
Aesthetic pictures 4781
What the title says. Random stuff
Anonymous 4788
are paintings aesthetic? By the way I took this
>>4787 photo with my old phone I don't know how it turned out so nice
Anonymous 4840

>>4838That's really good
>>4789 it's oil paint. The artist is Mead Schaeffer, here is another one of his paintings
Anonymous 4868

>>4840I stand corrected. Beautiful work.
Here's some Roger Dean.
Anonymous 4878

Photo I took of an art gallery inside a barn.
Anonymous 4879
>>4878that's so cool and I really like the chandelier
Anonymous 4929

This is a WWI era Hungarian propaganda poster.
Anonymous 4930

>>4929FUG I love the Hungarian language, my aunt's tv used to catch some Hungarian channels and I would just listen to them talk. once I watched an episode of Pokémon in Hungarian and didn't understand anything, it was gud.
Anonymous 4931
>>4930Megtaníthatlak magyarul ha akarod:)
Anonymous 4933
>>4932I agree, it was painted by Margaret Macdonald, apparently Klimt was influenced by her art.
>>4931wow thanks! I don't have the time to systematically learn a new language, but you are very kind <3
Anonymous 5029

I find this image extremely /aesthetic/
Anonymous 5040
>>5012Where is this? It reminds me of something out of Twilight Princess.
Anonymous 5061
>>5040I dunno lol I saved it when I was looking for things to paint one day. It reminds me of skyrim
Anonymous 5280
>>5204I love animated pixel art like this. It's so nostalgic and beautiful.
Anonymous 5304
>>5303Yessss! I just checked c.c on a whim before bed and this was on the first page. Awesome timing anon, thanks.
Anonymous 5305

>>5304I recommend Pixelwave Wallpapers(I know its for android, if you have apple no idea if its available), there's lowtier trash but also really good stuff.
Anonymous 5307

>>5306Afternoon, i believe there's a night one somewhere.
Anonymous 5308
>>5305These are insane, I love all the ones you posted.
I have android so I'll definitely check it out, thanks again!
Anonymous 10656
>>10655any chance anyone knows the artist?
Anonymous 10660

>>10656It's Japanese illustrator Suzusiro.
google reverse image search is your friend nonny Anonymous 12181
>>12179a-anon i think you're in the wrong thread
Anonymous 12187
>>12181This thread is for random aesthetics? Sorry about that. There's so many random threads on this board.
Anonymous 12189

>>12187I'll post some aesthetic pics to make up for my off-topic post.
Anonymous 12196
>>12193man, i wish this was really purple. i'd love to walk into an actually purple place like this
Anonymous 12221

>>12196You can always edit it to make it more purple.