current music thread Anonymous 16
What song can't you stop listening to these days?
What are your favorite artists/bands?
What type of music are you into?
Yt links to videos encouraged.
I'm not creative so here's a Suicide Sheep song I like.
Anonymous 18
rn mostly disco, house, acid house
im in love with this track rn
Anonymous 19
I am really partial to cheesey 80s Pop/Rock. I don't tend to like music where the artist is taking themselves too seriously.
Anonymous 25
where my psych rock anons at
>>19once every few months ill jam to cheesy pop from any decade. if im in the mood, i will dance to madonna, britney spears, spice girls, gwen stefani, shakira, etc lmao
Anonymous 28
>tfw your favourite band sucks
Anonymous 37
Anonymous 126
For a while I only listened to nu disco and electronic music, I'm a lot less picky/pretentious nowadays. I like male vocals and interesting melodies.
Anonymous 149
>>128thank you for this!! i've been looking so long for this track
Anonymous 159
This isn't my style but I've been obsessed with this song.
Anonymous 166
Been obsessed with this song lately, maybe because i'm a sucker for animated a e s t h e t i c videos.
Anonymous 177
This song gets stuck in my head like once a month.
Anonymous 188
>>166Holy shit, same here. Not sure if it's the video that convinced me to like it, or… either way, it's a fucking awesome song.
Song unrelated but nice.
Anonymous 199
She loves me not, loves me not~
Anonymous 261
treat urself with some chill underground 80s
Anonymous 264
>>262oh my god thank you anon. i love this so much!
Anonymous 384
Can't go wrong with Daryl Palumbo
It seems like every band goes for the 80s A E S T H E T I C now, but in this case I don't mind. I mostly listen to weebshit tho.
Anonymous 389
I've never listened to Andrew Bird before but I stumbled across this track the other day and I can't stop listening to it.
It's so gentle and delicate, it reminds me of a warm, late-Summer eve.
Anonymous 393
How about some iconic German symphonic 80s?
Anonymous 404
In my life
Why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?
Anonymous 447
I'm a huge sucker for touching songs mixed with heart felt Animu/AMVs. The artist name itself, Sonder, has such a touching definition and the movie displayed had me in tears.
These two go so well together it just makes me cry both tears of happiness and sorrow.
Anonymous 490
aural vampire, bitch
Anonymous 495

Ive been addicted to Sin with Sebastian recently
My favorites songs from him
>Golden Boy
>Shut Up and Sleep with me
>When Things Go Wrong
>Birthday Baby
>Dont Go Away
>He Belongs with me
Basically the whole album lol
Anonymous 501
>>490 Aural Vampire 4eva
I'm really into a band called "Mannequinn Pussy" ATM. The name cringes me but musically it's just so good. Same kind vibes as the stuff I like to write.
Anonymous 508
>>495jfc this is my new fave, bless u anon
Anonymous 526

>>508Wow thank you! Im glad someone enjoys. I always think I have weird/lame taste in music so Im glad someone else likes this stuff haha
Also I am low-key obsessed with his outfits from this video. I've always wanted to do drawings of them
Anonymous 786
I've had this album on repeat since it came out, it's so beautiful and well made.
Anonymous 789
i want my SO to make out with me to this :(
Anonymous 942
I've been listening to this new Daoko song. It's so different from her earlier work but I like it.
Also very looking forward to this movie, it looks beautiful so far.
Anonymous 1380
You're all welcome. No need to thank me.
Anonymous 1394
This whole album is fantastic.
Anonymous 1412
This won't let me breatheeee.
Anonymous 1439
I feel nostalgic today.
Anonymous 1441
so two of my favorite modern female artists, Jessica Lea Mayfield and St Vincent both released amazing new albums within a few weeks of each other and i'm overwhelmed with all this new noise
>>404>>17>>726some of my all-time favorite songs ever! i wanted to be wuthering heights red dress KB for halloween but i'm going with a more recognizable costume cause no one's gonna get it :^(
>>787 same, mcr will always have a special place in my heart and despite how cringey my mid-late 2000's scene phase taste was, their albums are all still genuinely great?? especially three cheersAnonymous 1450
Anyone like German music?
Anonymous 1453
>>1451Ha. Apparently not all Germans know him though!
Anonymous 1476
"We won't be unhappy~"
One of my all time favorite songs and I love this cover almost as much as I love the original.
Beams recorded a nice, upbeat version of running up that hill, but I can't find the studio version on YT. But it's on Spotify if anyone is interested.
