Folk dress Anonymous 19098
I am not sure what board to put this thread in. However, I really really love folklore, folk arts, folk dances, folk music, and folk dresses. Post your favourite folk dresses and arts here? :) Doesn't have to be from your region or area, just stuff you nonas find interesting or pretty :)
Anonymous 19116
Vietnamese traditi…

here's some pictures of a traditional Vietnamese dress. don't know what's called, but i think it looks really good.
Anonymous 19119

i also have a few other pics that might fit the bill, but i don't want to spam the thread, so i'll leave off with this last one because of how A E S T H E T I C it is.
Anonymous 19138

>>19136(japanese) lolita dress inspired by the traditional design, named "Polonaise brillante JSK"
Anonymous 19141

I think it is a Rusyn bonnet from the Slovak village of Lendak.
Anonymous 19157
Ainu Woman.jpg

>>19141thanks nona, it looks pretty good. take this pic of an Ainu woman as thanks.
Anonymous 19165

Slovak raftsmen with shells on their hats showing how many times had they delivered the wood up to the sea. They would add one every time they arrived to the sea.
Anonymous 19251

>>19162oooo I love the female folk dresses from there they look so so cute
Anonymous 19289

Dirndl is a modern consoomer product that was actually popularised by the Nazis, who banned real traditional folk dresses across Germany in favour of a single, unified German pseudo-folk aesthetic.
Anonymous 29728
great thread nona, cant wait to see it evolve overtime