
Anonymous 32379
Cue the worst game with the shittiest fanbase of the year.
Anonymous 32382
The game is called The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
Go on Tumblr, look at the tag. I'm not surprised at what I found. The incest is canon and both of the siblings are abusive. Plus the game dwells on dark topics. I like the art style and the story is not my cup of tea but I found it interesting. Also it's social media, every fandom is either filled with porn and shipping, so obviously you'll not only find this, but worse. I'm not saying the fan base isn't unhinged because it surely is, but it makes sense with the series' themes. I found that both franchises who are very wholesome or very dark, no inbetween, attrack this edgy audience. Weird phenomenon
Anonymous 32384
>>32379Are the antis outraged? how does a game about incest become mainstream
Anonymous 32387
>>32384> Are the antis outraged?anon, do you unironically care about what people have to say regarding internet culture war debates? shit like this is always mainstream lol
Anonymous 32390
The characters have cute designs. But that's beside the point. The most pressing question is this: is the game good? Should I play it?
Anonymous 32392
>>32390It's a typical rpg maker game, the only reason anyone plays it is porn/hentai addiction
Anonymous 32393
>>32384Yes, I am in fact against sexualizing incest and promoting your fetishes porn addiction.
Anonymous 32394
RPGMaker and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Anonymous 32396

Ah I miss pre-2013 Internet when there were no cunts to whine about fictional incest…
Anonymous 32409
>>32396It always had confused me how people in the internet treat 2 cousins being overly affectionate killed their entire family, so I looked it up & finding out incest is a crime in the US was one of my biggest culture shocks kek
Anonymous 32410
>>32409All those Alabama memes made me think it was legal in America
Anonymous 32411
>>32396Found the moid lol. No, disliking a game made by a coomer for other coomers doesn't make me a cunt.
Anonymous 32413

>>32411It's perfectly fine to have a negative opinion about a game, but there's no need to respond with excessive complaining or aggression when discussing it. Such behavior suggests that you may not have much else going on in your life and are wasting time criticizing things you don't enjoy. If you don't like something, it's best to avoid engaging with it rather than trying to spoil the enjoyment for others.
Back when I was younger, I could visit LiveJournal and have open discussions about some unconventional fanfiction, even though some people may not have liked those pairings. They exercised proper netiquette by simply ignoring it if it wasn't their cup of tea. However in recent years, there seems to be a new breed of individuals, like yourself, who fail to grasp the essence of fandoms and believe they have the right to impose their unwanted opinions on something that a collective group of people enjoys, hoping to change their preferences.
Disliking a game due to content misaligned with your moral values doesn't make you a cunt, but expecting universal consensus on your viewpoint does.
Anonymous 32414
>>32413Nah, I love being a hater, and I'll continue to hate on things that I want to. Don't like it, follow your own advice and stop engaging.
Anonymous 32415
>>32410Yeah I thought it was legal in some states. It's such a silly thing to make illegal, imagine being jailed for dating your cousin/brother. It's weird? Yes. But that's pretty much it.
Anonymous 32416
>>32415It's honestly grooming and abuse. Since most moids exploit a family member's trust, innocence and familiarity for sexual gratification. Also the power dynamic and taboo nature is subject to blackmail, social alienation and psychological trauma. It's hard to escape an abusive relationship if your abuser lives in the same roof and the relationship is kept a secret.
Anonymous 32418
>>32416Men will exploit anyone they can put their hands onto, it's not any different from other kinds of relationships (plus same-sex couples are a thing).
Most of the couples I know are normal though, honestly I think it being illegal where you live & so the taboo around it is what makes it more susceptible to be abusive in your eyes/your country. Over here it has always been legal & its relatively normal, so it just happens like any other relationship and while weird, no one bats an eye (specially if they're distant cousins)
Anonymous 32780
>>32414has hate ever brought you fulfillment? happiness? unity? or is it just an escape, for something far deeper..