Anonymous 1479
>>1441bullets was my favorite! i loved how raw it was and the art behind it all is just insane. what my chem did was truly revolutionary. i actually liked my scene phase for the looks and music but the rest was pretty funny. KEK
the story behind early sunsets over monroeville is soo good
dropping my favorite mcr songs~ Anonymous 1481
Does anybody here like emo music? link in comment because the embeds here aren't loading for me today.
Anonymous 1508
>>1479MCR first albums were really good, especially the first one. A true gem. But imo all the other stuff released after that was cringe and seemed like they were trying way too hard.
Anonymous 1651
I finally found the source of this absolute fucking banger, and I really urge you all to listen now. Shit is fucking FIRE. Got me lining my jackets with LEDS and robo-moonwalking to the supermarché.
Anonymous 1775
Does any of you know other artists with music like Bonjour Suzuki? Very dreamy, fairy like? Ty!
Anonymous 1973
Watched the movie a few days ago and i've been listening to this song almost 24/7 since then.
Anonymous 1975
Recently, I have been getting into Japanese Shibuyua-Kei music. It's basically music which is a combination of bossa nova, jazz and a variety of things. If you've ever heard the Katamari Damacy OST and loved it (which was inspired by the music genre) then this is for you!
It's cute, happy and upbeat and gets you in a good mood!
Anonymous 2036
ive been obsessed with this song and hope sandoval in general. her vocals are so dreamy <3
Anonymous 2038
This thread needs more feminist punk
Anonymous 2041
I mostly listen to pop music but this will always be my favourite song <3.
Anonymous 2047
Shinsei Kamattechan.
A Japanese band who does a lot noise pop, sometimes their music is about mental illness, struggling in society and sometimes you have songs of joy, like this one.
The embedded link is the version with english translation and this link is of higher quality: you want Japanese music that is a little bit "different" but catchy, then this is great. There is even a website devoted to translating all of their songs. 2072
some old middle school vibes if u were a mega weeb back in the day
Anonymous 2095
>aggressively thrusts around bedroom
Anonymous 2100
If you like gypsy-ish music that makes you want to dance that has deliciously dark undertones, I'd recommend this band!
Anonymous 2158
I cant stop thinking of this song. It was on an episode of a show I was watching and has stuck with me since.
Anonymous 2178
Does anybody like Japanese Breakfast?
Anonymous 2213
You know you want this, baby!
Anonymous 2215
>>2213Girl WTFFFF. This was literally in my suggested list last night and I loved the hell out of it,and started binging his other videos as well; I wonder if youtubes promoting the dude?
Anonymous 2297
>>2266u got a discord or throwaway email? we should talk if you want ♡
Anonymous 2306
Screen Shot.png

I love punk bands with more focus on lyrics than just guitar/drums.
>>28yeah kmfdm suckssssss
Anonymous 2331
>>2275this is the real holy grail of stoner
Anonymous 2332
>>2331On the topic of doom metal, here's some Brume. Her vocals are beautiful.
Anonymous 2405
The whole CMBYN soundtrack is really great, even the classical stuff. Highly suggest listening if you haven't already.
Anonymous 2408 girl in the MV reminds me a lot of anons here.
Anonymous 2428
>>2351 I just discovered these guys. They are so amazing.
Anonymous 2432
>tfw you listen to field recordings and when people ask what you listen to irl, they never share the same music taste as you bc youre an underground snob
Anonymous 2433
I'm in love with all of Findlay's music that I've heard so far. I can't even pick a favorite song, but this is my favorite music video of hers.
Anonymous 2450
my boyfriend sent me this kehlani song and i've been obsessed with it.
i honestly want to dislike after all that dumb shit she pulled but this song is soo good. it sounds very frank ocean, tbh.
Anonymous 2490
>>2428 I wanna see them live so bad </3
Anonymous 2494
>>2432please share your faves anon. i love snobbish and obscure shit.
Anonymous 2506
>>2494 have a playlist, anon. ngl, my taste is wildly all over the place and a little out there. the field recordings and experimental harsh noise zone me tf out which i really enjoy but i put some melodic stuff that i like in there as well.
Anonymous 2514
>>2506i've been listening to your playlist and i was surprised by how much i actually liked the 'harsher' stuff. so thank you for expanding my horizons!
Anonymous 2530
I love all of their songs, but this is my favorite.
Anonymous 2541
>>2540Patrician taste anon.
Both Pynk and Make me feel are so good and catchy. I love the aesthetic and unapologetic girl love in Pynk
and the vagina pants.
Anonymous 2766
I've come to terms a bit more with this album, where it's not bad, but it's just that someone else did it first and better.
"Sex Money Feelings Die" is a 2018 mood though.
