
Daily life photo thread Anonymous 2491
Post any current photo you took with your phone camera.
Anonymous 2492

I'm one of those assholes that takes pictures of their food. Have some bao.
Anonymous 2502

>>2500> click image to expandFYI if you rotate images using the default Windows application it doesn't actually rotate the pixels, it just adds a rotation marker to the EXIF data which isn't always respected; it's better to do it in Paint or GIMP.
Nice framing on this one anon. Does your camera have an HDR mode? I feel like a touch more detail in the foreground would potentially have added an interesting element of depth.
Anonymous 2505

>>2492That LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Did you make that??
Anonymous 2506

>>2505I wish, only in my wildest dreams would I ever be that skilled culinarily. Me and my mom go out on little food expeditions whenever we go someplace new, and I just like to take pictures of whatever we try as momentos.
Anonymous 2519

I went to Katoomba last weekend!
When to Prince Henry Cliffwalk as well, it was fun. If my health was better I would have hiked a bit more.
Anonymous 2520

>>2502Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! It might also be flippes because I posted the picture directly through my phone unfortunately.
Anonymous 2521

>>2520Yea most phones use Landscape orientation by default and rely on EXIF data for rotation because it's less complicated. I posted in /meta/ about it but idk if there's anything that can be done about it unfortunately.
Where is that? My first thought was somewhere in Versailles, but then I thought there are enough fountains so it probably isn't.
Anonymous 2522…

Last week i was in Tenerife and it was even more beautiful than i imagined.
Anonymous 2525

>>2521That was at the Zwinger in Dresden!
This current picture is at the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.
Anonymous 2554

>>2525>>2526You have a great eye for framing, anon.
Anonymous 2565

Not exactly beautiful but there you go
Anonymous 2566

>>2526Hello Anon, I live there! (In Potsdam, not Sanssouci hahaha I wish)
Anonymous 2690…

Why was this in the children's section?
Anonymous 2785

Anon, do you mind if I ask where this is? It's quite beautiful.
Anonymous 3128…

I love going to snowy landscapes, wish it would snow where i live.
Anonymous 3132

E N J O Y :3
(Sad it is a pet shop though. Hope he was there just for a check up)
Anonymous 3181

I deeply regret every time i said winter sucks
Anonymous 3262

The sky was freaking beautiful yesterday.
Anonymous 3653

>>3652Thank you! It's the city where I was born. Here is another.
Anonymous 3700

There was something weird with my phone, it wouldn't focus but in the end that made my photo much cooler
Anonymous 3701

>>3700Here also something happened to my phone. Maybe a water droplet got in the way.
Anonymous 3881

Also an asshole who likes to take pictures of my food a lot.
Anonymous 3882

>>3881This is from a year ago. Really want to visit again.