
pretty images to drown out the litteral shit that trolls and incels keep posting Anonymous 27719
not today fren
Anonymous 27723

sorry but I was getting kinda sick seeing that shit on the front page. I have plently more where that came from btw
Anonymous 27724
>>27719Thank you for your work nona
Anonymous 27730

I think this banteng cow is very pretty
Anonymous 27741
dart frog.jpg

I feel I must apologise for this
>>27195 , I will post pretty frogs in the future
they are so colorful, its legs look like bubbles, its head is like "yeah, I'm just gonna be a bright lustrous orange, got a problem with that", also if you touch this frog it will literally kill you, but you can look at it and it will never ever ever ever ever never randomly hop at your face, I promise
Anonymous 27785
>>27766OOH Is that Santorini? I went there once when I was a teenager! It was really pretty.
Anonymous 27828
>>27827No offense nona, but one pic isn't going to help, or do anything, really.
Anonymous 27863

I hate moids so fucking much it's unreal.
Anonymous 27868

my bad, I hate trannys so much. Specificaly moid trannys. and also moids
Anonymous 27872

>Not a male
Liar. Kill yourself moid trash.
Anonymous 27877
If you are actually a woman, which I'm not inclined to believe, why the hell are you doing this? Seriously, why do you have such a problem with this website and/or women in general you'd post this kinda stuff?
Anonymous 27881

>implying I check every thread
I haven't seen any explanation, just you posting scat for no reason other than to shock people
Anonymous 27898

have you considered using your words to express why you feel that way, instead of posting vulgarity? I'm not sure why you believe seeing this would make anyone want to empathize with your position. You came to value empathy, yet your actions are showing the exact opposite. You're acting like the people who post CP in here, there's really no empathy in such actions. Only a complete lack thereof, and vile hatred.
Anonymous 27911
Poop can be funny but spamming is just lazy. Oh wow, you can click a few buttons, good for you. Wizardchan is the same kind of cesspit as crystal cafe and 4chan's robot9001. Despite being foreveralone I can't fucking stand incels of either sex.
Anonymous 27914

Why do you feel that we lack compassion?
Anonymous 27922
>>27911Deleted my posts because I was being a hypocrite
Anonymous 27924
>>27914Don't pay attention to him. He's just making excuses to post gross stuff.
Anonymous 27938

Thing is I'm foreveralone kinda by choice. I don't want to deal with a woman, and definitely not with a man. Sure I have self image, sef confidence, and self esteem issues but that's actually secondary to the fact that I'm just fuckin lazy. Hence why I lurk image boards.
Anonymous 27944
After 36 years I just kinda got used to it nona.
Anonymous 27953

Tired of seeing gross stuff. Gonna go do laundry or something.
Anonymous 27965

>>27940Can't believe I posted the cropped version like a jackass.
>>27955Shit no, that's worse for everyone involved. Everyone deserves agency in whomever they decide to be with.
Anonymous 27972

>>27944I don't think that means you should give up. 36 is still relatively young. You just need to realize that the right girl might not always be what you first had in mind but give stuff a chance anyway once you find someone who shares your ideas, interests and sense of humor. You'll be surprised how much you once thought were deal breakers you'll be able to overcome when you meet a girls whose favorite thing to do is to make you smile, and vice versa
Anonymous 27975

>>27971You deserve the agency to post whatever you feel like, as long as it's not against the laws, like CP. However the user base of a site have the agency to drown you out if they find what you're posting to be abhorrent, as does the moderation to delete your posts if it breaks the site rules or they to find it to be disgusting.
>>27972I appreciate it nona. I didn't give up on people in general, I gave up on myself. I made the decision at 16 that none of this was worth it because I'm a very insecure, insular person. Certain events led me to realize that I'm a somewhat toxic and manipulating person by nature which further caused me to realize that and nobody deserves to be with somebody like that.
Anonymous 27978

>>27975Just find someone else who's also toxic and manipulating. You can be toxic and manipulating together and also love each other. I'm not the best at not being toxic and manipulating myself tbh. But that doesn't mean I deserve to be alone forever. I try to work on myself, to be less so, and I do believe though I still have a fair share of issues I'm way better than I was 10 years ago. I don't think that people like that deserve to be alone. not me, and not you ethier. You're not beyond love anon, I promise. Even if it feels like you're irredeemable, and the worst person in the world sometimes, you’re still worthy of love. Sometimes you have to fix things that feel unfixable, and that's just a process. Even if you feel like you can’t (I have pretty bad BPD myself) find someone with similar issues and bond over it. Heal and better yourselves together. It is possible, no matter how unlikely it feels in your mind.
Anonymous 27986
gn y'all
poo spammer out
Anonymous 27992
>>27990You know all these posts just remove images from front page. Nobody can use any of the most popular threads without witnessing SHIT!
Anonymous 27993

>>27992I do what I can as I'm not a mod. Went ahead and reported all the shit you posted in other threads as well as this one, so it'll get taken down sooner rather than later. Additionally, I made this thread specify so people wouldn't have to look at what you're posting and you've spent most of your time confined here, so I'd say I've done my due diligence. I hope you get over whatever compels you to post like that. I believe everyone is worthy of redemption, and I'd like to think you only believe the people here are bad and not just pure sadism. I wish you to find peace and whatever compels you to behave this way gets resolved. I mean this in the most genuine way possible, consider therapy.
Anonymous 28007
>>27719Damn, you have a such a comfy thread, but someone decided to shit it up scrote tier.
Anonymous 28072
Want to see something awesome?
Anonymous 28115

Wild yak, different species from domestic yak (Bos mutus vs Bos grunnensis)
Anonymous 28119

This is dzomo, female hybrid of domestic yak and cattle
Anonymous 28198
W/E I have better things to do
Anonymous 28269
>>28226Oooh… that's
sooooo satisfying. ~