Anonymous 3161
Literally 28 views lol
Anonymous 3281
Does this count as a song?
Anonymous 3316
Some spooky, edgy spoken word. I
Anonymous 3332
Giles Corey - No One Is Ever Going to Want Me
Anonymous 3333
i've been listening to a lot of Post-Modern Jukebox/Puddles Pity Party/Richard Cheese recently.
I love hearing covers of popular songs in a different style. Richard Cheese is a lot more bouncy/funny in most songs but on technical skill then PMJ and Puddles have him beat.
Anonymous 3374
he looks like a school shooter in this
Anonymous 3376
>>3374are you the drained anon from the random thread? i wanted to ask you what you thought of this video. I hope they make a couple more MVs for other Red Light songs.
Anonymous 3377
>>3376Yeah I am
it's my favourite video from red light so far but girl it is quite edgy. I would like to see a video for 1D/Obedient/Im Goofy. Something fast paced and not the typical style of their videos would a nice change
(Im just gonna assume you listen to Yung Lean)
Id love to see more videos for Stranger. I liked the short film he done for the album and would love a video for Yellowman, its my go to song right now
Anonymous 3381
>>3377Obedient and Westfield need a video, yeah! The edge… there's just something about the mix of his usual awkward dances and him swinging that knife around heh.
I do listen to Lean but not as much. I wish Ecco would put out more stuff. Anonymous 3442 wanna be a bottle blonde
I don't know why but I feel conned
I wanna be an idle teen
I wish I hadn't been so clean
I wanna stay inside all day
I want the world to go away
I want blood, guts and chocolate cake
I wanna be a real fake
Yeah I wish I'd been a, wish I'd been a teen, teen idle
Wish I'd been a prom queen fighting for the title
Instead of being sixteen & burning up a bible
Feeling super super super suicidal
Anonymous 3580
So relaxing and aesthetically pleasing.
Anonymous 3582
I truly like Vocaloid.
Anonymous 3622
This band is unreal and I'm surprised that they haven't gotten more attention. Listen to those harmonies, I can't stop playing this on repeat.
Anonymous 3626
I wish I had discovered this earlier, it's a good summer jam.
Anonymous 3682
New releases that I'm gonna check out this weekend:
>Honey - Robyn
>BALLADS 1 - Joji
>Forever Neverland - MØ
>Mirror Master - Young the Giant
Anonymous 3683
This is such a perfect 80s-esque pop song and makes me feel so many things ugh
Anonymous 3729
Her recent album has been looping through my Spotify for the past month. Really digging the sound.
Anonymous 3764
this spooky ass shit
Anonymous 3765
>>3764omg, wrong link. I mean, that shit's OK too, but here's the SPOOKY SHIT.
Anonymous 3769
This music makes me wanna cry evertime i hear. So beautiful.
Anonymous 3774
this has been stuck in my head for days
Anonymous 3794
The Japanese underground electronic hardcore scene is just beautiful!
Anonymous 3812
>>3811I was waiting for such a post to make its way here, rock on fellow Anon.. Anonymous 3814
>>3812Are you into the albums released at comiket and M3?
Anonymous 3825
>>3814I have circles I love that I check back on YT for reuploads/translations but I don't manually go through each release at Reitaisei/ect.
Glad to bump into fellow female touhou fans because the fandom could use more of them!
Anonymous 3827
>>3825I only became interested in touhou after I fell in love with rare/quirky/interesting retro computer hardware and then met someone who owns a PC-9821 series! I really enjoyed the music, but I just don't have any time to play games.
Anonymous 3828
>>3827There's more than one way to be a good fan!
Any love for a series no matter it's form is often positive because you're not treating the cast like your porndump or shoehorning it into posts it has no place in.
I'll make a megathread for containment purposes so we can continue our chat elsewhere. Anonymous 3850
suuuuch a creative group imo
Anonymous 3985
>>3851cool to see these guys on here. i was obsessed with the album a month ago. crossing fingers in hopes of seeing them live someday.
>>3850thanks for this <3 the editing's great. song would be perfect for a late night drive.
Anonymous 3989
this makes me feel pumped
Anonymous 4018
>>4011the thumbnail looked intriguing but the video's now unavailable :(
Anonymous 4019
>>4018nvm I'm dumb. Here's another song.
Anonymous 4026
What song can't you stop listening to these days?
I haven't been listening to music at all lately outside of progressive house to do my homework to. Trying to get back into it, I really enjoy using it as a escape.
What are your favorite artists/bands?
Kanye West (Sorry lmao), Frank Zappa, Ladytron, Lorde, 6lack, Boards of canada, Jake Bugg, Shingo nakamura
What type of music are you into?
