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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Non-chad crushes Anonymous 28302

Post pics of under 6ft/not traditionally masculine guys that you find attractive/have crushes on.

Anonymous 28303

image_proxy (22).j…

Anonymous 28305

I meant like real people, madame. Fictional crushes are a different thread

Anonymous 28307

Sonic is a chad so it doesn't work

Anonymous 28309

hell why are you not posting anything, I bet you have some non chad crushes, when I do. Cruise and Chalamet are under 6ft and I am sure there are girls here who loved them as Lestat and Atreides so come on, post some of your favs

Anonymous 28310

this is a slow board people dont post that fast you have to wait a few days

Anonymous 28311

>slow board
>5 replies already and no pics

Anonymous 28312


make better threads then lmao or post shit yourself

Anonymous 28355


He’s so ugly now, but he used to be a qt pie. Men hit the wall so fast.

Anonymous 28356


Also him, his fucking eyebrows…. why doesn’t he pluck them?

Anonymous 28358


Joost Klein before he hit the wall. What’s up with European men and not fixing their eyebrows? He clearly has two tones in his caterpillars like a fucking cat. And now he’s 26 looking like a 50 year old dad with a beer gut. RIP sweet boy

Anonymous 28359


Oh and someone already photoshopped him naked. Kek

Anonymous 28360


Eurovision fame comes at a price!

Anonymous 28362

I think natural is better

Anonymous 28437

Maybe I missed the point of the thread but these guys are conventionally attractive

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