
Childhood/Nostalgic Images Anonymous 1568
Post images that remind you of your childhood or any cute reminiscent images you like. Toys, rooms, shows, magazines, food, stuffed animals, stickers, books, games, art supplies, old web gifs, anything!
Anonymous 1570

star castles! I had this one, it was a tea set~
Anonymous 1571

Ponies!! I wish I had more of these as a kid. I was so jealous of kids who did.
Anonymous 1572

>>1571I used to habe a crazy amount of My Little Ponies when I was kid. God I miss them.
I also miss Kitty Kitty Kittens. I still have a couple.
Anonymous 1574

SkyDancers forever~
>if you didn't spin with your arms outstretched into a group of your friends also doing the same did you even have a childhood??
Anonymous 1576

having lisa frank everything and if it wasn't lisa frank, stick lisa frank on it!
Anonymous 1579
images (1).jpg

Had the entire Jill Murphy bookset as a kid. I loved these books.
Anonymous 1586
>>1582I miss msn soooo much. I loved how you could make your own emoticons and draw replies.
Anonymous 1590
>>1568What's the elephants name? I've always loved their look
Anonymous 1592

Zoobooks were the shit. My parents never bought them for me whenever the commercial came on and I begged so I checked them out at the school library. To this day I don't understand my fascination with them.
Anonymous 1593

All I ever did in school was read Junie B. Jones instead of listening to the teacher lol
>>1590Lotsa Heart Elephant!
Anonymous 1594

I really miss my times with habbo hotel.
Anonymous 1595
Mermaidmelody1 (1)…

This anime made me start enjoying drawing manga/animu style.
Anonymous 1603

I still have my childhood sticker books. Sandy Lion stickers were the best! Fuzzy ones, iridescent ones, holographic dotted ones, I think I even have smelly stickers.
Anonymous 1606

>>160180s popples are so cute. too bad i wasnt around then
>>1605i had these and that tekno dog. i felt pretty bad when my mom bought it because it was expensive as hell
Anonymous 1607

>>1606Me too! My grandparents would always buy me those little robo dogs around my birthday or the holidays and I'd feel so bad haha.
Also I used to frequent The Doll Palace for fucking ever. Sad that the website shut down a few months back, but it's something I miss a bit.
Anonymous 1608

Dumping some UK nostalgia.
Anyone else watch the
Anonymous 1611

>>161050/50 (devastated my school never got selected to participate)
Anonymous 1613

>>1612This was Australian but it aired here in the UK and was AMAAAAAZING.
Anonymous 1620

>>1619looking at toy collections like this makes me want to buy a bunch of cute vintage toys and place them on a shelf. theyre aesthetically pleasing in their own way
Anonymous 1621

I used to collect as many as i could get as a kid.
Anonymous 1625

RIP TammyGirl I will never forget tripping over my baggy trousers repeatedly in the name of 90s child fashion
Anonymous 1627

Wish they'd bring goSupermodel back. Having a girls-only online hangout was so much fun.
Anonymous 2482

I watched this movie on repeat, I wanted to so badly to be Rachel Leigh Cook, she’s so stunning.
>>1605I wanted one of these so fucking badly but we were poor af
Anonymous 2485

Anyone watch Strange Days? I felt like I was the only one that watched this when I was a kid because it was on some weird channel and no one else knew what it was.
Anonymous 2721

Anyone read these?
Used to dig those up in secondhand bookboxes in the 90's
Anonymous 2795

What was everyone's favorite food/candy growing up that they don't make anymore? I was crazy for these Pokémon popsicles.
Anonymous 2807
>>2766Was this show even meant for kids? I remember being 12 and assuming it was a trashy teen soap.
Anonymous 2808

>>2795The hot cheetos asteroids in particular.
Anonymous 5640

This movie was one of my favorites! I would watch it all the time.
Anonymous 5805
Sailor Senshi, Inn…

>4 o'clock>Toonami starting>Sailor Moon is up firstYou best believe I was parked in front of the TV
>>2807It was totally a trashy teen soap and for me, Clase 406 > Rebelde tbh
Anonymous 6277
giphy (5).gif

A Little Princess was my favorite book/movie as a child.
Anonymous 7513

buildabearville.com, aka wholesome second life game.
Anonymous 9299

The photographs of I Spy books have always fansinate me.
Anonymous 10054

Frenchanons please tell me you remember
Anonymous 12107

get on my level, bitches. this game was awful. awful awful and i remember thinking it was terrible and restrictive yet still playing it.
Anonymous 12785

when you put the crystal in it played the transformation music. i had the compact too.
Anonymous 12829

>>12785i'm so jealous. i wanted this one and the locket sooooo bad. only ever had the cutie moon rod which i never found that cute
Anonymous 12861

barbie princess and the pauper. idk why I watched this and the swan lake version so many times. It's like crack for little country girls.
Anonymous 12862

Did anyone else used to collect Hamtaro toys? This shit brings me back…
Anonymous 13206

Saint ciboire,, I forgot how me & my friend in 2003? 2004? .. made a 30-something page story on here.
Anonymous 13341

>>1568i used to play the locoroco demo on my psp (i didnt know how to buy the game through the play store, i was only 12) and i even downloaded the free wallpaper. I was obsessed with the game and I get fond memories whenever i see anything related to locoroco
Anonymous 20315

I cried when this was shut down. Fantage was my escape
Anonymous 20327

>>1582>>1586I know this is 5 years old but for real. Msn remains vastly superior to other messengers.
Anonymous 24285
>>24283omfg i had a whole friend group on msp. do u remember pumchkin??? also do you possibly have the.. the bpd
Anonymous 24337
>>24285AYRT i remember pumpchkin and team pump so vividly. i hated them because they were the popular preps of MSP lmao. and no i don't have bpd sorry nona.
Anonymous 29566

If only stores looked like this again. I had a few lalaloopsy dolls, but not sure where they went. I remember having monster high comics, having this monster high coffin dollhouse of the school (not draculaura's house. I can't find the one I had), my old 3DS with a gen3 mlp pinkie pie sticker on it that I couldn't scratch off because it was so embedded into the 3ds I don't know.