Anything, my fav genres are Progressive House, RnB, Rap music, Indie rock, Alternative RnB, Dad rock, Garage rock, IDM…Occasionally punk or thrash/speed metal when I'm feeling down
Anonymous 4032
Tokyo Gegegay has some nice stuff. I feel like the guy steals most of the spotlight, though. Then again he's the one that assembled the group so, that's probably to be expected.
Anonymous 4036
I love "The Madness of Many" from Animals as Leaders (video related is best song) but I just can't help but find their other albums super boring. Especially "Animals as Leaders". I don't know why
Anonymous 4046
“We Appreciate Power” by Grimes.
Anonymous 4059
>>4046I still think art angels is her best work, this song is quite good though.
Anonymous 4066

>>4046I couldn't even finish the song the first time I listened to it – it sounded so repetitive. But now it's really grown on me…
Anonymous 4067
>>4046I really love it! I've been listening for days now…. grimes please drop the album
Anonymous 4074
Vibin' Chaz is a good Chaz.
Anonymous 4130
I find it hard to breathe
As life just eats away
At the faces that surround me
They look tired today
The lady at my table
Doesn't want me here
I just want to talk to her
But would she laugh at my accent
And make fun of me
Oh, it doesn't seem like this
Blue sky's here for me
There are no girls in here
As far as I can see
Only pin-up posters
Looking down at me
Watching papercups of coffee
Growing cold before my eyes
All the things I see
That make me realize
I'm in this big world without you
Nothing to my name
Oh, I never knew that
Blue sky meant such pain
I'm dying to be different
In the coffee shop
I've lived on borrowed strength
Now my supplies are cut
Though I'm older than my looks
And older than my years
I'm too young to take on
My deepest fears
Anonymous 4131
been in a big sonic youth mood recently
Anonymous 4137
When you’re down, feeling low
Just remember your name
They ain't us
They ain't us, baby
'Cos you know what they don’t
Just remember your name
Anonymous 4161
No-one around
But the lights are still on
So let's walk
The bright highways together
Anonymous 4164
Classic emo is surprisingly awesome
Anonymous 4175
is the dg/sbe anon still here? we've been so blessed lately. did you like this one? 4190
frosty the snowman
>>4175woah, I came to this thread to post frosty the snowman and saw this, what a time
I love that song, I was very :0 when he started moaning
Anonymous 4192
Depeche Mode is one of my favorite bands. They make some really good dark synthpop
Anonymous 4209
>>4190>>4207based drained anon. it was such a surprise.
I don't wanna tell me your name 'cause it fucks with my brain
Even when I sleep, dreams I be seeing you
I don't wanna tell you nothing 'cause you know everything
Anonymous 4214
>>4209the thaiboy song has got me more hyped for #legendarymember, he sounded really good on it
Anonymous 4256
Rediscovered this song after hearing it on Top of the Pops. It's so fun and I love that "take" breakdown. I just love me some 80s pop.
Anonymous 4292
a song for a sunny day.
Anonymous 4319
I cried
now I feel so good
Anonymous 4369
I thought from the name of the genre that stoner doom would not be for me, but it's breddy gud
Anonymous 4379
whomst else /metal/ here please I feel lonely
I'm going to go see this band live if I don't chicken out
Anonymous 4450
This whole album is a relate fest for the young unemployed youth of '80s Britain and now tbh
>>4437Thank you for altering me to the fact this exists, anon.
Anonymous 4456
I love the album Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys whenever I'm feeling melancholic. I always cry listening to it, especially at this song. But there's so many other gems from it that make tears wet my face.
Anonymous 4490
>>4456yes yes. i love hang on to your ego so much.
Anonymous 4502
wtf I love djent now
It's so obvious which posts are mine, I hate that
Anonymous 4504
Oops, forgot you could directly link videos
Anonymous 4505
>>4504nice, the doll is so cool too
Anonymous 4519
I want to perpetuate these guys as Giga-Chad
Anonymous 4538
a hip-hop bop.
what're your 10/10 albums? i'm getting back into music and am fascinated with people's tastes, considering i have a lot of albums i like and have a connection with but none that i think of as masterpieces.
Anonymous 4539
>>4538Nice song, the video is so fun too. I couldn't name a single album as a masterpiece either. I like to search for new bands and sometimes one band just appeals to me instantly and I love them so much, and then I love all albums from them, how could I name just one?
