
Anonymous 26176

They are big, fluffy and scary, best dinosaur ever
Anonymous 26179

You can't prove that spinofaarus doesn't exist.
Anonymous 26210

I'd be a shame if it became a Cambrian thread instead
Anonymous 26216

Biggest Cambrian creature, the shrimpwhale Aegirocassis
Anonymous 26218

Reject monke, return to shimp
Anonymous 26240
>>26239Sadly, she's mostly active in russian community and doesn't post much of her work translated (she makes cool short comics)
Anonymous 26306

Sorry for self-posting, but I've drawn some yutys myself
Anonymous 26605

Bringing back yutys.
Momma with her babies
Anonymous 26762
>>26608This reminds me, do you guys think dinosaurs could see in the ultraviolet spectrum like some birds do? I bet they had some cool patterns that would be invisible to us.
Anonymous 26764
>>26762There's isn't much known of dinos' eyesight, but they had sclreotic rings like birds, so they eyes were probably similar to avian. Also, some reptiles can see in UV spectrum as well. So, I see no reason, why dinos wouldn't see in UV spectrum
Anonymous 27620

When I was a kid I had some books that listed Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus as different dinosaurs. Because of that I loved the Brontosaurus so much cause Thunder Lizard just sounds so cool and the books usually had a cool rendition to match. It was literally my favourite Dino then I discovered it was renamed to a subtype of Apatosaurus. I was devastated lol. I wish they'd named the genus Brontosaurus instead of Apatosaurus. "Deceptive Giant" is just lame
Anonymous 27622

>>27620There was a study done in 2015 that proved that Bronto is distinct from Apatosaurus. He's back from extinction!
Anonymous 27627

Time to get some updated Dino books with my best girl