photo_2022-05-25 1…

Amphibian General #2 Anonymous 17043
last thread reached max reply limit
post all kinds of amphibians
(Frogs & Toads / Salamanders & Newts / Caecilians)
Anonymous 17236
>>17233Aw, I love the one with the flower in it's mouth and the tall one holding tge leaves.
Anonymous 17343
>>17340How do they all live in one pipe ! :o
Anonymous 17353

>>17343i read that mostly happens in Australia during dry season, these frogs are Australian green tree frogs (White's tree frog), the frogs, trying to stay moist, climb into pipes, go in human homes, etc, there are even frogs who appear in toilet bowls (mostly in abandoned homes but can appear in lived ones too)
if there are any Australian anons please share your experience with White's tree frogs in such places
Anonymous 17417

im a treefrog. i lived in oak tree in spring but now i live in pond. where to find bug? treefrog
Anonymous 17499
>>17353my aussie family and I go camping a lot and stay at campsites with public bathrooms. A couple of them have had that happen with the toilet bowl (and even sink) having frogs in them
I don't know what type but they were the green ones like it the picture
Anonymous 18857
photo_2022-09-10 1…

"Choose carefully:
Frog phone / iPhone
v For calls v
v Cheap x
v Frog x"
Anonymous 19249

>>19246>>19247I love these green bois so much
I'm building a huge bioactive enclose for a tree frog/s to live in soon
Anonymous 19250

>>19249that's pretty cool nona, will you post it when it's done?
Anonymous 19860
photo_2022-10-26 1…

me high fiving every nona who doesn't reply to moids (it's against the rules)
Anonymous 20239

this tomato frog wishes you happy halloween!
Anonymous 20527
>>20520I really need to know the source of this image
Anonymous 20559

remember: frogs are friends, moids aren’t friends
Anonymous 23674…

is it cool if i post frogs real quick?
Anonymous 24611

waiting for snail to return… if she ever returns. please don’t abandon this site
Anonymous 24649

i’m going to a frog pond this evening. might post some OC if i manage to.
btw hi lolcow n0nas
Anonymous 24652

>>24649i found them… there was a whole lot of them in the pond, mostly males but some females too. the males were loud as fuck. though, at first when we just approached them, they went silent. after standing there for a while the little guys went insane. so much croaking… very cute. also very silly, not a single braincell in these croakers’ brains. they jumped on top of each other, hopped around and were just goofy little precious green guys in general. i love frogs so much it’s unreal. i even cried tears of joy, they were so beatiful in their little green/brown suits… pelophylax ridibundus (marsh frog) btw. 10/10 definitely visiting that pond again, they’re gonna croak all summer long.
sorry for poor quality pic but here’s a croaking gentleman. just look at his inflated vocal sacs…
>>24650goofy lad in a helicopter. funnily enough one was flying over us when we were in the park.
Anonymous 25108

i WILL eat ze bugs
i WILL live in a pond
Anonymous 25625
>>25624This is adorable nona, thank you for sharing. CC loves your frogs.
Also, are they a couple?
Anonymous 25644
>>25625thank you and yes, they are in love (frog love)