
Pokémon! Anonymous 7517
while we share some pics…
- favourite region?
- favourite pokemon?
- favourite type?
- favourite trainer?
- favourite song?
feel free to leave requests too!
Anonymous 7518

>favourite region
i like unova most. aesthetically, it's okay… but gen 5 has my favourite writing in the series. the narrative and characters make the region feel so alive, and i ended up caring so deeply about it, as silly as the story is. so i have a lasting, strong emotional attachment to it!
Anonymous 7519

>favourite pokemon
it might seem like a random pick, but i completely adore ninjask. its design is perfect for me: i like pokemons origins as being inspired by bug collecting, so a very cicada like design is perfectly "pokemon" to me. it also has a cool evolutionary gimmick, with shedinja also being a really cool pokemon.
i love how animal-like and not immediately cute it is, but it still has this plucky loyal heroic sense of personality to me. (and it is so cute!!)
speed boost and its high attack make it strong but not overpowered or "safe", which is more exciting for me to play. ninjask!!!!
Anonymous 7520

>favourite type?
ghost types always have the coolest pokedex entries, don't they…
Anonymous 7521

>favourite trainer?
this is my bias as an obsessive image collector, but dawn gets THE coolest fanart. the dpp legendaries and lore are really cool and operates on this overarching mythological/creation myth scale. it leaves a lot of room for artists to step in and explore this stuff.
Anonymous 7522

>favourite song?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MNAktk9ei8ecruteak city's theme is lodged somewhere permanently in my heart… i will always love pkmn crystal. it's the game i have that real nostalgic bond with. even though i was super into pokemon before it came out, it connected with me so much more deeply… because you got to play as a girl. but also because of the beauty of the gentle pastels used for the game, the beautiful spritework. and there's nothing like these gentle, strange, deeply nostalgic songs.
Anonymous 7550
>>7548noooo an electric pokemon, in the rain, by the sea, is she gonna be ok?
>>7544imagine sitting in bird saliva
Anonymous 7551

>>7550don't worry, ampharos is a self-insulating, seasoned beach-goer. as for the pelipper saliva… well, trainers are unusual people.
Anonymous 7594

I really love fokko. It's an unhealthy obsession, but it's so cute!
Anonymous 7604

>>7600then i love every version of you that fokko posts
Anonymous 8469

>>7517>favourite region?Kanto
>favourite pokemon?Claydol and Xatu
>favourite type?Ground
>favourite trainer?The protagonists from Sun/Moon, they're both very cute
>favorite song?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GuYenWfB_4 Anonymous 8478

- favourite region?
>Sinnoh or Johto
Both are comfy places with nice soundtrack. SoulSilver was my first and the most played game
and I adored it. I got so many memories. Same with Platinum.
- favourite pokemon?
Always been a reliable Pokemon for me both ingame and competitive. I will never forget what a joke the ghost gym was in SoulSilver when I had the gift Togepi with Extrasensory, literally solo'd that gym with the baby Pokemon. And the paraflinch shenanigans in competitive were funny as fuck. I also like Scizor for same reason.
- favourite type?
Some of my fav Pokemon here like Gardevoir, Clefable, Mawile and Sylveon. I like Ghost and Steel too.
- favourite trainer?
Beautiful and powerful. I like her.
- favourite song?
I got a lot of Pokemon songs I like but I guess Zinnia's theme is my current favorite even though she was a bitch and I don't really like gen 6 games and onwards.
Other songs I like
>Iris champion theme (B2/W2)
>National park theme (HG/SS)
>Frontier brain theme (HG/SS)
>Red's/Lance's theme (HG/SS)
>Kanto Gym trainer theme (HG/SS)
>Cynthia piano (Platinum)
>N battle theme (B/W and the normal one, not the final battle/champion version)
I quit Pokemon after playing Sun. UltraSun didn't seem worth bying and Sword/Shield honestly seem terrible games and not worth bying Switch over. I guess Pokemon isn't for me anymore. I'm really not into the direction the Pokemon designs are going, there is literally maybe handful Gen 8 Pokemon I really liked. Don't like the DLC bullshit either and dex cut was really bad as well. My fav games are SoulSilver, Platinum, White and White 2. Hoenn games were pretty gud too (the original ones, not the remakes, they were bad).
I really wish I could experience playing SoulSilver and Platinum for the first time again, those were magical times for me. Being hyped for Black and White games and being keen for leaks was fun times as well. And at the time I felt B/W was so kino in terms of story. I feel like it all went downhill so badly after gen 6. Y was the last Pokemon game I enjoyed.
Anonymous 8869
Still play these games all the time. Crystal Clear might be my favorite romhack.
>favourite region?
>favourite pokemon?
Farfetch'd or Hitmonchan
>favourite type?
>favourite trainer?
>favourite song?
Ecruteak/Cianwood theme
Anonymous 8900
gold silver has such a good soundtrack.
Anonymous 8902
pokemon tower theme was always great too
Anonymous 9223

- favourite region?
does orre count? if not than johto
- favourite pokemon?
- favourite type?
psychic type
- favourite trainer?
black and white from the pokespe manga!
- favourite song?
either national park from GSC or run away fugitives from mystery dungeon
Anonymous 27130

>>7517>Favorite Region Unova, Hands down
>Favorite PokemonAnything that isn't Pikachu
>Favorite TypeGhost, Fairy & Dark Type
>Favorite TrainerMisty
>Favorite SongReally caught me off guard with this one, but DragonSpiral Tower
Question for the nonas, but what was the game that got you into Pokemon? Mine was Pokemon Yellow. I could not for the life of me get pass the old man for two years
Anonymous 27131
>>27130I should've added Dragon. Fuqq
Anonymous 27332
glaceon day out.jp…

I recently found an artist by the name of 茉莉, I love their cute pokemon artworks!
Anonymous 28438
PokéPark Premium F…

>favourite region
My first pokemon game was pokemon diamond so for nostalgia reasons Sinnoh has a place in my heart. However, I think Alola has really grown on me, especially when I played moon for the first time. It’s just a cozy pretty region. I like the Alolan forms too. I feel like a part of the reason why I like Alola so much is because I always wanted to go to Hawaii ever since I was a kid
>favourite pokemon
I’ve got a few. Cutemons like the Mareep line, the Furret line, the Wooper line, Celebi. I like Sunflora too. For coolmons I like Scolipede, Flygon, and Gliscor
>favourite type?
Probably poison or grass. I’m partial to ground types too and the dark type has a special place in my heart since it was my favorite type when I was an edgy kid
>favourite trainer
I like a bunch of the human characters. Guzma, Plumeria, Nanu, Acerola, Piers, Klara. I feel like the human characters have gotten more interesting with each new game
>favourite song
Probably Guzma’s theme or the Eterna City theme
Anonymous 29829

I like Cubone. He's not great to battle with, but his PokéDex backstories are awesome.
>Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again. Seeing a likeness of its mother in the full moon, it cries. The stains on the skull the Pokémon wears are made by the tears it sheds.
>It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly.
Anonymous 29882
>>29829I used to love cubone as a kid. I didn't know it had such a sad backstory.