
Home Décor General Anonymous 928
Post home décor inspirations, furnishings, ornamentations, style advice & tips, storage ideas, colour coordination, or post/share your personal décor ITT!
Anonymous 929

Dumping some stuff that I've pinned from Pintrest. Unfortunately I think a lot of it is quite lo-res, but hopefully you can get the idea.
Anonymous 941

>>940There's an empty fireplace in the bedroom of my new apartment, so I think I'm going to do this, except paint the logs white since the fireplace is black.
Anonymous 955

>>954Great bathroom storage idea for those with a smaller home (gonna be taking advantage of this).
Anonymous 961

>>960Only reason I saved this one is because I would have NEVER have thought of partioning off a bedroom using bookshelves like this, and it's great for those with minimal space.
Anonymous 962
Will be bookmaring this thread. I'm finally moving out of my parent's house, I'm so excited~
Anonymous 974

>>973I wish I could decorate my whole house pink/gold/white, but my boyfriend would die.
Anonymous 976

>>975I personally hate dark furniture, but I've managed to make due with some of it in my house because it's what my boyfriend prefers. Here's something cute with dark furniture.
Anonymous 978

>>977Carts for storage. You can find cheap ones at Target.
Anonymous 980

Never thought i had a certain style, but after getting pinterest and started pinning home inspiration i realized i really like the "rusty fairy forest" aesthetic.
Anonymous 988
>>986>>987HMMMM YES, YES. This is my aesthetic!
Anonymous 989

I really love yellow in interior at the moment. Mostly surrounded with more neutral tones though. I've seen it in both modern and more rustic styling but pic related just really gets me GOING. I think it would be cute for a spare bedroom when I have my own house. Yellow is such a happy colour~
Anonymous 1001
>>1000oh wow that bed! i would never leave that room
>tfw ull never be born into a rich family Anonymous 1002

>>1001Ikr? I love the built in wardrobe, too. That room is so nice.
Anonymous 1007
After working cleaning houses for indians and pakistanis, one thing that I constantly see is a large home full of knicknacks collects lots of dust and spiderwebs, not to mention it makes it so much harder to clean. A small shack with two or three rooms is much better than a large sized home, let alone a room.
Anonymous 1008
>>1007I really like the look of highly decorated spaces, but I agree: from a practical, every day perspective less is better.
Anonymous 1009

>>993Just noticed the dishwasher – I like how nicely it blends with the rest of the kitchen.
Anonymous 1027

I really like the look of this bathroom, but in my personal life rugs in the bathroom gross me out.
Anonymous 1028
>>1023Interesting mixture of modern minimalism and religious icons. haven't seen that before
>>1027Yeah that would be pretty disgusting
Anonymous 1030

I was wondering if y'all might be able to give me some advice. I would like to redo my bedroom completely and was toying with the idea of having a short platform bed or a futon, but it's been difficult to find inspiration for adult bedrooms which don't feel too sterile or too weeby. Could you please share any room inspo you may have with this type of style? I'll post what I have so far.
Anonymous 1032

>>1031This is interesting but not exactly the feel I'm going for.
Anonymous 1034

>>1033This is the last one I have. I like the low bed and low bedside tables and that's it.
Anonymous 1036

Just managed to get a second-hand 4-seater Duresta sofa on Gumtree (paid £275, RRP £2,556.99, STEAL). Didn't take me long after sending the money that I realised that the things's 240cms in length… there's no way I'm going to be able to get that down the hallway and round the corner that leads into the living room… it's gonna have to come in though the goddamn ground-floor window. I feel like muppet.
Anonymous 1037

>>1036Great score! Once it's in place it'll be worth the hassle of getting it there.
Anonymous 1038

>>anyone else like old-time libraries?
I don't even read much, but I'd love a miniature version of one of these in my house!
Anonymous 1041
This guy has the best taste in home decor (if you like anything vintage, cozy and homey looking you should be interested) I have seen in YouTube so far + he himself is very interesting and has a great home diy's and vegan food recipes
Anonymous 1759…

New Harry Potter bedding from Pottery Barn Teen.
Anonymous 1885
>>1758OMG thank you! Sabrina's room was awesome in a kind of weird way
Anonymous 4832
>>4831I think ome homes have a fireplace for show with no chimney or the chimney has some problems so it is sometimes not worth the money to fix the chimney and therefore people rather put candles and things that are associated with fire so they have a sort of fireplace rather than just leaving it empty and ugly. I think it's a good idea but when people do it with a perfectly fine fireplace it doesn't make sense.
Anonymous 15780

i don't think anyone who knows me in real life would guess that i'm obsessed with the archetypal twee anthropologie style. too bad this clusterfuck is fascinating to look at but is also 1.) expensive 2.) not suitable for people who do more than delicately sit and stand in their space 3.) impossible to maintain for someone as lazy as me. i'll stick to minimalism, but not because it's my preferred interior design style…
Anonymous 15905

i just live for scandinavian interior. modern, minimalistic, but comfy and slightly rustic.
Anonymous 27341
All that polyester and micro plastic…
Anonymous 29016

Probably a nightmare to dust but it looks so pretty