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Anonymous 32042

Playing through all of TLoZ in order and I want a general thread.

Beat Zelda 1 a few days ago and am curious what other peoples favorites are. When I was a kid my were Majora's Mask and Minish Cap.

>Favorite Game

>Favorite Character
>What do you think of the Timeline?

Anonymous 32043


>for 2d, oracle of ages, link's awakening, and link between worlds are all pretty close. for 3d, majora's mask and botw/totk.
>I just like link
>I don't. it's arbitrary.

disagree with everyone who ever said botw/totk don't feel like real zeldos. the games have their issues but I still loved them through and through, made me get super sentimental about this series I've been in love with since I was like 9.

Anonymous 32044


>Majora's Mask
>fake and gay
I like every Zelda, even the ones that I think are dated or weak.

Anonymous 32045


Ages is woefully underrated, good 2D choice anon!

Personally not a fan of BoTW's open worldness since I prefer dungeon-focus, but I like that it's a good entry point for people and creating new fans. Definitely real Zelda games, the series has tried so many different styles seems insane to suggest otherwise. Especially given Adventures of Link lol. >>32044 got the right idea.

Anonymous 32046


Opinions on Zelink?

Anonymous 32047


Cute ship.
I feel there is varying degrees of canonicity to it. In some games it seems like a cute childhood crush scenario whereas in others it comes off more like Link is just doing a noble task out of the goodness of his heart. I also feel like the two are directly correlated with how much screentime Zelda the character gets. lol

Regardless it's usually cute.

Anonymous 32048


i prefer linkson

Anonymous 32050

>Skyward Sword
>The timeline is borderline irrelevant

Anonymous 32059


OP here. Started Zelda 2 tonight and beat the first temple. It's… not fun in the slightest. There was a brief sense of joy when I learned how to beat Stalfos and Iron Knuckles and saw the large EXP drop, but the scaling of leveling is really steep. Oh well, it's short I bet.

Anonymous 32061

I thought the dark sections of that game were pretty unfair and cheap, maybe you get a way to deal with it later but at the beginning it's really dismaying

Anonymous 32062

>Ocarina of Time
>OoT Link
>It was better when there wasn't an official version and people were just throwing things at the wall trying to place all the games together, BotW and TotK didn't help by disregarding everything entirely

pretty overrated considering the two of them rarely display any kind of emotion towards each other between games

Anonymous 32063

>pretty overrated
Even though they live in the same house and sleep on the same bed in TOTK?

Anonymous 32064

everyone's talking about them living together but ngl I thought she just took his house and, I dunno, left him homeless or living wherever he was before BOTW (the castle?) since it's referred to as "Zelda's House" and all his stuff was replaced with hers. I completely missed that implication if that's what they intended

Anonymous 32065

What do you mean "She just took his house". You can't just take someone's house. They live together.

Anonymous 32066

Considering all of it is only implied, yes. TotK's story blows ass btw but people keep dismissing that to focus on lame shipping shit

Anonymous 32067


It's cute but out of all of "them" I'm really only into Wind Waker Zelink and am accepting of Skyward Sword because duh. I went into to TotK blind and was looking forward to chilling with Zelda for once. When I put together what had happened after the opening I was so butthurt on her behalf. I think she's cool, let us hang for once.

I just took it as him offering her use of the house because he's still faffling about helping Hyrule and she's more dedicated to education/research (cute lair in the well!!!). They probably team up a lot despite this, but I still don't buy it as mutually romantic.

Anonymous 32069

if they live in the same house why did link have to go get a different house? it's just her house

Anonymous 32070

and this, super fun game but worst story in any zelda I've played. I have nothing positive to say about the main plot. side quests and odd npc dialog were fine at least.

Anonymous 32071

mastro and violynn…

>Favorite Game
2D: Link's Awakening and the Oracles games. I like that they have a perfect grid map. Oracle of Seasons sort of messes that up with the dungeons though.

3D: Wind Waker. Feels. I prefer BotW to TotK because I love the more personal lore dispersal from the memories. I also like parrying guardians.

>Favorite Character

Medli. I also have a soft spot for Mastro. I smile everytime I see him and whenever I'm at a stable I just

>What do you think of the Timeline?

I don't know anymore. I was pretty invested in the timeline before TotK because the Zonai were still mysterious and I had my own theories. But… TotK kind of ruined a lot of that for me.

I miss the Kokiri.

Anonymous 32072

i fucking hate that ugly ass auto generated mii looking goblin ass bitch
ugly mother fucking pig ass manlet

Anonymous 32074


>I miss the Kokiri.

Saaaame. It really bothers me that they are supposed to be early ancestors of the korok, but they are only ever mentioned again in Wind Waker. There is so much you could do with a seemingly ageless race across multiple games. Twilight Princess takes place only 100 years after OOT and I don't think they're brought up once.

The way Ocarina of time utilizes them to show how awful things have gotten in only the short amount of time Link is gone is awesome, and I can only hope we someday get to see them in a different game. Maybe pre-Hero of Time would be interesting?

Rood most of the staple "ugly" Zelda characters are funny and charming, I appreciate that the series doesn't just have conventually attractive anime-inspired designs.

Anonymous 32075


>mii looking
NPCs use an evolved version of Miis, using basically the same parameters, which the game's internal files called "UMii"s. It's not a 100% one-to-one match as some features (such as moles and certain hairstyles) don't fit but it's very similar.

Anonymous 32082

Didn't actually know this, pretty neat to see how the features like the glasses translate.

Anonymous 32163


Beat Adventures of Link tonight and boy was it an exhausting experience.

You kind of do? The middle dungeons are better as you have more life and helpful spells, but the last 3 are so long and miserable you just end up getting more and more frustrated. I'd say the worst part for me personally was the area up to the final palace, there are invisible enemies flying around and I didn't realize till I game-overed that I was in the wrong place and missed the 7th dungeon which would have granted me an item to see them. After I beat that dungeon and returned the area was still incredibly aggravating as the formerly invisible enemies still have an erratic pattern that makes platforming a chore. The NPCs just aren't as helpful and it feels more dated than the original.

Not a good game, though I respect the choice to try something completely different.
I'll be glad to get back to overhead with Link to the Past.

Anonymous 35650

>Playing through all of TLoZ in order
I did this when I was younger and it was a lot of fun. I'm assuming you used a guide for 1? I had to use cheats for 2 as it was too hard for me :(
>Favorite Game
TP, LA, DS Games
>Favorite Character
Linebeck, greatest redemption arc
>What do you think of the Timeline?
It's so messy, confusing and dumb. As someone who thinks OoT is overrated I do love making the joke that it was so shit it created multiple timelines.

Anonymous 36443


She deserves her own game!

Anonymous 36444


Anonymous 36445

I don't really see them coming back because they were a thing to make Link feel comfortable in the forest. Koroks are Kokiri.

Anonymous 36447

Screenshot 2025-02…

>Fave game
MM for the usual reasons, but also because the world always felt more alive than OoT. I am gaining a new appreciation for TP though I didnt like it as a kid.
>Fav character
Weird since I dont particularly dont care for BotW and totk, but I always found Daruk and the champions endearing. Daruk in particular is very fun and charming, granted I've always thought the gorons were cool…
its bullshit but what can ya do… I do wish we could see more in the fallen link timeline, that Sheikah game Rare was working probably would have been very fun. Also Want the Kokiri to come back as well, always thought the koroks were a massive downgrade even as a kid. We've had 3 games with these tards and we still barely know anything about them, the freaking picori have better lore than them.

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