
Celebrities you find beautiful Anonymous 6835
I'll start.
Anonymous 6841

80s Winona Ryder is the face I'd wish for if I could look like anyone else.
Anonymous 6844

Elle Fanning, didn't like her in the Neon Demon though.
OP 6846

>>6835Young Naomi was fierce. I never understood why Tyra's basic ass was the more popular one (with men).
Anonymous 6850

If I age half as well as her I would be sooo happy
Anonymous 6851

I like her music, and I think she's gorgeous.
Anonymous 6856
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I'm pretty much obsessed with young Scarlett Johansson, especially in Lost in Translation
Anonymous 6858

>>6856I love her look and character in Ghost World. The mischievous/bad attitude is the most relateable thing.
Anonymous 6859
georgia may jagger…

I mean like, no shit, she's a model, ofc she's beautiful but her teeth are lovely and made me love my own gappy teeth/
Anonymous 6861
>>6856She's a pretty face but I really hate her as an actress.
Whenever I see her in a movie all I see Scarlett Johansson playing Scarlett Johansson. I don't think she has much range, it's always "generically hot chick who you shouldn't underestimate", or at least that's how it was for Ghost in the Shell, Avengers, Lucy, Under the Skin etc. I did like her voice work in Her though.
Anonymous 6862

>>6858>>6861I think SJ is pretty, but I don't get all the hype around her. Never really did. I find her voice very sultry though.
Pic related - Adriana Lima. My heart, ugh!
Anonymous 6867

Elsa Hosk is a dream. Girl looks like a cat.
Anonymous 6870

>>6856this is gonna sound petty but I really don't like her eyes, she looks so derpy to me. I know it's supposed to be that alluring, bedroom-eyes look but she reminds me of waking up with puffy, uneven eyes and trying to fiddle with the lids to get them to fold more even lol
Anonymous 6871

>>6869>>6865Anons, don't crush my heart. I … I can't. She was so beautiful and wonderful. It's not old age, obviously. She ruined her health and started getting way too many PSs… my beautiful Lindsay. 2004-2007 Lilo is best Lilo imo. She looked amazing during her long relationship with Samantha Ronson (not sure what year was that)
Anonymous 6874

Bree Morgan is how I wish I looked. It's unfair.
>>6871She is/was so stunning.
Anonymous 6875
>>6874I wouldn't really say she's a celebrity since she's just some just chick with 77k followers on Instagram, but I agree that she's very beautiful.
Anonymous 6876

>>6835Asia Argento even tho this isn't her style anymore
Anonymous 6878
>>6875That anon keeps posting her everywhere for some reason. That's like the fifth time I've seen her on lolcow and now here.
Anonymous 6879

>>6878Lol, oh jeez. Can you not bring that sort of thing here? That's not me. Though I did find out about her through a lolcow post. It was in a bad makeup thread.
As not to dereail, have a Jessica Stam.
Anonymous 6880

Megan Fox has such a sexy glamorous face, it kills me every time. I loved her in Jennifer's Body even if the movie itself was terrible.
>>68794>celebrity>>6879>Don't bring that sort of thing herePeople are allowed to respond to your posts and you're clearly not better off provoking something that never was. Knock it off.
Anonymous 6881

Erika Sawajiri
>>6880The whole "I suspect this is xyz" is silly on an anonymous board and reeks of lolcow/is why lolcow is full of shitposts. That person isn't even contributing to the thread.
Anonymous 6882

>>6881>the whole "I suspect this is xyz" is silly on an anonymous board and reeks of lolcow/is why lolcow is full of shitpostsThis. I'm not a mod but I suspect this board was setup in order to escape the catty paranoia and nitpicking on steroids culture of lolcow. If ya'll want to play internet Cluedo please do it somewhere else, I want this place to stay comfy.
Anyway, I think Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is gorgeous. It's actually really cool that's she's managed to reach her level of fame despite her obvious facial asymmetry.
Anonymous 6884

Since we're already posting efamous people, I'm really jealous of Billie Dawn's facial structure. No shade or drama intended, I just think she has a pretty face.
Anonymous 6886

Only in lolcow, and thats ONLY because of one reason (that we wont mention here).
I nominate Liv Tyler for most beautiful actress.
Anonymous 6887

>>6886>>Liv TylerWhat do you think of Caitriona Balfe? She's the actress for the main character in Outlander (Claire).
(Pic related. I think she's really pretty and classy looking).
Anonymous 6888
Lisa Raye McCoy Li…

>>LisaRaye McCoy
Even though she's 50 and was in her late 40's during Single Ladies (a tv show) I always thought she's gorgeous and had a bit of a crush on her lol
Anonymous 6889
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>>6888>>Denise VasiShe was also on the show Single Ladies and has such striking blue eyes.
Anonymous 6893

alan dawa dolma - Tibetan J-pop/C-pop darling
OP 6894

More pictures from the girl in my OP because why not
OP 6896

>>6895>tfw you'll never look like her or her sistersI'm so sad
Anonymous 6906

The fact that she's messed with her nose and mouth so much is heartbreaking, she had a genuinely beautiful face imo
Anonymous 6907
>>6906I just feel so awful for her. Like this is somebody who has been manipulated and abused for personal gain, treated as little more than a commodity the entirety of her life, even by her own scumbag family. Wouldn't surprise me if she endured sexual abuse in her childhood as well, seems to be par for the course with child stars.
Anonymous 6908

