
4chan screenshots Anonymous 17371
Last thread reached image limit
>>7440Anonymous 17378

>>17377/biz/ is the greatest source of schadenfreude
Anonymous 17736

I am OBSESSED with /int/ greentext. Would love if someone has more like these
Anonymous 20681

This entire thread about making life-sized dolls was insane and hilarious, it's worth a read for anyone who is bored. 20684
failed male attent…

why are failed males such attention whores?
Anonymous 21749

i hate that this made me chuckle
Anonymous 23148
>>23147That is so very sad. What a failure of a society we are.
>>23066totally not astrology
Anonymous 23153
>>23147>paying literal thousands of dollars to steal videogamesis it just the parasexual relationship that motivated this?
Anonymous 23187
>>23070people who look down on tradies disgust me
Anonymous 23369

>>23065What the fuck, I relate to almost everything single thing on there. This MBTI shit is going too far.
Anonymous 23802
most of these are extremely disgusting am i the only one who thinks that?
Anonymous 23850
>>23848I only read the title and then was like "nope"
Anonymous 24215
>>23848Knowing 4chan they definitely turned it into a weird racial thread instead of focusing on how it wasn’t rooted in racial nonsense but just clear cut child abuse that would’ve occurred regardless of the child’s race. You really think they would’ve treated them better if they weren’t white? The way people like the OP try to push racial division using this innocent baby’s death actually disturbs the fuck out of me.
Anonymous 24216
>>24215Have you missed the part about the child's "white privilege"?
Anonymous 24237

>>24216Are you seriously delusional enough to think that’s why the child was murdered? Look into the actual court case, people really fall for click bait titles huh? Also this evil fat bitch making a post about her childs white privilege is pitiful but have you not seen the myriad of other foster parents utilizing their children to push weird political agendas?
Nothing infuriates me more than seeing these types of crimes used to fuel racial division when it doesn’t merit it in any capacity, I really didn’t realize people would be evil enough to use this poor baby’s death to fuel racial hatred against back people but I was wrong.
Saged for sperg post but holy shit will all the retarded /pol/fags stop posting weird racial shit? It wasn’t this bad before normies larping as what they think miners acted like started using this board. They think this place is 4chan for girls so they act like stereotypical 4chan users.
Anonymous 24238
>>24237>Giant wall of textNo1curr, didn't read.
Anonymous 24239
>>24238Ngl I wrote a lot don’t blame you for not wanting to read it haha but to summarize it.
>/pol/fags gtfo and go back to /pol/ nobody wants you hereI’ve been here for years and these cunts are ruining the culture of the site
Anonymous 24367
>>24215sounds like projection to me
Anonymous 25208
>>24215>>24237Wait…the imageboard based on 4chan except for gurls isn't like 4chan??? You are projecting and pretending that this case was not racially motivated and it's frankly embarrassing. OP was not even promoting hating black people, just exposing legitimate racism against white people that occurs whether people like you choose to accept it or not.
Anonymous 25465
>>24865misogyny + coomer = very transgirl of him, certified brave and stunning.
Anonymous 25731
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I don't remember if I already posted this one or not, I may have.
Anonymous 25784
based fujo owns moid
Anonymous 25989
>>25988OP, posting under the American flag, describes viewing a post that mocks Americans and feeling so offended that he goes for a walk to calm down. The Chilean replier accuses OP of not actually being an American, but someone using a proxy/VPN to appear as American who has unwittingly revealed himself as fake.
The joke is that OP is fake because real Americans, being fat and lazy, would not go for a walk.
Anonymous 25992
>>25784It got deleted, what was it?
Anonymous 26051
>>25992a story about some sociopaphic neet fujo who scared a moid and stole peoples underwear to then wear them
Anonymous 26816
>>26074English has a word for that. Dingleberry. It's even in dictionaries:
>a piece of dried fecal matter clinging to the hair around the anus. Get over the ick factor and check your pet's rear regularly to make sure no dingleberries are dangling from his fur. Anonymous 26821
>>26816As I Russian, I admit that English word is better
Anonymous 27026
>>24215If the races were reversed the same thing would have happened, except it would have been multiple national news agencies instead of some random 4chan user
Anonymous 27027
>>27026>>24215>>23848I don't know how US people deal with proper political debate being hijacked by race all the time.
Maybe the root issue is parents having too much power over children and beating them to death? Maybe CPS need reforming and money? But nooo, the problem has to be the magical ingredient of every bait-rage-news potion: race.
Anonymous 27061
>>27060Stuck in a maze of mirrors. It's hellish.
Anonymous 27071
>>27070>it's validatingI hope all trannies stopped jerking off to women's problems and killed themselves
Anonymous 27110

