
Bingo card thread Anonymous 21511
Post bingo cards or blanks and share your results
dumping cards
Anonymous 21520

I didn't think I'd check off so many of these tbh. It said to check off if cosplayed, but the one time I did, I didn't cosplay an anime character, but oh well, I checked that anyway. I prefer subs to dubs only because my ADHD is so bad I can't watch any movie/TV without some form of subtitles (even if the characters speak English). Thanks OP for making an interesting thread!
Anonymous 21527

>>21520Bingo! I'm so jealous of people who have moved out. I do have one-two friends, but I'm overall quite alone. I don't know the exact definition of "getting compliments regularly", but idk, it happens more to me than I warrant them, so to me it's a lot.
Anonymous 21528

To be fair most of these are "male" cards. We need more.
Also to be honest living with your parents past 18 is culturally acceptable where I'm from so that one doesn't count, k k k ?
Anonymous 21537

got more bingos than i thought i would
Anonymous 21542

Once I realized no one cares about me or thinks about me as much as I obsess over every little thing I do, I pretty much let go of it all
Anonymous 21545

I dont get the girlfriend question though. Like a girl that's friend to cosplay with or if you're a lesbian your gf
Anonymous 21546

>>21513I miss playing Overseer with my friends…
Anonymous 21547

Oh I just realized these weren't made by the posters here. Sorry for that
Anonymous 21550

>>21518For the record, I have a cosplaying girlfriend.
Anonymous 21558

pretty okay i guess. love these btw.
Anonymous 21561

>>21559this is stupid and circlejerk-y but i participated regardless.
I see these "former gifted kid" things all over the internet and I really do not believe most of these people were ever considered gifted. The gifted&talented program at my school was super exclusive and required an IQ test. I think that people interpret the fact that they were capable of doing their work quickly in elementary school as evidence that they're "gifted".
Most of the stuff on this is characteristic of people who think they're intelligent but aren't.
>easily bored people who are genuinely smart don't get bored
>need for constant validationthis is a hallmark of insecurity, not intelligence
>reads wikipedia articles in free time lol
this "smart but lazy" meme has to stop.
Anonymous 21567

>>21561lol, I took gifted test in elementary school and qualified as gifted. Idk why you sound so attached to it tho, literally everyone I know who took it forgot about it within like a year. The only people I know irl who still make gifted jokes are my mom and aunt.
We're all just here to have some fun.
Anonymous 21572

>tfw you're too stacy for fembots but too fembot for stacys
>still no bingo
Though I should probs explain:
> I don't pursue guys so I've never been rejected
> I tried to into makeup once and bought a foundation and concealer and shit at Sephora why the fuck is makeup so expensive
> I've had a guy have a crush on me while I had a bf so I guess that counts as "multiple male admirers"
Anonymous 21573

>>21511>>21521im a healthy mix of stacy and fembot
>the "famous person" was a convention guest with mild popularity >im short so even though i am under 120 lbs im still chubby >most compliments come from either complete strangers or close friends, never guys Anonymous 21585

I suppose I can look forward to a life as crazy cat lady.
Anonymous 21591

I turned into a radfem from my experience as a Stacy.
Anonymous 24516
>>21591>Fucked two guys in the same day…nona..
Anonymous 24518

Can't get rejected if you don't talk to boys in the first place
Anonymous 24562
>>21561I was in the gifted program. tested at 135IQ at 13 and was put in the accelerated programs for everything. Burned out at 19 and still struggling 12 years later. We took the IQ test every year and I was pretty consistently in the mid 130s. My reward was a gruelling schedule and horrific expectations from my teachers and parents plus ostracization from my peers.
Anonymous 24565
>>24562i resisted and complained until i finally got out of the program and then i just did ap classes in high school
Anonymous 25212

Can’t get rejected if you never try. I get compliments on my outfits sometimes but that’s about it. I’m not a stacy and I’m not a fembot, I’m some sort of secret third thing yet I’m still alone.
Anonymous 25339
fuck the outdoors.…

>>25212>Can’t get rejected if you never try.Ah, I see you are a shut-in. I am something of a shut-in myself, you know.
Anonymous 25340

idk what constitutes "constant compliments"
also "goddess status" and "uses multiple guys credit cards" ?? a lot of the stacy ones seem so unrealistic as to only make others feel bad. this was defs made by a man
Anonymous 26602

>>21521Aint no way I got more stacy stuff than femcel