>>6906>>6907I feel the same way. She was stunning, and I feel terrible about her upbringing too.
Anonymous 6909

>>6908(saged for double post)
But I'm really impressed with how she keeps sticking around and making music. She's currently on world tour I think?
Anyway, pic related: GODNEY
Anonymous 6920
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I really love unique faces, like Lindsey Wixson, Roxanne Texier, Cate Blanchett etc.
Anonymous 6922

I think Marina and the Diamonds is beautiful, I loved her aesthetic during Electra Heart too.
Anonymous 6923

>>6922I love Helen Anderson when she had a similar style but yeah Electra Heart era was best for Marina
Anonymous 6925

I love early 1960s Julie Andrews. I think she's absolutely stunning.
Anonymous 6928

>>6908If you're going to compare faces, you could at least use a more flattering, normal picture of her. OT Blogpost: When I saw Britney at the 2016 VMAs (pictured), tears started streaming down my face because I felt so happy for her…she seems to be in such a good place the past few years.
Anonymous 6932

I've had such a huge crush on her for ages
Anonymous 6934
Also, this era's Xtina Aguilera.
I remembering saying her body was banging in this video to a friend of mine when we were about 13 and she thought I was having my lesbian awekening lol Turns out I am just a very envy prone straight gal.
Anonymous 6935

I used to love t.A.T.u. so much. Shame that one of them is a homophobic hypocrite, they were cute.
Anonymous 6936

>>6935oh anon, i liked them so much! it's also a shame that Yulia ruined her beautiful face.
Anonymous 6937

>>6936Oh wow, that's sad. She had such a nice pixie face before.
To contribute something here's Salma Hayek.
Anonymous 6938

>>6936Holy shit, I gasped out loud. Holy shit.
Adding a waifu for contribution.
Anonymous 6939

Not sure if I actually think she's beautiful or I just think I do because people have told me that I look like her lol
Anonymous 6940

Young Julia Stiles, specifically her in 10 Thing I Hate About You.
Anonymous 6941

Brazilian actress Isis Valverde. I think she could benefit with a little less arched eyebrow, but she's pretty either way. She can also rock the pin-up look.
Anonymous 6943

I've had a girl crush on Cassie Steele since Degrassi. I don't think it's ever going away.
Anonymous 6951

NuTaylor has me salivating. I don't care about the drama and the persona but I'm eating her shit up.
Anonymous 6956

Cybill Shepherd was easily the most beautiful woman in the world.
Anonymous 6958

>>6957Sad that men these days would choose some Kardashian tier slut over her
Anonymous 6960

>>6958>Sad that men these days would choose some Kardashian tier slut over herKK > literal who anyday
Anonymous 6961

sumire… shes like a model but not really big enough to be a celebrity. she's sucsessful bc her parents are famous (chara the singer and tadanobu asano the actor). she has that glare lauren tsai does (love her too) but sumire can do it better
Anonymous 6971

>>6970Pretty much all the women in BR are GOAT tbh.
Anonymous 6977

I worked the ISA in 2018 and couldn’t keep my mouth closed when I watched Greta Gerwig posing. I don’t have strong feelings for any films she’s been in - she’s a little MPDG - but the way she carried herself and oozed beauty was absolutely striking. pic related.
Anonymous 6979

Son Chaeyoung from kpop girl group Twice
Anonymous 7007

Early-mid Nicole Richie is my forever crush
Anonymous 7009

>>7008I don't know much about what she's up to these days, but she's nostalgic for me since back in 2013 I used to listen to her and the whole "White Girl Mob"'s music, V-Nasty, Lil Debbie, the cohorts. They really had the "Tumblr girl" aesthetic before that was even a thing.
Anonymous 8147

>>6874She looks like me if I was 10/10 instead 6/10…
Anonymous 8620

>>6939God I love Uma Thurman. Kill Bill was everything
Anonymous 8711
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>>6958>choose some Kardashian tier slut over herwut
Anonymous 8712

i want to run away with anya taylor-joy so fucking bad
Anonymous 9645

I always thought Tilda Swindon looked gorgeous as the white witch. She has a unique face that really goes with that look.
Anonymous 9675

Rachel Brosnahan is so fucking hot and gorgeous
Anonymous 10544
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If only she hadn't such a rotten character
Anonymous 10574
the other day I got randomly obsessed with this music video again because Christina was so hot in this. very nostalgic
Anonymous 10600

>>10584I agree, I think she looks great. Striking and unique features. Her curly short hair and slender frame are everything. She looks mature and self-possessed and like a boss
Anonymous 12570

Abbey Lee. Loved her in Fury Road and Lovecraft Country.
Anonymous 12583

>her voice
>her charisma
>her height
Anonymous 12828

Valentina Malyavina (From Ivan’s Childhood)
Anonymous 23477

She I'd one of my top 5 fav TV characters if all time. Good god I love this woman
Anonymous 25041

I love Julianne Moore but I hate this movie
Anonymous 25119

Carrie Anne Moss has aged like fine wine
Anonymous 25120

>>23477Goddess. I loved her in Seinfeld, but The New Adventures of Old Christine was great too. Was really sad about her continued issues with cancer
Anonymous 25331

Rachel Weisz, especially in The Mummy (1999) as Evelyn <3
I also liked Patricia Velasquez who played Anack-su-namun, but only in the movie with all the makeup and Ancient Egyptian aesthetics