>>26074in italian the word is "tarzanello", from tarzan
Anonymous 27148
>>24237>I don't want to face the consequences of black on white racism therefore it doesn't exist Anonymous 27182
>>23065Is it possible to replace your personality with a better one?
Anonymous 27196
>>27182Yes, but it is difficult, in general people don't change. At a funeral I met family I had not seen in years, and they still acted the same way they did when I was little. It was kind of cringe and I resolved myself not to end up the same.
Most of your personality develops as a teenager, then your neuroplasticity drops. Basically you need to take your cringy teenage self, and kill her, just stab her and toss her in the trash, stop digging up old memories and mannerisms and memes and try to get into new things. It is painful but the only way.
Anonymous 27344
>>27343this thread is packed full of mentally ill unfunny moid humor for some reason.
Anonymous 27678
>>27196nah it's not as hard as that. people naturally get less neurotic and anxious with age, and it's possible to get more extraverted as well (change from INTP to ENTP). increasing conscientiousness is considerably harder but doable if you have a good reason to (similar to ADHD treatment) and would put you closer to an INTJ.
it's also possible to increase agreeableness (go from T to F) but kind of cucked to go all-in on that because it's basically just increasing conformity and pliancy and being less committed to your independently-held principles. however it can be useful to be a little less rigid about it and step outside of habitual patterns when they're hurting you. the same is true of openness (the N or S trait); INTPs already have the mostly good version that smart and curious people have, but being able to dial it down when it's getting in the way of other priorities is still useful.
Anonymous 27687
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why is god as a soyjak so funny to me?
Anonymous 28279
>>21115This thread is packed full of duds or genuinely unpleasant nonsense that only reminds me why I don't go on 4chan anymore. But this thread was so funny I was cry-laughing over and over until I had to take my glasses off just so I couldn't read it again.
Anonymous 28328
>>28322How is this soyjak-posying funny?
Anonymous 28342
>>28328The fact that he has resorted to imagining part of his own brain as a soyjak to avoid giving in to his cravings is amusing.
Anonymous 28421
>>28272INTP or INFP, right on the borderline
Anonymous 28478
>>27027>mother hated white people >omg why do you have to drag race into everything?!?! Anonymous 28538
>>28478exactly, people act as if you are black or brown that means you are incapable of being bigoted, dose such bigotry has the same effect as systemic one, of course not but this dose not excuse being a dickhead, i remember seeing a livestream on tiktok with a black lady doing boxbraids in Europe to lilttle white kids and specifically putting birdseed in their hair when the mom was away while everybody in the chat cheer her on, like leave kids out of it and that comes from a person who finds kids gross, kids look like human larva in my eyes and even i think its fucked up, but i also do think people use these edge cases to justify their bigotry against non-white people when in actuality everygroup no matter the race has the capability of being vile and/or doing the most horrible things imaginable
Anonymous 29858
>>29431I feel like this doesnt really apply anymore /pol/ is most deffinitly a hive mind now, they just dont have the tools to outright censor opinions like reddit. Its very difficult to have a real discussion there, its not even a good place to cut your teeth for real world debates because you'll just develop the same shitty habits.