I found this band today, and I really like the sound, basically I like almost all music that has this guitar tone. Also I find it funny how this EP is labeled as DLC for the album. That album actually has 2 DLCs lol
Anonymous 4542
This is the most random combination of sounds I've ever heard
Anonymous 4579
I wish I were cool enough to hang with goths :<
Anonymous 4585
>>4579Just go to a goth club, anon, they're great fun
Anonymous 5109
Strong cancer energy
Anonymous 5155
I can't stop listening to Alcest
Anonymous 5242
Memes aside this song in a banger
Anonymous 5259
>>4773Excellent taste. I’ve listened to this song so many times. The music video is great too
Anonymous 5337
The new Men I Trust album, Oncle Jazz, is so fun.
Anonymous 5401
>>5337woah I love this. thanks so much anon <3
Anonymous 5447
Atmospheric Black Metal is generally meh for me, but this is a hidden gem I keep returning to for months now.
Anonymous 5448
I got bored of the new microgenre dungeon synth in less than a week, but this Rob Hubbard MS-DOS 1990s dungeon synth is as good as any of his genial Commodore 64 work.
Anonymous 5461
I like listening to this song while I’m getting ready.
>What type of music are you into?
I’m not really picky when it comes to music. I’ll listen to anything.
Anonymous 5463
>>5461>I’ll listen to anything.Even bleep noise or hardcore rap?
Anonymous 5464
>>5463Yes to both. Love me some bleep beep boo bops.
Anonymous 5466
The perfect soundtrack to Crystal Cafe.
Anonymous 5604
just discovered, v v good weird french folk
Anonymous 5634
I bring so many problems to my relationship. I sincerely desire for us to be able to work it out.
Anonymous 5710
I always listen to Twice's song waaaay too much.
Anonymous 5720
>>5706yes yes yes. i loved this doc and i loved ~the twist~ even more.
Anonymous 5769
>>5768Really surprised to find this here.
Anonymous 5799
lmao I have been on such a Lana kick these past few days. embarrassing but true.
Anonymous 5842
>>1380it has been 2 years but holy shit I love Deftones and I love this song. Everyone here needs to listen to this! thx por posting
Anonymous 5853
Where's the drainer anon at? what do you think of ecco2k's falsetto voice?
Anonymous 5871
I've been travelling down the obscure garage-punk rabbithole lately.
Anonymous 5894
I like this song a lot better without vocals.
Anonymous 5922
Deliciously 80s, dangerously cringey.
Anonymous 5923
>>4542Igorrr's really gone places
Anonymous 5929
Astronoid is fantastic.
Anonymous 5973
>>5942I'm playing this in the bath right now, it's really nice
Anonymous 6007
Some Anon posted this in a /feels/ bread and it's cheesy cute.
Anonymous 6046
If anyone else likes Grimes, especially her early work, check out her 10-minute 2009 EP "Lethe." Not many people, even fans, are aware of it.
Anonymous 6074
Anonymous 6194
I just want to post this iconic music video, warning: it's extremely mathcore. Pewpewpewpewpewpew
Anonymous 6302
Clams Casino - I'm God
Anonymous 6319
Call Me Karizma Quarantine with Me
Anonymous 6902
the ophelias - grand canyon
Anonymous 17935
Teardrop del Rey - Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra
Anonymous 18107
Anonymous 18691
>Now I’m just a pretty face who can help you
I was shopping, heard these lyrics and instantly looked the song up. Her voice is great and the lyrics are painfully true.
Anonymous 18694
>>18691charlotte cardin! i love her. she has an album coming out this week. also love this song of hers.
Anonymous 18695
Anonymous 18729
Dann küss ich dich im Treppenhaus
Endlich wieder Gänsehaut
Ich halt es nicht bis oben aus
Halt es nicht bis oben aus
Then I kiss you in the stairwell
Finally, goosebumps again
I can't hold on till upstairs
hold on till upstairs
Anonymous 18731

All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
But the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try, try
I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I learn
The more I cry the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try
Oh, try, try
All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be, we never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby
And we are, we are, we are, we are
We are, we are
In our love
We are free in our love
Anonymous 18733

The opposite
The opposite of love is fear
I'm still trying to get, hm
Used to how the former feels
'Cause it feels so new
You think you know me
Wait 'til I open up to you
If I want pure love
Must stop acting so tough
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little, sentimental)
If I want your love
Ooh, got to open up
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little, sentimental)
A deeper way
A deeper way to understand
To understand the line between
Who you are and who I am, baby
'Cause to let you in (I want your love, I want your love now)
Is true compromise (I want your love)
Not just the friction of our skin (I want your love now)
If I want pure love
Must stop acting so tough
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little, sentimental)
If I want your love
Ooh, got to open up
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little, experimental)
Well I guess, I guess (I guess, I guess)
I could, I guess (I could, I guess)
Guess I oughta to clean up these bloody fists if it's alright
And yes, I guess (I guess, I guess)
It's for the best (it's for the best)
Guess you really got to call your own bluff if you want pure love
(If I want pure love)
Mmh, ohh-ooh, ohh
If I want pure love
Must stop acting so tough
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little, sentimental)
If I want your love
Ooh, got to open up
(I give a little, you give a little)
(We get a little sentimental) If I want your love
And if I want your love (if I want your love)
(I want your love, I want your love, ay)
(I want your love, I want your love now)
(I want your love, I want your love) (I give a little, you give a little)
(I want your love) (we give a little, sentimental)
Anonymous 19117
I've gone on a bit of a Susumu Hirasawa nostalgia trip after Miura's passing
Anonymous 19477
not a huge morrissey fan but it's just a really good song
Anonymous 19520
listening to Yung Lean and Bladee, but mostly Yung Lean
Anonymous 19529
>>19524>Skye SweetnamHoly crap anon. That's a name I haven't heard in many years.