Anonymous 32797
The fanbase of this game is okay, mostly memeing by redrawing other characters in this style and making poor taste jokes but I've personally not have been bothered by them at all
The haters, however, are completely another story, if only because they never shut up about it, as if they really want to love it but because media literacy is at the lowest point and we're at the "reading about bad thing = doing bad thing", they feel ashamed and cope by making sure that absolutely everyone get how they really really "hate" the game to the point of being unable to stop thinking about it
I guess the majority of the hatedom base is just too young to remember the Game of Thrones being the GOAT and same jokes about incest and other morally dubious things in the series when they try to appeal to the normies' sense of morality and rile them up against the game and its (allegedly female) creator: and I am pretty sure that this game will meet the same fate by the last episode completely ruining everything for everyone, as it tends to happen with episodic games and series over and over again
Sage because this game deserves to be discussed with more nuance than the current internet is capable of, as its writing is quite clever; or not discussed at all, but then again, the haters can't shut up about it and I am really tired of them continuously shoving this game into my face and want to vent
Anonymous 32847
It's 'controversial' to normies and the politicaly correct so over course it's going to become super popular. Honestly, I feel that it tries to hard but hey, that's what brings in the views.
>>32780She's just miserable , let her be. You can't fix these types, just let them wallow in their own animosity.
Anonymous 32849
I actually think they're cute together istg I usually hate incest I stopped watching anime the year that eromanga sensei shit came out and I thought all weebs were rabid perverts, one screw too loose, morally screwed enough to tolerate incest if the artstyle is cute enough. Idk I've been looking at ship art of them and idk they make me feel a certain way. It's the art style, I blame the art style! I have a thing for soulless eyes characters
Idk I think Andrew is super hot/cute
Anonymous 32850
the game is nice. It's well written. And written in a way that doesn't overtly presents them as shippable or romantic to anyone with a functional brain. It's toxic, grim, and flat out dangerous. the community only hyperfocus on amplifying the incest bit, which, like, objectively pales in comparison to all the other stuff they do (cannibalism, murder, summoning demons, manipulation, guilt-tripping, etc..)
Both fans and haters latch onto that one because as a consumer, you're desensitized to gore/horror in all its raunchy graphic forms, incest is what's new to the table, that's what the game is on consequently known for. Again, doesn't come off as something fetishistic or romanticizable, in fact I think it makes perfect sense as a plot point considering the character's psyche and emotional states. Not that the story wouldn't be complete without it, but it certainly isn't a stretch, it isn't there for pure shock value and clicks. It's a cherry on top, in an otherwise nicely constructed mystery meat cupcake
Anonymous 32852
I think the fact that the game is good and has a particularly strong grasp of psychology is the reason it gets so much hate and so much distortion. And I don't think the haters (or the eroticizers) are wrong to fixate on incest as the cornerstone of the story. The male lead seems more likeable than most male-written male leads, so I lean towards accepting the idea that the developer was a tumblr era true crime fangirl with a back catalog of yaoi/otome games under her belt.
"Graves" is an interesting choice for the character's names. It's appropriate on more levels than the obvious ('coffin' 'graves' lmao). Franklin Graves was a 19th century American settler who decided to move to California with his wife and their 9 children, so he joined what is now referred to as "The Donner Party." Mr. Graves was the first member of the Donner party to propose cannibalism, and was in his turn eaten by his own children. That's a kind of connection that could be a complete accident, since the name "Graves" is appropriate on many other levels ('coffin' lawl). But the game seems like it has a lot of these sorts of happy little accidents.
Anonymous 32861
>>32396Same. It's not even incest happening in a new iteration of a popular franchise. It's just a niche game few people have heard of.
>>32415I think they made these laws because grooming/fucking within the family was so widespread there.
Anonymous 32875
I've watched a couple of vtuber girls play through the game and it's been interesting seeing how crowds of males react to watching their idols develop hybristo crushes on an anime boy right in front of their eyes. Palpable distress. They also care waaaay more about the negligent mother and absent father than the story warrants, more proof that Freud was 100% correct about males.
Anonymous 32877

>>32396>fictional incest…More specifically fictional incest that appeals to scrotes and coomers. I don't know much about this game but the sister looks like those manic pixie dream girls you see in those scrote self-insert anime that are waifubait and coom material. So hating this kind of shit is acceptable and validated. It's disgusting and cringe.
