
Character sheets Anonymous 22508
Let's make some profiles?
I'll post a few blanks :3
>Ideal gf or yourself as a gf
Anonymous 22520

I can't sleep so I made this
Anonymous 22527
>>22526the only bf I will need when I'm in my 40s. gimme 5 of those, we will be poly
Anonymous 22528

its 5 am and im full of self loathing
Anonymous 22533
>>22532Not my type but some people in /media/ would wife her up it seems.
Anonymous 22538
sick dude.png

I spent far too much time and effort on this lmao
sorry for shitty handwriting
Anonymous 22545
>>22528Are you me? I'm pretty sure you're me.
Anonymous 22546

I hope I did this right ;-;
Also tfw when no goth gf
Anonymous 22550
>>22549This is me except for the hentai part. I feel bad enough for being 3DPD without my bf fapping to 2D tyvm
Anonymous 22551
>>22546>lolita gf>doesn't like anime and vidyawhat?
Anonymous 22552
>>22551I just don't like anime or video games most of my lolita friends are the same
but I've also met some who love it
Looking back I think I shouldn't have put it there but I ran out of things to write lmao
Anonymous 22563
>>22562idk why but this reminded me of Yumi king
Anonymous 22565

>>22535>>22546>>22549>>22562Mix of all of these (or even independently) are my dream gf
>tfw there is no cute bi/les artsy girl with love for anime near me Anonymous 22570

I put my ideal bf in the same image because we're ideally together.
Anonymous 22572
>>22570Your drawings are very qt anon!
Anonymous 22578
>>22577A man made this. It was posted in r9k threads. Please stop trying to turn this into r9k.
Anonymous 22584
>>22583Do guys like these really exist? I think you'd have better luck finding a girl who fits your character sheet.
Anonymous 22585
>>22584>tfw nobody will call you THE BEST DICKSUCKER IN THE WORLD BABE HOLY SHIEEET Anonymous 22608

This is me, it's kind of trash but I did my best, especially with the drawing stuff since I don't have a tablet.
Anonymous 22610

This is me and I demand to be loved and cherished and fed cheesecake.
Anonymous 22611
>>22608>confidence is marked at zer0>rates their intelligence as above averageok
Anonymous 22612
>>22611Maybe she's not confident about her appearance, but confident about her brain? Dunno.
Anonymous 22613
>>22611maybe she's a confidence man
Anonymous 22615
>>22610>green card nowIt's a Mexichan then
Anonymous 22619
>>22617You sound adorable, 10/10 (except I'd better be able to work cats in somehow….), hopefully you're a lezzy or at least bi.
Anonymous 22620
>>22619Omg thank you anon….cats are a definite yes as long as they get on with the dogs. I am indeed bi <3
Anonymous 22621
>>22611I meant to mark intelligence as average, and only because I’ve gone to good schools so I figured that would count somehow. Dunno. I guess I’m actually an idiot. Also yeah I meant that I’m not confident in my looks but I guess I’m booksmart. S-sorry…
Anonymous 22622

I wish I could find a girl (lesbian) like this!
Anonymous 22624
>>22622>kills a family of 5 every time she drivesthis would terrify me, aaahhhh
I guess there's someone for everyone
Anonymous 22630

Decided to do a gf sheet about me.
Please anons love me.
Anonymous 22634
>>22633why is your health so bad? also i like your vidya
Anonymous 22635
>>22634I don't consider 8/10 to be bad. Did you look at social by mistake?
Anonymous 22638
>>22637>age: 26>single: n>virgin: ywat
Anonymous 22640
Pease tell me that these are all ironic
Anonymous 22642
>>22641This is an old post, but why did you edit this?
Anonymous 22643
>>22642That is me, I was bored and just wanted it to be funny.
Anonymous 22646

I just stayed up for no reason to make this, I have to wake up in 6 hours. But it was fun
>>22644aww, I like how the future version is the same as present but with a smile.
Anonymous 22647

I can't draw pls no bully I already get upset enough when I see people who can
Anonymous 22648
>>22647You're cool.
If I was Dutch I'd be your bud.
Anonymous 22650

this was an absolute pain to draw w fingers on mobile enjoy
>tfw not living in cyberpunk society w sick cyberpunk fashion
Anonymous 22651
>>22650I love your idea of the future :-; I hope the future really turns out cool
This kind of reminds me when we were in primary school and had to draw ourselves in the past, present and future so I drew the same drawing 3 times and said one is now, one is an hour ago and one is in the future one hour. Now that I think about it I must have been an annoying kid
Anonymous 22652
>>22650>those statsyou must be the most powerful user on cc yet.
Anonymous 22653
>>22650>hobbies: reading>fav books: FUCK BOOKSWhat did she mean by this?
Anonymous 22654
>>22653Maybe she likes to read shampoo bottles while in the loo
Anonymous 22655
>>22652Her health is low, she will tko fast, someone punch her so someone else will have the highest stats on cc
Anonymous 22656
>>22651omg i used to do stuff like that too I’m pretty sure we were all brats LOL
i was the definition of ACKSUALY when i was like 13 kill me
>>22653i like reading comics/manga and short stories i get too distracted for full books :(
Anonymous 22658
>>22657I wish you the best of luck in your goal to someday own a black shirt with long sleeves.
Anonymous 22659
>>22657You're like a younger version of me (in taste for movies/shows/hobbies etc and clothing ) Keep rocking the all black attire <3
Anonymous 22660
>>22657Do you draw? You seem like you are good at drawing.
Anonymous 22661
>>22658Thank you anon, I will need to cover my old lady arms
>>22659I will anon! Having a monochrome wardrobe makes mornings easier. and I feel best in black.
>>22660I’m not a great drawer but i’ve gotten the hang of this drawing tablet. I have no idea how to do perspectives and anatomy and it seems too hard for my lazy self
Anonymous 22662

I met him on a discord server and i want to date him but he lives in Europe. Even though he was mean to me at first he is really nice to me now.
Anonymous 22663
>>22644please give up men and be my gf
Anonymous 22667
>>22647Hello fellow Dutchfriend! Where are you? Do you go to uni?
Anonymous 22668
>>22662>into abuse and degrading>bully but can be a "qt">doesn't reply to your messages because you said something degenerate>"forgets" to text you backLove yourself, anon.
Anonymous 22671
>>22670laffed when i saw the future you
Anonymous 22672

As pathetic as I am. As pathetic as it is.
Anonymous 22673
>>22670>stalking people over the webwat
Anonymous 22681
>>22662Are you dating Oswald Mosley?
Anonymous 22682
>>22681Thanks for making me burst out laughing in the waiting room.
It's accurate, too Anonymous 22690
>>22627I feel you'd be too clingy to date but still really wholesome and kind
Anonymous 22699
>>22695That's not schizophrenia that's just conservative boomers on facebook
Anonymous 22701
Screenshot (82).pn…

this is really retarded But im posting this out of boredom
Anonymous 22718
>>22596I wish this wasn't almost exactly how I act sometimes