Anonymous 19530
I like their new album! :)
Anonymous 21298
damn, I am obsessed with her lately.
Anonymous 21355

i’ve been a huge fan of lemon demon ever since 2006 (ultimate showdown stuff), he’s made some of my favourite albums ever
i also listen to random japanese songs once in a while. not in the anime-sorta way, i just like their style of music in general
Anonymous 21389
I've been really into Powerwolf lately. I found these remixes on youtube that have both the original and the orchestral version of songs playing at the same time, and they're really good.
Anonymous 21400
The entire Pom Pom album has absorbed me.
Anonymous 21406
It has been a long time since I found something as unique as this
Idk how to describe it but I finally found something remarkable again
Anonymous 21592
V5qUhjH04YE.jpeg blasting some rhythmic dance pleb trash on a saturday night well all i can say is I HATE RHYTHMFAGS! I HATE RHYTHMFAGS! I HATE RHYTHMFAGS! I HATE RHYTHMFAGS! I HATE RHYTHMFAGS! rhythmic music is overrated and should destroy itself
Anonymous 21622
>>21406truly unique song anon, thanks for posting
Anonymous 21721
Madonna's music was so good in the 90s until like 2007 or so… what happened?
Anonymous 21726
mainly this but also their whole album and the album before
Anonymous 21729
>>21721I think she used to date music producers and so got ahead that way. Then she married Guy Ritchie and they did not work well together and after that she's just been dating random models.
Anonymous 21731
i've been really enjoying folk music lately
Anonymous 21759
>>21593reject dancing
embrace decomposition
>you don't make noise>better for the environment>no socializing required!>literally nothing is required just lay down and rot Anonymous 22217
75d896b6d3e3c1e17c… like how she doesn't portray prostitution as something positive/empowering (this comes from Ester being a "sex worker" herself in the past and this is why trannies dislike her) but it's too rhythmic for my liking. Depressing
Anonymous 22266

A bit obsessed with the new Lana album
Anonymous 22482
i want to hug this doll so bad
Anonymous 22484
>>22387i love this do you know if its on spotify?
Anonymous 22544
nobody listens to jazz… why?
Anonymous 22548
>>22544I only listen to smooth jazz
Anonymous 22779
Brie has a lovely voice, it somewhat vaguely reminds me of Karen O. or maybe to a lesser degree Shiny Toy Guns. Irregardless, Glove is pretty fun.
Anonymous 22780
Jangly 80's indie guitar a comfy
Anonymous 22781
Any Flying Nun Records late 70's to 90's stuff is also pretty nice, especially if you like some jangle. The Clean (and their later spinoff The Great Unwashed), The Bats and The Chills really stand out.
Anonymous 22783
Heavenly is really primo too. Really love when they teamed up with Calvin Johnson from Beat Happening/K Records.
Anonymous 22869
A nice lil cover of a Roky Erickson song
Anonymous 22872
One of the best albums of the last decade
Anonymous 22919
my on-going love for lana is very embarrassing.
Anonymous 22937
>>22919Why? She's a good songwriter and writes all her own material, she's a much better singer than she used to be, her music is distinctive, and she's mostly over her unhealthy sugar daddy phase. I know her personality isn't great these days but I feel like her music is fine? Even Taylor copied one of her songs.
I think people got a bad view of her from that one bad performance she did at the start of her career and then never saw her much again in the mainstream so their views never changed. To them liking Lana is embarrassing, plus her being a female musician that caters to certain demographic of women doesn't help, but objectively there's nothing really wrong with her music.