>>32847>She's just miserable , let her be. You can't fix these types, just let them wallow in their own animosity.She's totally right. In fact, hating this is better than being a pick me accepting defending moidshit that gives them boners everywhere.
Anonymous 32880
>>32877>dial phone>CRT televisionAFAIK this is set in a nebulous near modern time but seems like it was made by-and-for millennials.
Which kinda reminds me of all the "why are all millennial women like this" comments on LC about Mindy Kaling oversexualizing literally every woman she has ever written or directed despite being overtly heterosexual herself. Mindy's been dragged through the coals for oversexualizing Velma but realistically that is part and parcel of animated comedy, not just adult animation, and that ball got rolling back with Betty Boop. Anyone who is dawn to animated comedy is required by the nature of the medium to have an interest in oversexualized women's figures. Nobody was really surprised when Julia Vickerman got sacked for groping too many girls who worked for her, for example. Not an argument or anything.
>the sister looks like those manic pixie dream girlsMPDG is a specific thing that applies specifically to dramas and coming of age stories in which a girl who seems at first glance to be fully alive, vivacious and socially capable and who lifts up the male lead has some subtle psychological flaw or damage that causes her self worth to depend on him so that he can end up saving and or fixing her to retroactively deserve all of the investment and emotional labor she poured into his retarded ass, so that way the male gets both the fantasies of receiving unearned adoration and of also actually being worth it. The MPDG suddenly drops into the male's life and this is made to retroactively make sense after the plot has unfolded since a stranger would not know her in advance and could be expected to not notice her problems until the plot convenient moment. This girl looks instead like a different and far less subtle kind of coom bait, the Femme Fatale. Especially since she does not suddenly drop into the male lead's life but instead has a long and dark history with him, definitely a Femme Fatale quality.
Anonymous 32888
>>32877>moidshitgod forbid a woman creates anything not catering to your taste specifically
you should be publicly shamed both for having an opinion about something you don't know about and for seeing coom material everywhere, because if you see coom material everywhere, the problem is you
Anonymous 32890
>>32888Not her but the game is undeniably adult in the edgy way, undeniably erotically charged, undeniably romantic and undeniably builds those adult themes, eroticism and sexuality out from the visual display of a woman's body. That is not just content the game contains but content that the game dev and the game community used to ADVERTISE the game. That is how it was SOLD. It is not really that big of a deal if a woman believes the things another woman tells her about her product and its intended target audience.
The romantic charge in the game does rely on an unrealistic yumejoshi type depiction of a boy's personality. And one which is unrealistic in ways that no man would write, particularly with regards to the lack of introspection regarding his parentified relationship with his mother. In a game that is all about the failure of innocence and breaking taboo, and shock value, the inevitable monster of an oedipus complex that boy would have gets toned down so hard that it seems like the game's looking at male psychology from the outside. But nothing on the package says "this is yumeshit, play it to yoom." And women shouldn't be expected to buy and play through products that commercially target male sexuality just to see if there's a secret yumejoshi twist.
Anonymous 32892
>>32890>That is how it was SOLD.the game store page literally puts cannibalism and its other horror selling points to get sold, if you see male-targeted coom, the problem is still you
Anonymous 32895

>>32888>>32892>if you see coom material everywhere, the problem is you>if you see male-targeted coom, the problem is still youThat's some really sad pick me behavior. The problem is still pornsick men and their coomshit being everywhere even when trying to avoid it. Defending them and telling women to ignore it and suck it up is unhealthy. You should be ashamed for saying that. I'm still gonna hate it and call it out though.
>god forbid a woman creates anything not catering to your taste specificallyYeah not creating coomshit that appeals to moids or not creating sexualized female characters that are inspired by ecchi harem anime and porn made for moids. Seriously this look like something that's inspired by Shadman with the edgy look, quirky lewd sister and hints of incest.
