nerd and goes to the gym;
> intelligent and likes the same things as me;
> he's affectionate;
> he's tall.
Anonymous 27707

hehe :D i have many types tho maybe this is the most ideal one
Anonymous 27713

I've given up on men. God give me a cute GF
Anonymous 27743
I couldn't get on picrew bc I have an old browser but my type is taller and a few years older than me, kind, brown hair n eyes, protective, athletic ♡
Anonymous 27744

>>27743>my type is taller and a few years older than me, kind, brown hair n eyes, protective, athletic ♡ Anonymous 27745
My type is sentient alien asteroid that is made of at least 50% iron (anything less is too gay for me) that can shoot lasers and can sense my feelings across the 6th dimension.
Anonymous 27746

I’m crushing on a buff redhead at the gym
rn and we look like we’re from completely different cultures. Goddess help me, I can’t even look her in the eyes