Anonymous 23505
La nuit et ses lueurs glaciales ont transformé la ruche malade
En un beau palais de cristal
Puis au petit matin le soleil dévoile les plaies obscènes
De ces mégapoles tentaculaires
Anonymous 23558
I'm obsessed with this album
Anonymous 23591
>>23564Based, I've never met another woman into prog, it's such a sausage fest genre.
be my bff Anonymous 23623
>>23591good taste. that maybe my favorite king crimson song. i'm a different anon btw, i guess there is at least 3 of us who like this music lol. all my friends think it's weird but i love it.
Anonymous 23690
Don't stop posting prog
Anonymous 23704
Anonymous 23731
>>23728God I wish Lain never ended up on TikTok.
Anonymous 23780
probably unpopular opinion but oomph! should have been bigger than rammstein
Anonymous 23806
Barney Greenway is so hot. A smart, sweet, vegan who loves Throbbing Gristle. Why can't I date a man like him?
Anonymous 23810
not current but definitely my favourite song of all time, dunno why exactly.
Anonymous 23833
A classic to bump the thread
Anonymous 23908
any other mitski fans here ? she is pretty pop and mainstream I guess but something unique and quite genuine about her that always gets me
Anonymous 23998
i’ve been getting really into ween recently. i don’t really care what genre a song is as long as it’s good. punk, pop, hip hop, folk, whatever. ween does all of it, even country and comedy. also ocean man. i’m obsessed. this is considered one of their more accessible songs, it’s really catchy.
Anonymous 24007
>>24003hell yeah! i was listening to what deaner was talking about and tried and true for a year until i finally dived into the rest of their discography. so good.
Anonymous 24040

>>24007Their Quebec album is by far my favourite, I've always felt like ween is very much you either hate it or love it, so I never really share it
Anonymous 24518
Been listening to here comes the sun and I'm looking for anything that's positive and slow. I need some positive vibes and this song it's the perfect spot
Anonymous 24521
>>16the last part makes me want to listen to it again
Anonymous 24966
On the other side, I'll be waiting for you there
Anonymous 25028
>>239083 months later but i’m here, i love her a lot
Anonymous 25031
Thank you nonason wink
Anonymous 28757
I just want his body~
Anonymous 29673
found it today from spotify recs
Anonymous 30524
Felt like listening Luis Miguel
He sings gud
Anonymous 30621

this song reminds me of my first relationship with a girl, we listened to this for hours in my car and were so deep in love and conversation often become unaware of our surroundings and realise we’ve driven way out of our city and look at eachother without word and silently agree to a spontaneous roadtrip. I miss her so much and still love her despite all the years passed and we’ve moved on in life. I still see her often and though we have boyfriends now, we still give eachother that same look but this time it’s a sad one. we really were meant for each other but not at this point in life, we’re two different people with too different paths we want to take in life. this really hurt to write. I often wonder whether I actually am bisexual or it was just her. I think I’ll forever be in question and wish I could love my boyfriend in the same way.
Anonymous 30622

on a lighter note, this song for all the rock and metal girlies <3
Anonymous 30667
Is PJ actually a good band or am I just blinded by my fat crush on Eddie Vedder
Anonymous 30690
This one crosses my head lately.
Someone who I have been thinking of is slowly being less interesting to think of.
All in all, I knew it was gonna be impossible, but it's a bit of a letdown that we couldn't even see the end of it together.
My only fear is thinking that I'll love someone as much as I did with this person, or if I won't. First love is hard.
Anonymous 30750
>>30667The best summer of my teenage years was spent listening to Pearl Jam. Love them. They are a great band.
Anonymous 30762
What do you think of this one? It's mostly rock but mixes in different genres eclectically.
Anonymous 30877
Perhaps my favourite at the moment.
>>30762This is cool, reminds me of stuff I listened to in high school.
Anonymous 31050
I love this album so much. I loved it as a teen and I love it now. Honestly I think I appreciate it more now. It's so comforting.
Anonymous 31082
>>31050Same, Siamese Dream has always been my personal favorite Smashing Pumpkins album. I first heard it way back when I was in middle school and I still come back to it even now as an adult. Good for when the melancholy sets in
Anonymous 31083
This one's pretty long at 16 minutes, but I love it anyway. Gives off angsty shoegaze vibes. It randomly popped up in my Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify last year and I've been listening to it ever since.
Anonymous 31113
I'm a boomer. My grandma loved this song, my mother did too, and so do I.
Anonymous 31405
Cant stop listening to this banger
Anonymous 31535
Man, this song brings me back.