Anonymous 32900
>>32895>quirkyshe's the embodiment of evil in-game, canonically. "tar soul." the perfectly detestable romantic rival for anyone's i can fix him fantasies. Tumblr would never have turned into a hive for Onceler incest fanfic if it weren't for his mom being a meanie.
>looks like shadmanAgreed, the linework's typical Jhonen Vasquez derivative deviantartism, though the mouths and eyes are a little more tumblr 2016. There were a lot of edgelords from the millennium and you can find traces of that style all over the place. Mostly in crude contexts with heavy erotic subtext.
Anonymous 32903

>>32895Sadder than being a pick me is being a pick me who voluntarily plays into the ultimate moid fantasy about women being "pure" sexless beings who do not ever do "dirty" things like enjoying problematic fiction
Anonymous 32904
>>32903(NTA) Right because being opposed to shitty incest games definitely makes you a pick me and a puritan. Please at least have the decency to not try to defend your disgusting incest couple with feminism.
Anonymous 32905
>>32877>>32895I won't ever play this game but I really hate it when I see people being overtly sexual and make these cringy sexual jokes idk how moids even enjoy dialogues like this.
Anonymous 32972
>>32971Women should gatekeep more from coomshit and degenerate moids
Anonymous 32976
>>32895>inspired by ecchi harem animeYou are right, I'm not sure why this gained popularity when its writing style resembles so much that of ecchi anime, such as "No Game No Life" or "Oreimo" But again that's probably the reason why
Anonymous 32987

Why are nonas here so obsessed with outing other nonas as "pick me's", what are you trying to gain? Is it this label "us vs. them" shit again?
Personally, I didn't give two shits about the game, whatever. But I do think it was a bit over-board to dox the creator for pixel incest, in an adult game. The creator as a result deleted all of her games from the Internet. Doxxing is a serious crime, but people nowadays dox people for the stupidest of reasons, which will do nothing as a result but give them themselves bad rep.
Anonymous 32988
>>32972>gatekeep You mean cancel and flame things and people you don't like.
Anonymous 32990
>>32976Oreimo isn't ecchi. To be categorised as ecchi the work requires that erotic fanservice be present throughout.
Anonymous 32994

>>32988Only degenerate moids, trannies and the coomshit they get off to even media that's shilled as "good" like most shounen, isekai or scrote romcom anime.
>>32990It's still aimed at moids and cooomers with fanservice, a harem of girls and incest.
Anonymous 32997
Just needed to read the game's description on steam to realize it's trash lol
Anonymous 33085
>>32415>cousin/brother Those two things are completely different you retarded coomer. I take it you don't have siblings. The reason incest is illegal is because there is often a huge power gap that can exist within a family and it can be easy for a parent or older sibiling to groom a family member into a "consensual" incestuous relationship. There is no good reason for anyone to date their siblings, make dealings.
Anonymous 33086
>>33085Siblings should be illegal, but why cousins? My cousin is literally perfect, it's like we were made for each other. Too bad it would tear our family relations apart (the legallity aspect as well, but I care more about family than some shit law tbh). The ten year age gap makes it even worse. A lot of flirting going on though
Anonymous 33087
>>33086It's not actually banned in most of the country, only a few states. In most states though, you can't get a marriage license with your cousin or be married in the eyes of the law.
Anonymous 33088
>>33087I'm not a burger unfortunately, and I'm actually not quite sure of the legality where I'm from. And I wouldn't care if it wasn't such an issue with the family, we could just be together unmarried.
Anonymous 33089
>>33088Not to derail, but why would your family have such an issue with you dating your cousin?
Anonymous 33090
>>33085I know many cousins who dated/married eachother (including my grandparents) and they're completely fine. I kind of agree with you on the sibling part, though I do know a pair of siblings who are married with children, but there's also the case of siblings who didn't grew up together.
Like I said before, I think it's US' legality and taboo what makes incestuous relationships way more prone to be fucked up. If you grew up on a developed country where its legal and isn't seen as anything more than weird, the relationships are fine more commonly since there's no taboo or anything around them aside dirty looks here and there.
