
Autumn Thread Anonymous 658
Fall is such a cozy season. Looking forward to feeling settled again.
What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall?
Anonymous 666

Holy shit, YES, this is the best thread!
Orange is my absolute favorite color and I am obsessed with fall and autumn leaves.
Thanks, anons.
Anonymous 672

Sorry abouth the watermark, I just love the colors.
Anonymous 674

This is it, for now! I'll post more Halloween stuff later~
Anonymous 676

>>675I really want to be skinny for this fall and just spend it wrapped in big, cozy sweaters and reading. I'm finally taking the time I need to heal from my mental illnesses, and I'm excited to feel better in such a soothing season
Anonymous 677

Just stared a fall board in Pinterest, and I really liked the preview
Anonymous 678

I am back with another yuge dump! This is probably my favorite thread here.
Admins, fall theme for c.c when??
Anonymous 689

I guess one of my biggest salts in life is that in my country not only we don't have a big Halloween celebration (like, it's mentioned here, but it's not a big deal at all, kids don't go trick or treating and someetiiimes there are some adults parties with half assed decorations and costumes) but we don't have orange and red leaves. It's super rare. Our tropical fauna is pretty different.
I wanna live on the US or Europe or Japan just to experience real Autumn/Halloween.
Anonymous 690
I really love Halloween. I don't do anything for it but it signifies the fall season and it just feels really nice walking around in a sweater or jacket and not melting.
The thing I love the most about fall is how all the holiday decorations for Halloween and often times Christmas come onto store shelves and people's yards. It just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. It gives me an excuse to get a blanket and cozy up with my cats while working on projects. All the color changes in the leaves make me feel at ease too and it's so beautiful.
Anonymous 691

>>690>>689 anon here and you have no idea how much I envy you.
Anonymous 692
Fall only serves to remind me of the warmer season ending and the cold, depressing months to come. Seasonal Affective Disorder hits me hard. ;_; How do I deal, fellow SADs? How do I enjoy fall? I already love Halloween and Christmas but still…
Anonymous 693

>>678Seconding the desire for a new theme! Seasonal themes in general would be really cute to have as options
Anonymous 694

>>692I understand. I too dread the oncoming seasonal depression, but for me there's just something in the air during fall. It's almost like a magical feeling that permeates everything. Maybe you could do some fall crafts to take your mind of of things and have fun with the season when you're feeling down about the future.
Anonymous Admin
>>693>>678Seasonal themes would be fun! I will start preparing stylesheets.
Anonymous 696

>>695Aw yiiiiis based admin-sama-chan-san pullin through!
Anonymous 700

>>695OMG YES! I am so happy aaaaa I dream of an orange theme
>>689 Also derp, I meant flora*, not fauna.
>>698 This sounds like a dream, really. I wish I could buy spook halloween stuff. I think my best bet here is Daiso. Anonymous 707

I always go to the mall and stock up on Fall candles from Yankee Candle.
Makes my apartment 10x more cozy with iced coffee, knitted blankets and open a window for that full Fall-ish feel. I fucking love it.
Anonymous 708

I wish I enjoyed pumpkin flavored anything to be able to enjoy autumn more, but I love apple cinnamon things. Autumn makes me want to bake sweets and drink tea.
Anonymous 709

>>708I'm with ya, my Apple Cinna-Sister!
Anonymous 710

>>707Aw yiiiis, I forgot it was prime candle season! Good by sandy-florals, hello sweet scents!
Anonymous 712
Oh is this place real?? Is it safe?? I'm so happy I found this site and this beautiful thread.
Thank you
We don't have fall colors where I'm from, here is like a long spring with a crazy rainy season, so my favorite season to travel to other countries is fall ♡
Anonymous 713

>>712It's both real and safe, anon! Welcome
Anonymous 716

>>714I am from Brazil! Not only we don't have the pretty fall colors (at least where I live, maybe it's different on the South, where is colder), but Halloween falls (no pun intended) on spring is not really a thing anyway. I could deal with a flowery Halloween aesthetic, but it just doesn't happen lol I've heard some rich kids are starting to trick or treat now at their condos or stuff like that, but it's so small it doesn't even count.
But I do wanna try to do something for Halloween this year, even if is just for me and my boyfriend. Make some costumes, leave some small pumpkins around the neighborhood, put on a bat or pumpkin onesie, watch movies, decorate my house.
Anonymous 722

I love how this thread is way cozier and better than the LC one btw. I love this site.
Anonymous 723

Anonymous 724
>>723Yes! Bless based admin-sama-San-chan! Honestly this is my new favorite theme, and it reminds me of animal crossing too. Lots of happy feelings. Thank you admin!
Anonymous 742

I'll be moving back to bend Oregon in September and I'm so excited. Bend is a lovely, beautiful place. I'm going to move in with my boyfriend and I've had so many comfy thoughts about fall.
I think my favorite thing about fall is that it's hot. It's a dry hot and I get to go swimming. I have river access and the world is just so lovely. I love how fall smells, it's crisp and sweet.
I really hope when I'm living with my boyfriend we can have dates where I make pumpkin or apple pie and we can drink hot cider in the parks.
If you ever want to live in a beautiful place pick bend oregon, I can't express how beautiful and nice it is there.
Anonymous 785

Last one, because I've craving some candy apple like crazy recently heh
Anonymous 795

Do any of you miners have a favorite autumn movie (doesn't have to be a scary/Halloween themed one) that gets you ready for the season? Mine has to be either "Dead Poets Society" or "Halloween Town"
Anonymous 799

>>795I would love more Fall movies recommendations!
Aside from Halloween ones (which I love, if you know any good obscure Halloween flick pls let me know), are there any good dramas or even romances set on Fall? I just love the scenery. Fall Pride and Prejudice would be a dream.
Anonymous 1368

Happy First Day of Meteorological Fall (in the Northern Hemisphere)!
Anonymous 1676

>>742>>743Really beautiful place. Now I want to move there too lol.
Anonymous 1677

>>1675Makes me sad that I'll probably never own something like that.
Anonymous 1681

Saw this at the Daiso close to my work, got happy.
Anonymous 1708

Took this today in the woods 30 seconds before a torrential downpour. Worth it
Anonymous 2247

I can't post properly because of the flood detection. Oh, well.
Anonymous 23820

Nothing triggers my autism more than going out in the forest with my camera. I can spend hours waiting for a bird or a butterfly to come close enough to take a pic. Spring and autumn are my favourite times of the year, winters here are long and depressing. Looking forward to the nature waking up once again))