I remember listening this on the way home from our holidays in Brazil. It was rainy, my cousin was driving relatively fast, curves had an incline. A lot of forests and trees too. Some tunnels going through mountains.
It's not a lot, but it brings me back, now my mom has died (god rest her soul), my cousin lives somewhere else far away from his mother's home, more than five years have passed.
It's insane when I think about it.
Anonymous 31536
>>31405can't believe there's another weird ukrainian kellersynth pilled nona in this board. Hexenmeister is the shit. Do you like Fairy Madness nona?
Anonymous 31537
>>31405Oh shit they're actually from the Netherlands it seems oops. Ukraine has some banger tänzelcore too though
Anonymous 31539
i love grouper so much but lately it's been difficult listening to their songs due to attaching shitty memories to them.
Anonymous 31542
the hook is stuck in my head now because of tiktok
Anonymous 31906 to this for the first time right now. Not related, but I might buy an eletric guitar.
Anonymous 33622
Molly Nilsson is so cool
Anonymous 33670
Another banger from Justice as expected
Anonymous 33720
Indie south-korean folktronica (yeah)
Anonymous 33723
>>33721God is too much for our father in thy heavens.
But yeah, he does sing cool
Anonymous 33725

>>33723Wrong. This is real footage of Tom answering prayers
Anonymous 33726
>>33723yeah not the first time I've listened to the Hotline Miami soundtrack unironically…
Anonymous 33728
>>33725Man, brown humour is just too much for me
Anonymous 33923
Parannoul is great as well.
Anonymous 34055
Need more music, and an album please!!
Anonymous 34087
>>3332Oh Nona…I hope it gets better for you. I've been there.
>>34067Based Nick cave enjoyer. Literally my earliest memory is of my Mum driving me around while playing Nick cave cds in the car stereo.
Nick Cave fans will like the link I posted, 70's tongue-in-cheek but emotional country murder ballad.
Anonymous 34088
apart from being a kpopfag i really enjoy listening to pretty dreampop music
Anonymous 34110
This should be on the cc soundtrack
Anonymous 34121
Im listening to this album during my shift, its so friggin good
Anonymous 34133
>>34121been listening to this since you posted, thanks!
Anonymous 34147
I love The Prodigy, DMX, Slipknot, Korn, Drowning Pool, Dope and Blood for Blood
Anonymous 34163
The whole EP is so good.
Anonymous 34417
listening to this a lot while losing my sanity adn ym control, it at least feels comforting :)
Anonymous 34446
>>34443have u listened to his new album?
Anonymous 34447
cant stop listening to magnetic by illit and the
cant name my favorite arists and bands bc there is too many of them for every genre i listen to….. but i mostly listen to kpop, exyu 90s dance music, dad rock, shoegaze, vkei (like buck tick and malice mizer), darkwave, gothic rock, balkan pop/rap/folk, jpop, idk what else to list
Anonymous 35629
recommend songs like this please
Anonymous 35639
Guys I need music for my halloween playlist, please give me recs, especially electronic music recs.
Anonymous 35644
art angels grimes is back for a bit. where are my old grimes nonas at
Anonymous 35654
Some moid introduced me to this album, but I actually really like it. Any recommendations for similar songs or artists?
>>35644I was so excited when I saw this because I love Grimes
and I liked SupernovaAnonymous 35754
i wanted to buy a cd of this album irl but i didn't, after seeing that a cc baddie is listening to them i think i will
Anonymous 35757
>>35754Do it! I need more women to get into death metal I don’t wanna be alone
Anonymous 35758
>>35757You should check out Castrator and Emasculator. Both are death metal bands with only female members.
Anonymous 35793
lots of touhou songs and old vocaloid games but also the pc 98 games, I'm like 4 albums in. I've been listening to Gensou Crisis by Iron Attack! a lot. They're a touhou themed power/heavy metal band and I love them a lot! Also been enjoying Armoured Angel and Disinterment and Iron Maiden a lot lately in terms of my usual metal slop consumption habits <33
Anonymous 35794
>>35757wearing my sadisitic intent foursided LS right now. I mostly like heavy and power alongside symphoblack but I like deathmetals such as EoS, Ingrowing, Deeds and Ares Kingdom and Order from Chaos for some bands.
Anonymous 35796
>>16as of late i have been really into the drums. it gives me fall vibe really
Anonymous 35999
I've been obsessing over Porcelain Black's discography recently.
Mannequin Factory, King of the World, Candy from a Baby, and Who's Next? are my current faves. Pretty Little Psycho was the song that got in my head and reminded me to listen to her again. They're probably right when they say your music taste gets stuck around middle and high school lol, I still love this like it was yesterday