Anonymous 33091
>>33089I think the thread is already derailed to another topic, but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>why would your family have such an issue with you dating your cousin?About ten year age difference (18y and 29y) and my parents are very protective + it'd just seem like grooming to anyone on the outside. Idk it's just a feeling I have, family gatherings just wouldn't be the same, and I feel like it would just be an endless barrage of accusations and defense of those accusations. Noone marries their cousins where I'm from, it's like one of those super-taboo things.
Anonymous 33094
>>32379There’s a troon who did a let’s play and then decided to skin walk as Ashley graves because she’s “literally me”
Seems like a troon game made for troons, especially with all the mentally deranged themes like cannibalism, isolation, manipulation, starvation and incest, oh and the lighthearted girl character who incestuously flirts with her bro
Anonymous 33105
>>33097>>33094Ok if anyone can provide genuine proof the game was made by a tranny that'd be great. Bc if ur throwing the word around without proof ur not adding a thing to the conversion
>wasn't it made by a tifOk so enlighten us. where did you happen upon such information
Anonymous 33106
>>33105>Ok so enlighten us. where did you happen upon such informationInstincts. You can just tell.
Anonymous 33107
>>33106No you damned well can't.
There's no where near enough TIF cultural saturation for that.
The last meaningful work of art produced by a TIF was the Nashville elementary shooting.
Anonymous 33116
>>33090Ok, I have to know what country you are from where incest isn't taboo. It was my understanding that immediate family incest is one of the few universal taboos, I find it hard to believe that it's only an American thing.
>though I do know a pair of siblings who are married with children,What the fuck
Anonymous 33119
>>33116Spain. I wouldn't say there's zero taboo, but its definitely way more normalized & we have tons of jokes/idioms about it, almost every one knows at least one pair of cousins who married. The wrost you can get are weird looks from others.
Anonymous 33123
>>33119I'm talking about immediate family, are people really ok with sibling incest there?
Anonymous 33124
>>33123It's very rare for 2 siblings to date (most often is first cousins), but yeah. It's strange, but if they're both adults, consented and legal, what are you supposed to do kek. We don't mind that much honestly. There are pedophiles and rapists around, those are actual problems not 2 family members who got too close for comfort.
Anonymous 33155
>>33124>It's not hurting anyone lolYou guys need Jesus.
Anonymous 33176
>>33175At least we have actual food and don't give guns to toddlers
Anonymous 33187
>>33176Can you please type without your brothers dick in your mouth?
Anonymous 33189

>but if they're both adults, consented and legal, what are you supposed to do kek.I still think 9/10 IRL incest is degen, because if it involves imbalanced power dynamics and large age-gaps such as mother/son and faughter/daughter there's at least undeniable grooming involved…
but if its cases like a close in age brother and sister that were estranged since birth and didn't meet until adults…well, their situation can't exactly blame them for having attraction so I agree.
They can can also fuck for all I care, as long as both of them sterilize themselves. No need to curse your poor offspring with mental retardation or physical deformities just because you wanted to fuck your sister/brother.
Anonymous 33196
>>33187Dont you all have a child explotation ring and a obesity epidemic to take care of?
>>33189Yeah shit like mother/son is inherently wrong since its rooted in pedophilia, but that's another can of worms. Haven't seen any case around here lucky, and I don't even know to which point its legal (in the case it is, which I hope not)
Anonymous 33201
>>33196>mother/son is rooted in pedophiliaI am not convinced that that is the case. It seems like it'd more commonly son-initiated, so where not rapine it would be rooted in male sexuality towards older women. On the mother's side would be a bone-deep fear of abandonment and a miserable lifelong guilt over having given the son up for adoption or otherwise neglected and avoided having him as part of her life until he was an unrecognizable legal adult with whom she didn't have an authentic maternal bond. Sickeningly tragic but not pedophilic.
Anonymous 33223
>>33201Kek I said mother/son as a random example of parent/child and such, no need to make up a melodrama about what it entrails.
Anonymous 33226
>>33119Brazilian nona, there's a saying:
"God made siblings so we don't have to sex our brothers"
>>33187I wish I had a hot male brother…
Anonymous 33432
as opposed to a female brother?
