
weird makeup Anonymous 1818
post weird makeup ITT
Anonymous 1822
>>1819these are amazing, op!! sauce on these?
Anonymous 1828

crossposting from >>>/cgl/307
Anonymous 1829
>>1826thats the most german looking person ive ever seen.
Anonymous 1831
>>1826do we really need to bring choke here?
Anonymous 1832
>>1831I don't know her, what's wrong with posting her picture?
Anonymous 1833

Although I've always wanted to wear something like this in public, I don't have the confidence nor a reason to do so, which is truly unfortunate. I've been fantasising about what my Halloween costume is going to be just so that I'd finally have a reason to go all out with my ideas.
I try to satisfy myself by choosing similar/unconventional but more toned down looks. This thread is for weird makeup so I won't post them here, ofc, but do you guys do the same? Or is your daily makeup pretty normal looking?
Anonymous 1836

I hope that these are weird enough
Anonymous 1839
>>1832some anon has been sperging out about her lately for some reason, the makeup is cool, but she causes drama.
Anonymous 1840

>>1839I like her looks. Let's not start policing who can be posted or not based on how problematic they are
Anonymous 1841

>>837Please don't be uselessly spiteful. She's not even wearing out-of-the-ordinary makeup here.
Back OT, I really like kimberley margarita. She's done pretty much every pastel/colorful look I could think of.
Anonymous 1845
>>1844I like her looks and makeup, but sometimes it seems bit repetitive and gets boring
But tbh in her defense, there aren't too many options when working with the same face and same techniques…
Anonymous 1853
>>1848hOLY CRAP! Her makeup is everyyythang
heart eyes Anonymous 1857
>>1856saw this on the front page and i lol'd. just CUCK
Anonymous 1858
>>1856I stg I've seen cholas legitimately wearing this to Walmart. IT just needs a tiny teardrop.
Anonymous 1859
>>1856>listens to fka twigs once Anonymous 1985

does anyone know who's on picrel? i forgot her tumblr completely and can't find her through related images
Anonymous 2022
>>1823Lol, is the one on the right a fag? No way that's female.
Anonymous 5005

I think this is pretty in an artsy way, I could see it as part of a dreamy concept shoot, I just wish it was on a woman.
Anonymous 23432
>>23431I have that on my watch list is it any good?
Anonymous 23449
>>23432From an aesthetic point of view, yes. Didnt pay attention to what was going on tbh