Anonymous 33436
All the incest fags itt don't have siblings because that's nasty as fuck to those of us who do
>It's ok because it happens in my chinese cartoons
Fucking chrischan logic
Anonymous 33533
>>33436I do. Not caring what people put on their mouths doesn't mean you want to fuck your kin, it's just that blood is irrevelant when judging relationships.
Anonymous 33551
what backwards fucking countries do some of the people in this thread live in that they're arguing this hard that "incest is actually ok because they consent guys!! :) power dynamics? never heard of them!"
>>33176the average euro reply when they're criticized by what they think is an american
Anonymous 33629
>>32904>Right because being opposed to shitty incest games definitely makes you a pick me and a puritan.Unironically yes, it does.
Anonymous 33658
>>33226Same. But only got an ugly retarded sister
Anonymous 34031
I'm really proud of the internalized misogyny in this thread! It's not like the developer is a woman making modest short stories for fun, nononononono this game is a moid propaganda piece for manic pixie dream girls—never mind that this is an otome horror game, where ANDREW is the manic pixie dream boy and the manipulator, not Ashley.
Anonymous 34160

I've seen an impressive number of women on youtube saying that the negative response this game has garnered represents the "death" or "decline" or "fall" of "media literacy."
Some of these women make good cases and some of them make very bad cases, but for some reason or another most of them make very, very Millennial cases. Even if they're Gen Z women themselves there's a very strong tendency to point to the irony-poisoned and or audience-antagonistic media of the mid-90s to early-2010s and argue that it was too sophisticated to be understood by a modern audience. And it does make some sense, there are ways in which the game captures some of the feel of a period piece about the deviantArt days despite it being obviously inspired by Wuhan Novel Human Coronavirus 2019 SARS-II The Revenge.
But, even if that's true, even if we concede the idea that audiences have lost the detachment and abstraction and culture of irreverence necessary to appreciate millennial art - is it really worth bringing back?
Behold the response to "Interior Semiotics." A 2010 performance art piece representing the depths of millennial feminist ironic art (using Northrop Frye's classification system referring to art in "The Ironic Mode."). Interior Semiotics consisted of the artist, Natacha Stolz, opening a can of expired spaghetti-os, rubbing them over her shirt, masturbating, and urinating in a can. This represented the futility of the attempt to elevate existence above itself through art, the degradation of art through contact with inherently degrading subjects such as sexuality, the perversion of art appreciators whose true interests are prurient rather than analytical, and the degradation of women by and for a perverse audience and the position of women being entrapped on one side by a hypocritically perverse audience and on the other by repressive patriarchal norms. It does this by… just… being it. Very plainly performing that role, but with the expectation that you understand that it understands that role and understands that you understand th–
In front of a gathering of art appreciators who were themselves too eager to play the role of eiron to understand that their engagement with the piece was part of the piece. "Yay, art." The scrote who said that at the end there genuinely believed he was witty. And perhaps he was, if he understood the piece and understood that you also understand the piece and understood that you understand that he understands but–
I don't think anyone really misses that kind of "media literacy." They just miss being able to use it as a shield to avoid showing unironic eenjoyment of the thing that was played in the ironic mode. Like Starship Troopers. The leftist men who love that movie are still men and presumably love the interplay of violence and sexuality regardless of the over the top tone. Today we're seeing people replace 'art' with 'content' as their favored term for media. "I want to be a content creator" not "I want to make movies." The argument used to be that video games were art and deserved artistic protections similar to film, now video games were always just content engineered as Skinner boxes. The thing about most of this turn towards content is, content is honest about itself. Violent content delivers violence, you enjoy violence, cool. Sexual content likewise. Maybe we're not used to seeing subversive looks at sexuality anymore, but maybe we're just increasingly willing as a culture to look at the "subversive" "ironic" or "psychological" art and say "you enjoy this because of what it is, not because you can justify it as something else."
Anonymous 34332
both of the characters are unlikeable, the sister is annoying and the brother doesn't keep his sister in line after she sends threats to his gf and goes "Oh but I can't control her" when he has every opportunity to tell her not to treat his gf like that, there's murder and cannibalism but it isn't graphic enough to appeal to the people who are really into that shit
it's possible to write characters who are flawed/outright bad people but still make them interesting and the game rly fails to do that smh
Anonymous 35027
>>34332>the brother doesn't keep his sister in lineDid you miss the part (ie the entire game) where he blames his sister for everything so that he doesn't have to feel guilty about acting on his murderous impulses? The answer is yes.
Anonymous 35173
Garrus Vakarian, unf
>big alien dick
>awkward, nervous, cute, needs his shit rocked by human pussy
Anonymous 35175
Most mediocre RPG. Tries too hard to be edgy and it's just fetish metirial. Only porn brained moids like it.
Anonymous 35176
>>34332>sister is annoying and the brother doesn't keep his sister in line. Don't mess with TCOAAL fans. They don't play their own game
Anonymous 35229
>>32390no, it’s written like a cringy male/agp
power fantasy despite apparently being written by another woman
>>34332>keep the woman in line!!he was at the most fault, she couldn’t kill people alone at the start
it’s a shit story anyways
Anonymous 35648
>>35229Where the hell is the power fantasy? He wants to fucking kill himself
Anonymous 35649
maybe because tragedy/depressing shit is my favorite genre but this game honestly felt really tame and mid.
Anonymous 35815
>>32895You've angered the moids kek.
This thread is basically
>Not liking a game that heavily relies on portraying incest as a porn fantasyTriggered! Obsessed! You want to kill people for liking a video game hurr durr
Anonymous 35816
>>33629Unironically you have to be addicted to porn to think you need to be a prude to dislike misogynstic softcore porn media
Anonymous 35817
>>34031>Modest>Heavily implied incest>Female character is always portrayed as titillating with the design of a hot edgy emo girl and constantly present cleavage
>HorrorDark aesthetics and virtually no horror element; this game is not scary in any way
Anonymous 35818
>>34332The game fails horribly at almsot everything it tried to deliver - horror? none. Story? Boring. Character writing? mediocre. Charatcer design? Coomerism.
What you get is a fanbase of coomers that think anyone who dislikes their game for what it is, is a prude or pearl clutching feminist.
Anonymous 35831
>>35229>it’s written like a cringy male/agp power fantasy despite apparently being written by another woman
Nothing screams male power fantasy more than a game where you play as a woman being manipulated by her brother
Anonymous 36206
>>32379i don't care about this game at all, it's not for me, so i won't play it. i DO think the fans are insufferable.
Anonymous 36230
I didn’t support the dev getting doxxed but this game (which did have an interesting premise) completely fumbled in an attempt to seem smart and attracted a fanbase of weird fetishists and edgelord teenagers. I get that’s true for most fandoms but seriously this just feels like a jumbled up attempt to be shocking for the sake of shocking while also trying to be super meaningful and you just can’t have both sometimes
Anonymous 36235
>>32379the whole deep sea prisoner franchise. mogeko castle, wadanohara, ice scream, you name it. filled to brim with rape and sexual assault. half of its characters are sadists and the other half are the sufferers. funamusea mostly promotes her male-on-female SA games but not the other way around. even female-on-female, male-on-male ones get more promoted than usual. the genderbend AU of each game holds strict gender roles and expectations.
the abusive male characters suddenly become "milder" in their acts and behaviour right when they're genderbent. same goes for the female characters turning into "more smug" males.
there are many badass female characters but as i mentioned before they literally aren't celebrated. they don't even have a lore
Anonymous 36236
oh and also funamusea's middle schooler attitude towards her deranged fanbase is just extra fuel to the fire as she is xenophobic towards her south american fanbase. banned every south american ips from accessing her games. has weird fascination with the the controversial japanese regime and soviet military aesthetic.
i've never a a more deranged fandom+game+creator than okegom. i innocently stumbled upon this fandom by being drawn by the amazing character designs and i keep maintaining that. i stopped engaging with any lore, character dynamics, game releases after 2020 and stick to its wiki ONLY for viewing the art commissions